Fannish Organizations in Nashville, Tn

Science Fiction and Otherwise
with links to the Scholars of the Three Pipe Problem the Sherlock Holmes group
and the Klingon and Anime fans

updated april 2004

Nahvillle science fiction, gaming and other clubs of interest

The Middle Tennessee Science Fiction Society (aka the Nashville sf club
We are now meeting at the new Green Hills Library
near the Green Hills Post Office
Wednesday night at 6pm
3701 Benham Ave., Nashville, TN 37215.
Call 615-862-5863 for directions.
Club meeting dues are $2.00/month. There is no charge for those attending their first meeting

Join the Mid Tenn SF List.
The Middle Tennessee Science Fiction and Fantasy List

Also Kronos is no longer the club newsletter.. leave a message on the club list to receive the new club newsletter edited by Reece Moorehead
send a message to reece that you wish to get the newsletter

Go through the SF Doorway
to find SF organizations outside the Nashville area.
Looking for other fans check out the Fandom Directory (Online Edition) - Your on-line link to Fandom around the world! Science Fiction, Star Trek, Comics, Trading Cards, Gaming and More! Point and click access to thousands of fan, collector, dealer, store, publisher, club and convention email addresses and web sites. Listings are FREE!

Older issues of kronos..

The saga of the founding of the new club :

The February "98 newsletter

The January newsletter '98

The December newsletter '97

The May 98 issue of Kornos
features a report on the April 16 Nashville tornado

Also, the Saga of the big Noisy Wind
is mostly cobbled together from a series of e mail messages I sent out after the tornado.
Some time soon I am going to rewrite it with an udate

For more info call, Dan Caldwell at 876-4146
OR EMAIL Bem Scribe the web pookha at

Other Clubs in Nashville

USS Athena
Star Trek Fan Club
site not been updated since 2002

Star Trek Nashville a yahoo group

Nashville Science Fiction Book Club

Scholars of the Three Pipe Problem


The local Sherlock Holmes group
Their web meister is Jim Hawkins

Role Playing and Board Gaming in Nashville

the Game Keep

3952 Lebanon Pike Hermitage, TN

Chaos Con and Clarksville Game Masters Guild

Outer Limits Comics Gaming

Games Plus Gallatin , Tn

Anime in Nashville
Anime Nashville

Other SF Fan Groups in the Area

Alpha Psi Phi
meet at 6:00 pm on Wednesdays in Henderson Hall, third floor. Tennessee Tech University
. Dues are $5/semester, $8/Fall and Spring, $10/Fall, Spring, and Summer.
For more information, contact:
Alpha Psi Phi
TTU Box 5226
Cookeville, TN 38505

Also check out the Sf doorway
for more about SF fandom, and Science Fiction in Tennessee
for info about convnetions and groups in Tennessee

Hisorical Recreation Groups in the Area

Kingdom of Meridies of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Kingdom Calendar of upcoming events

for info about SCA groups in the Southeast

Shire of Glaedenfeld

Rising Stone


and independent site that has hosted SCA events
Cumberland Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Dagorhir Home

Dagorhir Gol-Dior (Nashville)

The original Dagorhir group in nashville is now independent

Belegarth Medieval Combat Society


Fianna's primary goal is to recreate the cultures of the British Isles, both historical and fantastic, within a military brotherhood
For more SCA and other historical groups and resources

Another disclaimer...once again this site is not an official
Middle Tennessee site....the opinions, choices ect are of Bem Scribe
and some others where noted...
I am always open to opinions and suggestion of club members
And Big Bem and a lot of other fen have had
a lot of input into this site

Want to find a SF club in another city
Fandom Net

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