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I would like to share with you my years of living
with verbal and mental abuse. I spent 24 years living with this pain and
now I am ready to speak out about it's cruelty and the scars it leaves
behind. We hear so much about physical abuse and the dangers of staying
in that type of relationship....but do you realize the damage verbal and
mental abuse can do to one's life.... to your heart.....to your soul...to
your OWN self being? Do you know how hard it is to keep from losing the
beautiful person you once were....the scars that are left that do not heal
until YOU make them?? ....I DO KNOW for I totally lost my inner being,
my ability to be my own person, the person who loved life and everything
in it...... and I would like to share with you, my life, and the years
I spent living with this pain.........
As the dew covered petals of a new rose unfold.....my
life begins anew....
MY life is now my own....to live for myself and my children....
and I awaken to the dawn of each new day.....as does the new rose......
On the following pages, please read
MY STORY and if ANYTHING sounds like the life you are living, PLEASE!!
have part of your own heart, your own mind - DON'T waste YOUR life...YOU
have SO MUCH to LIVE for....
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me! *S*
If you need someone to talk to...if you recognize anything you read on
these pages..
Don't be afraid to reach out for help.....PLEASE!! *S*
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Life ] [ Shady Lady ] [ Meet
My Family ][ My First Born ] [ My
Angel , Lacey ]
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] [ My Tribute to My Mother ] [ Friends
of the Heart ]
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Companions ] [ My Tribute to Billy ]
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& Cyggie's Beauty Parlor ]
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