a place of arrival and departure
links - religious ways & thought
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!
What I have here, for the time being, reflects that with which I
have a greater resonance, interest, or knowledge. When time
permits, other links will be added in an attempt to add
some balance. Bear in mind, however, that Quavajo has no
place for authoritarian, hierarchical, sexist or bigoted
philosophies, whatever their disguise may be. If I have
offended you, accept my apology and I ask that you please examine your own shadows.
House of Breathings - this is the finest Celtic
spiritual site on the Web; beautiful, sound, deep.
The Course in Miracles. The entire course can
be heavy going unless it's just for you, but this
preface and the
introduction which follows it shows it as a clear
universal spiritual teaching deeply rooted in Christianity.
CyberSangha: The Buddhist Alternative Journal - "new perspectives in western Buddhism"; articles, The
Library (including art), and a Web Watch-- their top
picks of Buddhist websites.
Tricyle: The Buddhist Review
Buddhist Basics: The ABC's of Buddhism -
short, concise and effective, with a few references. [from
Psychology of Religion - by M. E. Nielson,
PhD; This is an intro page to a number of interesting avenues
the fundamental bases of religious thought.
Reflections on the Tao Te Ching - a fine essay
by Mike Carson.
The Tao Te Ching - in english
The Global Spirituality Report - "concerned
with the development of universal spirituality & the creation
of a
'global network of light'."
Ascension Research Center - "studies of 122 years of teachings released by the Ascended Masters through the
Theosophical Society..." etc.
InterGalactic Library - links to many
electronic texts dealing with religion, psychology, alchemy,
mysticism [etc].
Interlude: An Internet Retreat - thoughts,
meditations, meditation suggestions and a bibliography.
A Guide to the Best Religious Studies Resources on the
Internet - comprehensive and inclusive list of good
scholarly sites from the University of Alberta.
Unity of Phoenix - "to inspire and awaken one
another into a greater experience of God and Life."
The Spiritualist Religion Page - "spiritualism is a
wonderfully non-dogmatic religion, science, and philosophy."
Eckankar -
ancient teachings which "emphasize the value of personal
experiences as the most natural way
back to God. Whatever your
religious background, they show how to look and listen within
yourself-- to expand
your consciousness and enjoy spiritual
Ramtha's School of
Enlightenment: The American Gnostic School - see
The White Book.
Scientific Pantheism: An empirical religion for the Third
Millennium - a big, thorough site by Paul Harrison.
*[these pages are updated often - hit your reload button]*
last update 1/21/98; links checked/corrected 4/23/98
links index
[native people & cultures]
[personal growth]
[spiritual philosophy]
[labor and economics]
[religious thought]
[!danger watch!]
--[more categories here are coming online soon]--

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CP extract: history of western spirituality
CP extract: control dramas/power theft
CP extract: understanding power theft
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addiction: the real reasons
serenity prayer
schools, learning, & adults
what of the future?

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