a place of arrival and departure
links - spiritual philosophy
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!
Waking World - "a virtual community promoting
positive global transformation." Articles, experiences
(including Jean
Houston's Mystery School), books, and a very
interesting series of chat areas.
The Global Spirituality Report - "concerned
with the development of universal spirituality & the creation
of a
'global network of light'."
House of Breathings - the finest Celtic
spiritual site on the Web; beautiful, sound, deep.
What is Enlightenment? Online Edition -
"exploring the fundamental issues at the heart of the spiritual
The Course in Miracles. The entire course can
be heavy going unless it's just for you, but this
preface and the
introduction which follows it shows it as a clear
universal spiritual teaching deeply rooted in Christianity.
Conscious Innocence: Paradise Regained -
from Osho
Organism, Not Organization - also from
Osho on Religion - "one of the biggest crimes
against humanity."
Reflections on The Tao Te Ching - by Mike
Carson. A very fine essay.
Guide to Ultimate Reality - combining quantum
physics, cosmology, and vedanta.
Project Mind - "to free the human spirit from
the crushing illusion of materialism by using the transformational genius
latent in all humans, to eliminate real and addictive lack."
Transforming the Mind - a new approach for optimal health of body, mind and spirit." excellent, intelligent
practical site.
Joseph Campbell Foundation - exploring the
"mythical dimension" with a master.
Esoteric Source Providers - "there is a path
for all seekers and ESP's intent is to assist each in finding
their own way."
The World According To The Wizard's Apprentice
- a series of very interesting essays from
The Realm of The Wizard's Apprentice - a truly
fabulous site.
Sacred Ecology & Native American Spirituality
- from
Brook Medicine Eagle's Home Page
Light at the Edge - this page is a short,
often highlighted and linked text, leading to 20+ essays
aspects of spirit and consciousness-- from Ken Carey
and the Starseed Transmissions.
Universal Aspects of Healing: What Are the Perennial
New Thought Movement Home Page - links to
organizations, directories, online books and articles, etc.
Ethics Update - want to knock yourself out
investigating ethical positions on every topic from every
under (and over) the sun? There's also a discussion
Vitagenics Institute Foundation - non-profit
organization dedicated to peace & healing for those seeking
"another way" and interested in expressing the "Gifts of their
True Selves".
Advanced Awareness - "the discovery and integration
of this awareness is a developmental jump from homo
sapiens to homo novus"... text and downloadable books
(Transcendence, Radical Consciousness) essentially
dealing with growth beyond ego.
The Spiritualist Religion Page - "spiritualism is a
wonderfully non-dogmatic religion, science, and philosophy."
Eckankar -
ancient teachings which "emphasize the value of personal
experiences as the most natural way
back to God. Whatever your
religious background, they show how to look and listen within
yourself-- to expand
your consciousness and enjoy spiritual
Ramtha's School of
Enlightenment: The American Gnostic School - see
The White Book.
An Introduction to the Rosicrucian Order
White Mountain Education Association - a very popular
site, "A source of the Ageless Wisdom",
including articles,
lectures, and 20th-century teachers.
U. G. Krishnamurti - "To read U.G. is to be
introduced to a 'spiritual terrorist': he overturns all of
accepted beliefs-- God, mind, soul, enligthenment, religion,
humanity... and gives us a totally different picture
of who we
are. The result is a grenade in the brain." Many downloadable
texts and interviews here.
Kryon - this is an excellent site about channeled
communication, and one of the few I recommend because its
message is so positive. As a suggested introduction, go to the
then to In the Chair
With Kryon.
The Ascension is Life Lived from Joy - a channeling
by Laurie Gilmore. I was a skeptic until I read this...
I have
so much resonance with it, and even some of the dates mentioned
relate to specific similar experiences of mine.
The Four Yogas of Enlightenment - "The path to self-
love and radical sanity is found within meditative
a method for the exploration of consciousness through simultaneous mindfulness and analysis of
consciousness. The
goal... is transcendence of the ego, spiritual awakening, and
the stabilization and mastery of
transcendental awareness."
Scientific Pantheism: An empirical religion for the Third
Millennium - a big, thorough site by Paul
Lake Tahoe Wah'kon - "for the serious student
seeking to know self", based in part on teachings of the
tribe, it deals with the "great mystery" of the power of thought.
The Fourth Way Gurdjieff - Ouspensky School - "Take
the understanding of the East, and the knowledge
of the West--
and then seek." These teachings have profoundly influenced many
great minds of this century, and this
is an excellent site (
available in nine languages!).
elsajoy - "This garden of spiritual inspiration is
devoted to metaphysics, mysticism and spiritual healing."
inner peace, growth, meditations & wisdom.
*[these pages are updated often - hit your reload button]*
last update 4/23/98
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