a place of arrival and departure
links - native people & cultures
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!

The Four Winds Society: the Q'ero, last
descendants of the Inka, believe it's the "time of the great
of the Peoples of the Four Directions, bringing renewed
order & harmony in the universe."
Native Web, a
cyber-place for earth's indigenous peoples:
a great place to begin. See the Index of Nations/Peoples.
Indigenous Peoples' Law & Legal Issues:
A useful part of Native Web, also listed on main page.
Fourth World Center: for the study of indigenous
law and politics.
Indigenous Environmental Network: "alliance of
grassroots indigenous peoples whose mission is to protect the
sacredness of Mother Earth from contamination & exploitation by
strengthening, maintaining & respecting the traditional
teachings and the natural laws."
National Museum of the American Indian:
one of my favorite places to visit, especially for the
Sacred Ecology & Native American Spirituality
- from
Brook Medicine Eagle's Home Page
Native American Sites on the WWW - list which
covers just about all.
Native Peoples Magazine - some very good
articles, a new discussion group section, and education pages.
Powersource Gallery: "a collection of Native
American artistic symbols portraying powerful people, places &
The Hopi Information Network: lists almost all
net resources relating to the Hopi... lots here.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center - I list this one
because I'm into pueblo cultures.
Pan: The Prophecies of the Hopi People
Aboriginal Star Knowledge: Native American Astronomy - includes great stuff on Lakota stellar
sacred starmap(s), ceremonies, and what is special
about constellations of the zodiac.
Arctic Circle Museum of Art, Photography and Anthropology
- a beautiful and very informative site; see
History and Culture and
Social Equity & Environmental Justice
Zuni Fetishes - a beautiful and informative site.
The Cherokee People - this a a beautiful and
lovingly-made series of pages on the history and legends of the
Voyage to Another Universe - this is a terrific
resource; it's a detailed tour around the Four Corners area, and
the author once worked at the Navajo Community College for two
years. Much rich knowledge here, many dineh
words explained, all the geology and dates of the landscapes,
many illustrations and maps, including satellite
images. It will
take some time to get around it all, but it's well worth it.
The Hopi Way: Cloud Dancing
The Chahta Homepage - a very beautiful site... and
not just about the Choctaws.
Indian Country Today - America's largest Indian
newspaper, including regional columns/editions.
First Nations Histories - much here, from Abenaki to
Winnebago, though mostly east of the Rockies.
Indian Defense League of America - sovereignty
issues, especially treaty obligations the US and Canada
have seen
fit to ignore.
Dinetah's Home Page - probably the largest
collection of stories from all the indigenous Nations on the Net.
Native Tech - a fine site "dedicated to disconnecting
the term 'primitive' from perceptions of native
technology and art." A substantial and growing resource.
A Line in the Sand - a native american perspective on issues of sovereignty, cultural property,
stereotypes, and law.
The People's Paths by N.L. Thomas - a comprehensive native people's resource, including news, live
chat, message center, living history, political & legal issues, pow-wow info. Of particular interest are the sections
contained on the
Special Paths page, including
Genealogy Information,
Native People's Languages,
Paths to Indian Art and many more.
Nierica - The Sacred Doorway - drawn from 11 years with the Huichols of Mexico (new domain name).
For caucasians (and others) wishing to explore their roots:
Exploring Ancient World Cultures:
Online course for teachers of ancient and medieval worlds
of the Middle
East, Europe, India & China; the
articles deal especially well with ethics and changing values
of the eras/areas.
If you get easily side-tracked, don't
go to the lists of Internet Sites for yeach of the culture pages
(bet you will!).
*[these pages are updated often - hit your reload button]*
last update 8/20/99
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