a place of arrival and departure
links - recovery
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!
addicitions - the real reasons
Christians in Recovery
Abuse Acknowledged - Power Claimed by Robert
Caldwell; "moving beyond physical, sexual & verbal
abuse to
realize our power to be".
Healing Shame - Robert Caldwell
The Difficult and Compelling Art of Forgiving -
Robert Caldwell
Interlude: An Internet Retreat - thoughts,
meditations, suggestions, and a bibliography.
Recovery Online - comprehensive links to recovery
sites of all kinds... 12-step, religious, and secular.
12 Suggestions For Taking Care of Yourself -
by Thomas Wright of
Self-Help & Psychology Magazine
Dancing the Path of Feeling: An Emotional Healing
Handbook - intelligent and very useful, from
Joyfire Healing Pages.
Friends of Bill W. - a down-home user-friendly
page-- complete with an online meeting/chat room.
Athena's Survivors' Anthology - this is a different
kind of healing place; "healing through creative expression".
elsajoy - "This garden of spiritual inspiration is
devoted to metaphysics, mysticism and spiritual healing."
inner peace, growth, meditations & wisdom.
Another Empty Bottle - "a site for the friends and family of alcoholics".
Self Improvement Online:
Physical and Sexual Abuse Related Websites
Addiction and Recovery Related Websites
Codependency, Substance/Alcohol Abuse and Recovery Related
*[last update 4/22/98 - hit your
reload button if you've been here before]*
links index
[native people & cultures]
[personal growth]
[spiritual philosophy]
[labor and economics]
[religious thought]
[!danger watch!]
--[more categories here are coming online soon]--

main page
self & ego
growth beyond ego & fear
your true self & other things
slick roads
CP extract: history of western spirituality
CP extract: control dramas/power theft
CP extract: understanding power theft
addictive behavior
addiction: the real reasons
serenity prayer
schools, learning, & adults
what of the future?

The Author's Journey
photo gallery
about the author
Quavajo's awards
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