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SCA.... Dagorhir...
and other Reenactment Groups
Updated March 14, 00
The Society for Creative Anarchronism is an non profit educational organization
devoted to the study of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
You must be a sustaining member of the society to hold office.
People and Groups in the SCA
Kingdom of Meridies
Meridies Calendar
Royal University of Meridies
Principality of Gleann Abhann unofficial page
Local SCA Groups
The Shire of Delvingrim
The Shire of Delvingrim covers the Tennessee counties of Maury, Giles, Marshall, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, and Hickman.
Shire of Glaedenfeld
has a new web page.
The Incipient Shire of Lyon's Mountain
Rising Stone
Local merchants on line
Blades of Tara
Dagorhir Home
Dagorhir in Nashville & Middle Tennessee
Other Historical Recreation Groups
Anna's craft links page
"How To..." documents that could be of help for LARP, SCA members and others
Any Place, Any Time
monthly web journal for historical reenactors for every period
The Authentic Viking
Historical Resources and References
Find your medieval vocation
Medieval Food Page of Lindahl
Meieval Sourcebook
Online reference and teaching resource
Includes full text of medieval resources
Ravensgard Medieval Research References
More references than you can shake a stick at
This to That
How to attach this to that
Medieval & fantasy Costuming and Garb
Medieval and Fantasy Costuming
The Costumer's Manifesto
Mileux Costume Resource
Minuet's Page of Ancients
Some thing completely different
Fantasy Roleplaying Groups
For those who want to make everything check out
Live Action Role Playing- Shade's LARP List
Not just Larp also has a great resource of how to stuff
Renaissance Faire's
The Official Tennessee Renaissance Festival Site
Tennessee Renaissance Festival
At Gwyn Castle in Triune, Tn located in between Franklin and Murfreesboro,
Faire Resource Info
Ring of Steel Resources Page
Travelers Inn
Renaissance Faire Home Page
Ren Faire Junkies Web Page
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Pookha's Lair
Under heavy construction
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Geo Cities