Amazing Links
The interesting, the odd, and the misbegotten
From culture and crafts to the bizarre
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Updated August 28th , 1998

A couple of handy and truly amazing links
Based on software from Systran the translations sometimes came through a little worse for
wear. It can either translate a phrase or an entire web page.
This site was written up in USA Today and the writer didn't even recognize the
origin of Babelfish in the domain name.
The Yamada WWW Language Guides
are the definitive guide to language resources on the World Wide Web.

Cool Net Stuff
Mike Banks home page
Web Psycho's plus links and features on the net.
Also links to government and other resources such as
Federal Trade Commission,
The National Fraud Information Center ,
Better Business Bureau
CIAC (Virus info)
NCSA (Virus info)
Internal Revenue Service.
Web, Computers and Robots

Fun Stuff
Deep Thought
calculations that DEEP Thought has accomplished throughout its lifetime
and SIGHTINGS of the final Answer throughout our world.
Humor Net of the United Kingdom

Kid Stuff

WPLN Radio
Not only links to NPR programming{Hearts of Space ect..}
but, also Happenings a list of what is taking place in Nashville...
plus, listings of galleries, computer networks and other organizations...
- Metro- Nashville Public Library
Access to the online catalog,links to resources in Nashville & Tennessee and to other libraries on the net.

University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology

Voice of the Shuttle
Not only a massive humanities index and research tool..
but also covers science...very impressive

Internet Chef on line
Top Secret Recipes

Fannish Links
A long title but, a lot of worthy links. To such diverse places as Gilbert & Sullivan,
Space & Science sites, Penn & Teller,and Reality Break.
Dead People's Server plus the Slan Shack
Recipes for home brew..resources for the fannnish brewer
B5,Buckminster Fuller, Celtic Knotwork,SF, Orgami, Todd's Atomic Page,Fireball XL5
and a Star Ship design page.

Space & Science Links
An awesome amount of links...Science links, Skeptics pages. Engineering, History, Philosophy
Library of Congress and other useful Reference pages.

Virtual Communities
Cybercafes, Virtual Communities,New Edge Technologies,Post Modernism

And now for something completely different...
UFO's and other Weird Phenomena
The Official MUFON Home Page, CUFON Home Page (Computer UFO Network)
The Invasion is Over : Alien & UFO Information
Area 51 Research center , SETI Institute
Also has links to:
Art Bell ,Stan Friedman's U.F.O. Page , NICAP Home Page
AUFORA UFOclopedia
ConspiracyWeb--WebPage for Paranoids,
Helios - Daily Science News
Mars news from the Martian point of view
1998 Christopher Feyrer,

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