Words of Wonder
Science Fiction and other Publications
How to feed your word addiction
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Geo Cities
Updated march 3,00
From Science Fiction Books to Fanzines
and all the spaces in between
Publishing Resources
- American Booksellers Association
- Acq Publishers
has an extensive list of publishers and editors.
- Acq Web
From the acquisitions and collection department of Vanderbilt University
Directory of publishers and vendors..NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks
links to..International Lyrics Server{49,000 songs}
maintained by Anna Belle Leiserson, Mary Lou Wall, Eleanor Cook & others
- SF & Fantasy, Horror Book Database
Reviews, Book lists and author bio's.
MIT SF Resources
Links to publishers, SF Resource Guide/Linkping SF & Fantasy Archive
World Wide Web Virtual Library.
Books A to Z
Publishing Resources
SFWA and the issue of credits
Banned Books
FANAC Fan History Archives
" This site is devoted to the preservation & distribution of
information about SF & SF Fandom".
Golden Age SF Magazines on line
Etext Archives
of science fiction and fannish zines
Fact Sheet 5
Reviews all fanzines.. not just science fiction
- Dave Langford's Ansible
From the United Kingdom the magazine is a former Hugo winner and its editor
dominates the fan writer Hugos
.Not only does the site feature the Ansible archive,
it also has numerous fannish links, plus updates of the Encyclopedia of Fantasy
And last ..and least..the ever awful {but fun to read aloud}
Eye Of Argon
To receive _Ansible_ monthly via e-mail, send a message to ...
Majordomo@imi.gla.ac.uk... containing the sole text:subscribe ansible
(Subject line irrelevant.) Please send a corresponding `unsubscribe
ansible' to resign from this list if you weary of it or plan to change
- Mimosa
The Hugo award winner for the last several years from Richard & Nicki Lynch
a great source for fan history
- Tangent SF Magazine
Declares itself the" Only Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Fiction Review Magazine"
It was the runner up for the 1997 Best Fanzine Hugo
"Tangent is a quarterly magazine that features reviews of every story
in all major North-American Science Fiction and Fantasy professional magazines,
many mass-market anthologies, most semi-professional magazines, and many
small press offerings."
Dave Truesdale - Publisher
5779 Norfleet
Raytown, MO 64133
Uncle Timmy send out several newsletters via e mail
to members of the extended Liberty Con family.
They include the " Blue Monday Funnies", the " Frantic Friday Funnies"
and the " Revenge of Hump Day"
They include humorous pieces submitted by various fans and some fannish news
Kronos The newsletter of the Middle Tennessee Science Fiction Society

To the Doorways to Science Fictionpage

Genres within SF, Fantasy and Horror

Local addiction relief
New and Used Book Stores
Davis - Kidd
Books with eye tracks..
- Bookman Used Books
Hillsboro Village area
Largest collection of used hard cover SF in Nashville
- Book Attic
Shoppes at Rivergate[ near Service Merchandise]
Lots and lots of SF, Fantasy and Horror paperbacks...
Plus almost half of the store has fiction/non fiction hard backs
Comic books
Collector's World
Comics, movie posters, vintage Star Wars toys
Be afraid, be very afraid
How the net can help you feed your addiction

What to feed your addiction
Book Reviews