a place of arrival and departure
links - !danger watch!
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!
The following are from
Leading Edge International Research Group - it's a vast site with many things of interest-- but also some areas
which arouse my suspicion-- so I've tried to be selective and
chose only articles which looked quite verifiably credible.
Chemical Manipulation of Human Populations -
neurotoxins in food, water and the environment.
Culturally Conditioned Nutrition Patterns and Physiological
Degeneration - "leading-edge" online
research data.
Why Do Pharmeceutical Drugs Injure and Kill?
The Pharmaceutical Drug Racket - did you know
that during the very few modern doctors' strikes, death
rates in
the countries/areas affected actually dropped 35 to 50%?
Let It Be Known - state of the earth by
Adam Trombly of
Project Earth.com
The Chlorine Cover-up - from Project Earth.com.
Vanishing Forests, Disappearing Clouds -
from Project Earth.com.
Human Population Growth and the Accelerating Rate of Species
Extinction - by Gary Harding, Research
from Earth Portals.
Censorship in the Age of Multiculturalism: "Fahrenheit 451" by
Ray Bradbury - from
Thoughts Worth Thinking from his terrific site
Rich Geib's Universe
Gaia Forest Conservation Archives - comprehensive
info on worldwide forest conservation, biodiversity,
indigenous issues, and ecological activism.
The MoJo Wire: Mother Jones Interactive - this one
digs the dirt when necessary; find out which special
are "buying, uh, funding" your senators and representatives,
and there's a searchable dataabase of the
USA's top campaign
contributors. Also articles of current interest which go beneath
the mainstream superficialities.
OECD Multi-lateral Agreement - a policy paper by
Oxfam (UK) discussing a proposed multi-national
agreement which
would protect coporations and investors, but falls serverly short on protecting the "recipient"
countries and peoples.
Dividing the Waters: Food Security, Ecosystem Health, and the New
Politics of Scarcity, by Sandra
Postel from WorldWatch Institute.
China's Challenge to the United States and to the Earth
by Lester Brown & Christopher Flavin from
Shrinking Fields: Cropland Loss in a World of Eight Billion
by Gary Gardner from WorldWatch.
*[last update 12/14/97 - hit your
reload button if you've been here before]*
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