Doors to Science Fiction Fandom

Sponsored by Pookha's Lair and the Middle Tennesse Science Fiction Society plus
Geo Cities

Updated august 2001


What you always wanted to know about Fandom

Are you a neo fan?
Not even sure what it is? Then the Neo Fan's Guide to Sf is for you.
The Neo-Fan's Guide To Science Fiction Fandom 8th Edition

published by the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society

This edition is authorized by Bob Tucker
and, produced with the assistance of Ken Keller and James J. Murray.

Limited to a press run of 500 copies
All profits will go to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame

. $2.00 per copy...$3.00 by first class mail in an envelope to:
. KaCSFFS, Inc.
P. O. Box 36212,
Kansas City, MO 64171-6212

For more info on the Science Fiction & Fantasy Hall of Fame

A great site for the neo (new) fan is:
Bill Bowers Fan Basic 101
" aimed at providing a concise entry point for fannish fans newly on line."

Science Fiction History and Archives

Southern Fandom

Southern Fandom Confederation

the SFC site is offline for now
Julie Wall is the president of the SFC .
Julie can be reached at: .
or by snail mail.
470 Ridge Road.
Birmingham, AL 35255-0202.
VP is Bill Francis (no relation to the other Francis) and chairman of an upcoming DSC , Son Of Beach Con in 2000.

Secretary is Tom Feller

Membership in the Southern Fandom Confederation is $10 annually and for that you receive the SFC Bulletin
The SFC is a non profit literary organization which offers information about southern science fiction and fantasy fandom

Want to know more about the history of southern fandom? Then the SFC Handbook edited by Baen Books TKF Weisskopf ( Toni Weisskopf) is for you
With the most comprehensive listing of fannish groups and conventions in the south

Huntsville fan Sam Smith
has an electronic version of the handbook online.

So far it includes the progress reports from Toni Weisskopf plus the handbook itself.

Check it out Electronic Southern Fandom Confederation Handbook & 25 year history

And now a note from Irv Koch
about some of the above info
On your more or less top-level page of DOORWAYS, which mentions Southern Fandom Confederation,
you ... or whoever wrote it ... repeats the oft quoted error that SFC is the governing body for DSC and/or DSC's site selection NOOOOO!!!!!!


They are now separate though SFC is required to hold it's annual meeting at DSC.
While many DSC's hoodwink someone from SFC into running their site selection, it is the host con that has all the governing (subject to the DSC's own bylaws ... when anyone pays attention to them).

If you have any comments send them to Bem Scribe

Other southern attractions

P. L. Carruthers Montgomery is a former president of the SFC
and very well known southern fan. P. L. has several pages devoted to fandom in its various apects ..they include:

Southern Fandom Resource Guide
compiled and edited by Chattanooga fan Kelly Lockhart Has the most up to date Info on southern conventions. .

Visit our Sf Conventions in Tennessee Page

SF Conventions in the Rest of the World

The best overall convention listing is SF-Lovers Conventions Listing
compiled and updated by Saul Jaffe

from SMOF.COM -The UK, European and World Science Fiction Convention Listing

Fandom Beyond the South

Other doorways to Science Fiction

The best science fiction fandom resource on the web: SF Lovers-Science Fiction Resource Guide

SGRG is maintained and updated by Chaz Boston Baden

Other SF fandom sites

Other SF Fan Organizations

Baltimore SF Society

Canadian SF Clubs

The Cincinnati Fantasy Group (CFG)

Little Rock Science Fiction Society

Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society

Massachusetts Convention Fandom, Inc. (MCFI)

Memphis Science Fiction Association

Middle Tennessee SF Society

NASFA: The North Alabama Science Fiction Association

The New England Science Fiction Association, Inc.

The South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS)

Service Organizations

Fandom Around the World

Amazing Links
Words of Wonder
SF Publications and where to find them

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