Fertilizer For the Budding Artist
Updated March 11,00
Artist Resources
Resources of the world web
Technical art resource
Welcome to the Colour Group (Great Britain)
Light measurement handbook
Science of Vision from NASA
Art Around Town
Galleries & Museums
To learn ..to thrive
- Centenial Park Arts Center
- Sarratt Art Studios
Located in Sarratt Student Center at Vanderbilt University
Classes open to Vanderbilt students and the general public.
Call 322- 2471 for more info
- Watkins Institute College Art and Design
Philosophy & Aesthetics
On Web ....Galleries and Museums
Art Competitions
Science Fiction & Fantasy Art
Art Supplies
- Omni Art Supply
- Griffens Plaza not the same old Griffen's.
Lot more art oriented...
Catalogs on the Web and Other Places
- Utrecht's offers mail order and some of the highest quality paints around
A pint of Utrech Alizarin Crimson is just $ 15.55 a pint in the last catalog.
Call 1-800-223-9132 between 8-4 pm[est] M-F for a copy of their latest catalog.
Scholastic Resources
Painting the Fantastic Resource at Pookha's Place
Back to the Pookha's Place
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