Science Fiction Conventions in the Great Beyond
outside the borders of Tennessee
Edited by pookha bemscribe
March 2004
Convention Listings
The best source for conventions everywhere is SF-Lovers Conventions Listing
compiled and updated by Saul Jaffe
Locus Online
To find conventions in the South check out Southern Fandom Resource Guide Convention List

Noreascon Four 2004
Interaction Glasgow 2005
Tips for the new SF fan going to their first Worldcon
Los Angles 2006
From the page of the WSFS:
The purposes of the WSFS, according to its rules,
are as follows:
choose the recipients of the annual Hugo Awards (Science Fiction Achievement
to choose the locations and Committees for the annual World Science
Fiction Conventions (the Worldcons),
to attend those Worldcons,
and to
choose the locations and Committees for the occasional North American Science
Fiction Conventions (the NASFiCs).
(A NASFiC is held in North America in
any year where the WorldCon is outside of North America.)

Worldcons Past
Toronto 2003
Con Jose
Chicon in 2000
Hugo Awards
has come and gone but stop by the site and check out the post convention page
for the minutes of the business meeting among other things
Baltimore, MD.

World Con Bids
a very good World Con bid site is maintained by Chaz Boston Baden
that keeps track of all the WC bids
Site Selection for the 2007 Worldcon will be administered by Noreascon 4
Site Selection for the 2007 NASFiC, if necessary, will be administered by CascadiaCon (the Seattle NASFiC in 2005).
Under the current rules, Site Selection for the 2008 Worldcon will be administered by Interaction.
Under the current rules, Site Selection for the 2009 Worldcon will be administered by L.A.con IV.
Should the pending return to 2 years bidding amendment be ratified at Noreascon 4,
no sites will be selected at InterAction, and Site Selection for the 2008 Worldcon
will be administered by L.A.con IV.
In this case, members of Interaction who are not membres of L.A.con IV shall
be eligible to vote for the 2008 Worldcon.
Nippon in 2007
Columbus in 2007
Chicago in 2008
Australia in 2010

Another interesting site to check out is
Building the Con-runner's FAQ

Sci Fi Wire
Eltronic News Zine from the Sci Fi Channel
The first place I found the Hugo results
To help you find your way
Trouble on the Road
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