Lacey Welcome

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Mommy's Angel

Lacey RoseMarie was born on the 2nd day of December, 1990,
just before one heck of a blizzard.
I recall it started snowing and blowing horribly
on the ride to the hospital.
I was so afraid we might not get there on time,
what with living in the country.
But we made it, and Lacey was born 4 hours later.

Lacey is a very compassionate and loving little girl. She has the same love of animals as her mother. This we know because when she goes outside to play, she can't walk for all the cats that flock to her feet. She wears them around her neck, they ride on her shoulders and whenever she pauses to rest, all four cats find some part of her to lie on! She has experienced the heartache of death to some of her kittens. One day she noticed one of her kitties didn't act well (I think one of the farm animals had stepped on it). She brought him into the house, held him in her lap, cuddled and talked to him. She told the kitty how very much she loved him but she couldn't take care of him anymore. That because he was so sick, God would take him HOME and love him as she ALWAYS would. She looked at me, tears forming in her eyes and said...."Mommy, I hope my kitty knows I still love him and that he will always be in my heart"....she kissed her kitty's soft little head, told him she loved him and that now God would take his pain away, then handed him to me and went off into the other room and cried quietly, telling me she didn't want her kitty to hear her and know she was sad.

Lacey has a heart as big as the Heavens and she is my little Angel. So Kind, loving and compassionate. I love her with all of my heart. She's my baby - my little Lacey.

Lacey, will ALWAYS be Mommy's "Lil Angel",
even when she is GROWN and gone from the nest. *Smile*

Luke, Lacey and Billy

The love of a Child is God's Greatest Gift!!!
LadyCare, Thank-you for caring - you are a Special Angel!!

You are a shining
example of what a
daughter can be
beautiful and good
honest and principled
determined and independent
sensitive and intelligent
You are a shining
example of what every
mother wishes her
daughter were
and I
am so very
proud of
-- Susan Polis Schutz

Lady Care's Award
The Gift of Children is the Gift of Love
Thank-you, LadyCare for YOUR Gift of Love!!

[ My Life ] [ Shady Lady ] [ Meet My Family ][ My First Born ] [ My Angel , Lacey ]
[ My Parents ] [ My Dad ] [ My Tribute to My Mother ] [ Friends of the Heart ]
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