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Your site was visited today by Eye Candy WWW Site Reviews
and your fine work
has earned you HONORABLE MENTION status
with Eye Candy.
Only 1 in 100
nominations score high enough to receive this
award placing your site in estimated
top 15% of all sites
currently on the Web. This year we have reviewed over
sites, and as you can see, the winner's list is
pretty short. From an artistic standpoint
the Eye Candy Awards remain the most prestigious form of recognition on the Web.
Steve of
Eye Candy WWW Site Reviews
You have done great work, and I hope you continue to expand.
Your writing style is easy-flowing and understandable,
and keeps
the attention. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm very pleased to pass the
Golden Feather to you for your outstanding
Julia White, of
For some it will be a beginning. For others, a visit to
Quavajo will be
an inspiration on their continuing
journey of enlightenment. It is with
great pride that I
present Greg Sipe the Heaven and Earth Chronicles'
Site of the Week Award [10/19/97] for his creative, useful, and
informative site....
Gigianne Fairhope, of
Heaven and Earth Chronicles
I honor your beautiful work and contribution to this true age
consciousness with our A Source of Light Award. Along
with this award
we send our blessings, praying you will
continue your heartfelt, enlightening
work. And now that we
are linked with you, perhaps we, as a source of
light for
unfolding consciousness, will no longer feel like a lonely
candle in a windy cave. Blessings and Love,
Nancy Freier, publisher,
The Inner Voice Magazine
© 1997
main page
self & ego
growth beyond ego & fear
your true self & other things
slick roads
CP extract: history of western spirituality
CP extract: control dramas/power theft
CP extract: understanding power theft
addictive behavior
addiction: the real reasons
serenity prayer
schools, learning, & adults
what of the future?
The Hopi
Author's totems
The Author's Journey
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about the author
Quavajo's awards
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