a place of arrival and departure
links - futures
links listed are either favorites or added because they have
something of extra interest--
this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Some links will
appear in more than one category,
and sometimes only a special
page will be listed. All links listed will take you out of Quavajo.
so don't forget to bookmark!
The New Civilization Network:
"Exploring emerging new qualities of life on Planet Earth" -
this is a tremendous site
leading in many directions. Join and take
part! More futures here than you'll find anywhere.
Global Ideas Bank of the New Civilization
Network. Want ideas?-- a zillion here, and I've listed
some as links
elsewhere under their applicable categories.
Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures - "Reports
from the U.S. & around the world on efforts made toward
the self, nature, and community life in a
responsible way."
Osho Commune International - "a small oasis
in the desert of the world is what is meant by a commune
by a buddha... in which life is lived with a totally
different gestalt, with a totally different vision."
Design Earth Synergy - "a world-wide network
of community co-visionary strategic / action planning centers.
Holo World: Blueprint for a Synergetic Society
- "a hypothetical society... scalable to any size... built on
that both support pervasive freedom of choice &
mechanisms for civilized, synergetic, ecological interaction &
The Venus Project: The Redesign of a Culture
Vision for the 21st Century - from HeeSik
Song, Korea; an interesting, well-thought-out document.
Oceania-- The Atlantis Project - this one is for the
separation of economy and state-- capitalist but
"anti-collectivist". You'll find more info in their
and a pretty full description of principles and how
it is to
work in detailed
Beyond Imagination - "creating the foundations for
a new world."
Re-Dreaming the American Dream - by Adrian Timothy
of Project Earth.com
- fascinating article, especially
when it begins
discussing new technologies (and the ones our leaders are
ignoring or trying to suppress).
This Is Our Body - Adam Trombly on how we
can reverse the rush toward killing our planet.
Damanhur Federation WelHome Page - a federation of
communities in northern Italy with its own social,
political &
economic structure based on the practical application of a
spiritual philosophy. In 16 years of work they
have built a
large underground "Temple of Mankind", a place "dedicated to
the divine spirit in each one of us." A terrific
and inspirational site.
In Context: A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture
- this is a terrific resource full of wide-ranging,
Eco-Village Information Service - you'll find them
all over the world here, and businesses too.
Intentional Communities - the central site.
*[these pages are updated often - hit your reload button]*
last update 4/28/98
links index
[native people & cultures]
[personal growth]
[spiritual philosophy]
[labor and economics]
[religious thought]
[!danger watch!]
--[more categories here are coming online soon]--

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CP extract: control dramas/power theft

CP extract: understanding power theft
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