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"A Daughter's Love for Her Parents"

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Married March 22, 1945
This page is fully dedicated to my Parents....

I was given the GREATEST gift any child could ever possibly receive....
the gift of two beautiful and loving parents....
I've never known anything but LOVE throughout my life.......
they taught me well.....
they taught me how to love and be loved....
as well as right from wrong........
and as I go on with my life.....
I thank God everyday for His MOST PRECIOUS GIFT....
for without their love and guidance....
I would not have had the courage nor the strength....
to face the many hardships I've faced in my life....
Thank-you, mom and dad, for giving me life....
and the courage to face it!!!!!!

"From this Moment...
Life has begun... From this Moment...
You are the one...
Right beside you, is where I belong...
From this Moment On......"

*I believe these words from Shania Twain's song,
"FROM THIS MOMENT ON", say it all!!!!!!*


RoseMarie Kanzok and Lloyd M. Nissen

The Angels of God lifted
my beautiful and loving Mother into their arms.........
January 31, 1977......
Rest with the Angels, Mom......
and guide me from Above.....

This Beautiful Award was given to me by a
WONDERFUL and CARING Lady!!! Thank-you, LadyCare!
You have touched my Heart!!

[ My Life ] [ Shady Lady ] [ Meet My Family ][ My First Born ] [ My Angel , Lacey ]
[ My Parents ] [ My Dad ] [ My Tribute to My Mother ] [ Friends of the Heart ]
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