Outer Space

Updated april 2004

The Space Calendar

covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year.
This Calendar is compiled and maintained by Ron Balke.
Please send any updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov.


Crew Profile from NASA

Columbia's Last Mission

Main NASA Page on the investigation

Columbia Loss from Space.com

More NASA mission info on Columbia

NASA Space Shuttle News

Discovery on the STS-114 mission to the International Space Station.
Discovery continues to undergo processing for the flight,
targeted to launch between March 6 and April 18, 2005.

Current Status of Shuttle Mission


Space Science Publications

Science Museums

Physic & Astronomy Societies

University Departments of Physics and Astronomy


Florida Today Space News Online

NASA Planetary Photojournal

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Nasa Space Science Division

Science favorites for students and teachers from NASA

NASA missions to the solar systems page

The Solar System


JPL news flash

The Planetary Data System
(PDS) archives and distributes digital data from past and present NASA planetary missions

Pretty Space Pictures from JPL

JPL Ice and Fire Missions
Watch three missions as they go from development to launch.

The Space Place JPL For Kids

Other Space Agenices

Space Research Institute (IKI)
is primary in charge of long-range planning and elaboration of space research programs of which a considerable part is performed within the framework of international space research cooperation.
IKI is the contractor of the Russian Space Agency.

Russian Space Agency

The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
a central institute dedicated for space and astronautical science in Japan.

Lunar A Home Page A Lunar Probe mission to the Moon from The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan

European Space Agency

Solar System


SOHO Mission to the Sun Gallery


Near Space

Earth & Moon

Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards

Near Earth Asteroid Tracking Home page

Space Guard's Links to Organizations and network resources on Near Earth Asteroids

Send an asteroid or comet hurtling toward your favorite planet!


Bester tracking for visual observation or radio communication

J Track from NASA

Marshall locating Mir

Shuttle Locator

International Space Station locator

observe; satellites , Mir and the International Space Station and the the Space Shuttle

Visual Satellite Observer's Home Page

Space Stations

Space stations

International Space Station

Space Station Processing Facility - KSC Video Feeds
Automatically reloads every 90 seconds, or click on reload for newest images




Kennedy Space Center live feeds

CNN Page On John Glenn Return to Space

Shuttle Countdown

The Moon

  • NASA Lunar Prospector
  • Lunar Prospector Status report


    New Galileo Images Unveiled

    G A L I L E O Solid State IMAGING (SSI) Team Latest Images

    Project Galileo:
    Bringing Jupiter to Earth


    Visiting Outer Space

    Hubble Space Telescope

    The Hubble Heritage Project Index
    To Find Latest Release of Hubble Photo's

    Hubble Space Telescope Home Page

    http://www.stsci.edu/stsci/ Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

    Are We Alone??


    Life Elsewhere?

  • Astrobiology Web

    Featuring: Life in extreme environments/Whole Mars catalog
    lots or research links

  • Saga of Ice Worms

  • Life Without Light

    Clues to possible life on Europa may lie buried in Antarctic ice

    Other Sites of Interest

    Stephen Hawking's Universe
    Imagine the Universe

    A service of the High_Energy Astrophysics Learning Center

    Night skies of Tennessee

    Talking about the weather...
    Weather radar, forecasts, climate changes and La Nina

    Return to Pookha's Lair

    Sponsored by GeoCities