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Research and Reference

Including links to homework help sites

Updated October 23, 98

Web Search Engines

Dog Pile


Bucknell University web of online dictionaries

A Basic Dictionary of ASL Terms


One Look Dictionary
Over 200 dictionaries in one

Oxford English Dictionary, 2d edition

Webster's Web Spell Checker

Dictionaries of a different kind

Alternative Dictionaries

American Cultural Knowledge for Confused New Zealanders


Casey's Snow Day Reverse Dictionary (and Guru)
"Finally, the remedy for that tip-of-the-tongue feeling!
You type in a definition, and Casey's dictionary will tell you which word you are trying to think of! "

The College Slang Page

Dictionary of American Regional English

Lexical Freenet
"This program allows you to search for relationships between words and concepts
that might never have occurred to you before. "

Mike's English American Dictionary


Write Express Online Rhyming Dictionary


Roget's Thesaurus


Concise Encyclopedia

Encyclopaedia of the Orient and Middle East

Grammar Resources

Miss Hoover's Grammar Link

Grammar Lady

Grammar Queen


Foreign Language Resources for Teachers and Students

Language Links

Center for the Advancement of Language Learning..
Provided by the US Government

The Yamada WWW Language Guides
the definitive guide to language resources on the World Wide Web.


Linguistics Resources On the Internet

Wojcik's Language and Linguistics Links


Alta Vista Translator Service

Based on software from Systran the translations sometimes
came through a little worse for wear.
It can either translate a phrase or an entire web page.
This site was written up in USA Today and the writer didn't even recognize the origin of Babelfish in the domain name.

travlang's Translating Dictionaries

Cultures around the World

What are we? We're a musical
culinary and cultural information source about New Orleans
and Acadiana (or "Cajun country").

Holidays and Festivals Around the World

Multi Cultrual Calander

Day of the Dead

Global Hindu Electronic Networks : The Hindu Universe
Festivals of Bharat

Festivals of the many faiths of the people of India

Jewish Holidays

Jewish Communication Network
Jewish Holidays

Send free electronic greetings from Hallmark Hallmark Reminders

Home Work Help

Education and teaching resources from Brainstation

B. J. Pinchbeck's Home Work Helper

Homework Central

Home work help site hosted by Minneapolis - St. Paul Star Tribune

Homework Help for Kids
Mr. Megaw's Homework Page

Kid s Click
KidsClick! was created by a group of librarians at the Ramapo Catskill Library System

Let KidsConnect
on-line question answering and referral service for school projects

School work ugh!

Study Web

How to Do Things

All Around Useful Web Site
Info on how to be a master packer, fix things around the house and in your spare time
learn a foreign language

Checklist Central
Checklists from how to prepare for disaster to what to take on a camping trip

Home Repair

Home Central

Home Maintenance and Repair

The Natural Handyman

How and Why

Louis A. Bloomfield, Professor of Physics, The University of Virginia

The MAD Scientist Network
A collective crania of scientists answering questions in many areas

Reference and Resources

Zip Code Look up and adress information

Ask Asia

Acq Web

Supposed to be a resource for acquisition librarians
But,also a gold mine of reference

Such as links to copyright & licensing info, dictionaries, and quotation ect..

Biological Anthropology Resources on the World Wide Web

Don Simanek's Page of Links

An awesome amount of links...Science links, Skeptics pages. Engineering, History, Philosophy
Library of Congress and other useful Reference pages.

Frank Potter's Science Gems

Science Resources are sorted by Category, Subcategory, and Grade Level

Native American technology and art

WWW Scribe
Writer's resources on line

Writer's Reference
Featuring The Grammar Lady, Roget's. Dictionary


Voice of the Shuttle
A massive research tool mostly dedicated to the humanities but also has science information
highly recommended

An Aeronautics and Space Resource for Educators Since 1988

check out the Pookha's Lair.. my guide to this site
Pookha's Collection of Amazing Links From the useful to the truly bizarre
Pookha tries to learn about Science
Pookha in Space