a place of arrival and departure
links - personal growth
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!
Lakota - personal growth, metaphysics,
spirituality, new age; "to offer tools and support for your
personal growth,
regardless of the path you have chosen."
Another beautiful site.
The Spiritual Process of Awakening - homepage
of Phil Sarvedio; essays, personal journal, teachers &
practices, enlightenment.
Thoughts Beneath The Trees:
Essays in resonance, synchronicity, creativity, healing, and
fundamental spirituality.
Waking World - "a virtual community promoting
positive global transformation."
What is Enlightenment? (online edition) -
"exploring the fundamental issues at the heart of the spiritual
Osho ...the science of the inner -
something for everyone, and lots of it.
Laws of Consciousness by Ralph Losey;
Chapter Four of his book
Laws of Wisdom; a very good essay, from
basics to
examples, including Freud, Jung, Maclean, Masters & Jean Houston.
The Monthly Aspectarian - e-zine devoted to personal growth.
The Inner Voice - a broad-spectrum e-zine.
Lifetreks: Dream Interpretations and Resources
- a serious, professional, and highly informative site.
Serendip - "a gathering place for people who
suspect that life's instructions are always ambiguous &
an expanding forum & resources to explore and
support intellectual & social change in education, in
organization... and in how we make sense of life.
The Difficult and Compelling Art of Forgiving -
Robert Caldwell.
12 Suggestions For Taking Care of Yourself -
by Thomas Wright of
Self-Help & Psychology Magazine
Self Improvement Online's Complete List of "Self Help and Self
Improvement" Related Websites -
from Abuse & Recovery
to Womens' Issues.
Attitudes - see especially
Attitudes and Reflections on the Human Condition,
a substantial series
of articles by David Bromfield.
The Four Yogas of Enlightenment - "The path to self-
love and radical sanity is found within meditative
a method for the exploration of consciousness through simultaneous mindfulness and analysis of
consciousness. The
goal... is transcendence of the ego, spiritual awakening, and
the stabilization and mastery of
transcendental awareness."
Lake Tahoe Wah'kon - "for the serious student
seeking to know self", based in part on teachings of the
tribe, it deals with the "great mystery" of the power of thought.
elsajoy - "This garden of spiritual inspiration is
devoted to metaphysics, mysticism and spiritual healing."
inner peace, growth, meditations & wisdom.
SagePlace - A place dedicated to supporting individuals committed to working on spirituality, awareness,
growth, and emotional/physical well-being.
*[these pages are updated often - hit your reload button]*
last update 4/23/98
links index
[native people & cultures]
[personal growth]
[spiritual philosophy]
[labor and economics]
[religious thought]
[!danger watch!]
--[more categories here are coming online soon]--

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CP extract: history of western spirituality
CP extract: control dramas/power theft
CP extract: understanding power theft
addictive behavior
addiction: the real reasons
serenity prayer
schools, learning, & adults
what of the future?

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