Added info and tribute to Columbia on Space page

what is new.. science fiction organization, pookha's page , science fiction convention news

What is new at Pookha's Lair

updated sept. 20004 gaming

updated April 2004

updated the Science Fiction and other clubs of Nahsville
updated the SF Conventions out side Tennessee

updated the SF Conventions in Tennessee

updated the Big Screen Little Screen Page

updated the index

updated the sf cons in tennessee

,hr> updated the science page

updated the AI's , Computers and Robots page
especially updated linkes to anti virus sites

Added November 20
November 2000 Kronos

September 2000 Kronos

Updated October 9,00
SF Cons not in Tennessee page

updated the SF Cons in Tennessee

Updated September 20,00

Nashville Fannish Calendar

June 2000 Kronos

August 2000 Kronos

September 2000 Kronos

July 6, 2000

updated the SF Cons in Tennessee

and SF Cons

March 14,2000

Updated the Playing in the past page
Corrected the links to the Kingdom of Meridies, and to some of the local groups

April 7,00
added the SF Convnetions in Tennessee page
The SF Convnetions outside of Tn
Updated the Clubs of Nashville

added the March ,2000 newsletter

and updated the Kronos listing

December 12,99

added the December
, October
, July
of Kronos to the Clubs page

news about the 2002 Worldcon bid and other updates at Science Fiction Conventions page

June 11th
Added June newsletter
updated the Sf TN and the Other SF cons pages,
plus the Nino page

June 1, 99

Added the May 99 newsletter
with upcoming convention listing and what I thought of Partecon
added also the April newsletter

also updated the SF Conventions in Tennessee
and the Science Fiction convention page

added a new home page nto Home Systems
updated the Fun,
SCA and Living History,
Author Resource,
and the Gaming page

May 18

deleted Parthecon web pages since the con is over with
there is supposed to be another Parthecon but I dont have any info yet
updated the SF Conventions in Tennessee
and the Science Fiction convention page

Updated March 11,99

Added important info about Partecon and Midsouth Con to the SF Conventions in Tennessee

Updated Feb 17th

added posts from Jms about what is happening to Crusade on the Babylon 5 news page
also added more links to the pages of the gang from the TnT discussion board to the B5 page

Feb 15th
added the Feb '99
Middle Tennessee Science Fiction Society newsletter

Updated December 11

Created a new page Feeding your Reading Addiction
updated the Babylon 5 news page
and added several new home pages to Home Systems
including a link to a page about Wilson "Bob" Tucker

added the December newsletter

updated the Science Fiction convention page
with important world con news

updated the Babylon 5 page
and added more links to other fen who hang out at the discussion forum

Updated the convetion pages

updated October 30
added more sites to the Discovery page

Updated October 28, 98

A page in tribute to the mission of the Space Shuttle Discovery
has been added.
With links to NASA TV and web cams, other coverage and about the mission and crew.

October 26
added the october newsletter to the Clubs in Nashville Page

added lot of neat things to the Space Page
including chock full of Mars sites including a very cool site that shows the Mars Ploar Lander being prepped
plus a JPL site for Kids

New sites about the Neutrino Have Mass added to the Science of Science Fiction

Plus there are two new pages
The Having Fun
page is full of fun things to do, cooking sites, link to a feghoot site and a link to a place where you can hunt rubber chickens

Also the new Kid Friendly Site
with links to everything from Kid Friendly search engine and to places where kids can go to have fun on the web

Would like to remind you of the Referernce and Research Page with links to homework help sites

Updated October 16

Added lots of new links to Space
and the Science pages

Updated October 2
Added new stuff to Game
Earth Science Page
updated Club Page
and added news of TNT encore time change to Babylon 5 news

Updated October 1, 1998

Added more links to page of people from the B5 TnT forum
Added more news about Crusade to the Babylon 5 news

Updated from August 29 - September 18th

Added a guestbook to the Pookha Lair
Home Page
Created a Reference and Research page
With links to online dictionaries and homework help sites
Updated the Babylon 5 news page

Also updated the Science page
Added a section called Fun with Science.. plus more links

Now have a Calendar
Featuring the dates of upcoming conventions and meetings

Added the September Issue of Kronos

August 28th, 1998
Finally updated the Let's Talk About the Weather
Added Erik's World of Weather which includes Memphis and Southeast weather
Plus a couple of really great weather resource pages
Hurricane links
and La Nina links

August 27, 1998

Created a new room in the lair . The Communication, Languages and Learning Room
also has links to resources about learning disabilities

Updated the Publishers Room

Reworked and added stuff to the Words of Wonder
So you want to become an author
More dictionaries, more publisher info

August 22, 1988

Babylon 5 news
Added more links to home pages of the TnT B5 discussion board group.
Some news items about Crusade

SF Conventions and Organizations outside Tn
added Chicon membership info
moved the Rivercon review
to it's own page
included Cincinnati Fantasy Group Home page

August 20th

Updated Nashville, Tn

Nashville Science Fiction Fandom and other interesting groups to join
added a link to Robert Edwards home page and to a area ST/Klingon group.

The The Night Life of Nashville and around the World

restored the Home Systems..
home pages of fans, friends, authors

created a Mythology and Folklore page

Revised August 8, 98
added the August issue of Kronos

added more links Door to SF Fandom on the Web
including info on the new SFC officers

It's History
Historical Reference Sites both for the real and alternate kind

added info to upcoming events to
Playing in the Past, Living in the Future
The Society of Creative Anachronism
and other medieval,living history or fantasy history organizations

Upcoming conventions in Tennessee

The SF World Con and other SF & SF media conventions
Go here for a link to the 2001 worldcon in Philadelphia

Science Fiction Media

Revised July 27. 98
Amazing Links:
Interesting links that do not fit anywhere else
From the cultural to the weird

Computers, Robots and AI's, Oh My!
And The World Wide Web

The Science of Science Fiction

Words of Wonder
Science Fiction Books: Publishers, Prozines, Fanzines
Where to find them

Revised July 17, 1998
Artist Resources - Painting the Fantastic
Science Fiction Author and Artist Resource Page
Inluding links to online dictionaries, grammar help, publishing sources.

updated June 12,1998
The Earth Beneath our Feet and the Ocean's We Wished Were Nearby

Not Folk, Filking (well sometimes folk but never country)

The Games We Play
Role Playing Games, Historical Gaming , Nashville Game Stores, ect

To Good Health and Long Life in All Its Infinite Varieties
Biotechnology, Alien Life and Medical Resources

Space : The Final Frontier
Is an asteroid out to get you? And other latest news from NASA and outer space

The Weather
Including info on El Nino and other weather phenomena

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