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Many years ago it was not recognized
that a father played a major role in a child's life. They assumed that
since the father was rarely home that the important factor was the mother.
Now, many years later, they now know the importance that a father plays
in the role of his children. This role model will be the kind of man that
his daughter will choose to marry and that his son will grow up to be like.
So, yes, fathers are extremely important in a child's life. So I dedicate
this section to my father....Thanks Dad!!
What is a Dad?
The Story of a Father and His Daughter
My Hero
Dad's Are Dolphins
At My Daddy's Kness
For All the Times I Never Said I Love You
When God Created Fathers
My Dad
is a Dad?
A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.
A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find
your own way, even though
his heart breaks in silence
when you get hurt.
A dad is someone who
holds you when you cry,
scolds you when you break the rules,
shines with pride when you succeed,
and has faith in you even when you fail...
Dad, you're everything a dad should be
and some.
By Susan Ceylise
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The Story
of a Father and His Daughter
A baby girl is born.
from amid the ranks of ordinary me,
emerges a mightily courgeous, gallant man ~
who is quaking in his shoes.
As they grow together, the girl comes to
know that her father is no ordinary man.
He can hear the sound of the sun
pushing the clouds out of her world,
and he helps her to hear it, too.
He can taste the worst cookies
that she will make and then eat three or four
more from the same batch.
He can touch the stars and pull
them closer to her.
He can see the fire of youthful puppy
love burning in her heart....
No, this father is no ordinary man.
He has a body to shield his daughter
from strangers, big dogs, and noisy things;
a broad expanse of
chest to nestle against; and an arm to pillow
her head while watching television.
He has two strong arms to hold her
up to touch the sky, to see inside a
bird's nest, or to fly like an airplane.
Fearlessly, this father and daughter
adventure into the realms of surpise.
Together they open doors and share
peeks at monsters; with him,
she is never afraid.
He is there for her first bike ride.
He is flowers picked to tickle
her nose,
shaving cream dabbed on her face,
and a good-night kiss in the dark
when he comes home late
and thinks she is asleep.
In her teenage years, he teaches her to
respect herself and others.
He is always proud of her for trying new things;
she doesn't always have to win.
He is a wealth of truth
in the midst of peer group untruths, an
impatiently driving instructor,
and a light in the window at twelve o'clock
on a Friday night.
He is the firm cornerstone of the family
who gives her values to believe in, a heritage
she feels worthy of, and an urgency for living
her life completely.
Now, in her adulthood, he could slow
down a bit, but he won't.
He still utilizes his many resources
to teach is daughter well, and
somehow his mere presence
continues to trigger
the potential in her.
So what does a daughter say to this man
of subtle sensitivities and infinite wisdom?
She says this..."I love you, Dad"..
Author Unknown
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As I ponder the love that I saw
in his eyes,
A Godly love, given without compromise....
I recall many times that he stood by my side,
And prodded me on with great vigor and pride.
His voice ever confident, firm and yet fair,
Always speaking with patience, tenderness and care.
The power and might of his hands was so sure,
I knew there was nothing we couldn't endure.
It's true, a few others provided insight,
Yet, he laid the foundation that kept me upright.
He's the grandest of men to have lived on this earth,
Although he's not royal by stature or birth.
He's a man of great dignity, honor and strength.
His merits are noble, and of admirable length.
He's far greater than all other men that I know,
He's my Dad, he's my mentor, my friend and hero.
-Poem by Debbie Hinton Young
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dads are dolphins in disguise
with hearts as big as kings.
they test the waters and devise
a way for everything.
when we are small
they swim along
to help us reach our dreams.
and through it all,
so proud and tall -
so like we'd like to be...
Poem by Ashley
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At my daddy's knee
I learned defeat at checkers on Sunday
and I learned percentages and ABC's
At my daddy's side
I learned trout fishing,
the smell of the earth,
and the love of gardening
And holding my daddy's hand
I learned his wisdom,
and his strength
because life is not always simple.
Poem by Laura Elkins
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For All the Times
I Never Said,
"I Love You, Dad"
So often it may seem as if I have
taken you for granted, that I never
noticed all that you did for me or the
sacrifices you made for my benefit.
But I did notice.
I may not have said anything at the
time, and I am sure that many times I
really didn't appreciate you.
But now that I have grown up,
I realize that everything you
did was because you loved
me and wanted the best for me.
I can see now that doing so much for
me meant giving up a lot for yourself.
As I look around, I see many parents
who take care of themselves
first and their children second.
In the eyes of those
children, I can see a hurt
that I never knew.
You have given me more than I ever
At a time when so many people are
blaming their parents for what is wrong
with them, I want to thank you for all
that is good in me.
You instilled it in
me with each hug, scolding,
understanding word, punishment, and
"I love you."
I just wanted to tell you
that I am forever grateful,
and I love
you very much.
- Poem by Michele Weber
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When God Created Fathers
When the good Lord was creating Fathers
he started with a tall frame.
And a female angel nearby said, "What kind of Father is that?
If you're going to make children so close to the ground,
why have you put fathers up so high?
He won't be able to shoot marbles without kneeling,
tuck a child in bed without bending,
or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping."
And God smiled and said, "Yes, but if I make him child size,
who would children have to look up to?"
And when God made a Father's hands, they were large and sinewy.
And the angel shook her head sadly and said, "Do you know what you're
Large hands are clumsy. They can't manage diaper pins, small buttons,
rubber bands on pony tails or even remove splinters caused by baseball
And God smiled and said, "I know, but they're large enough to hold
everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day...
yet small enough to cup a child's face in his hands."
And then God moulded long, slim legs and broad shoulders.
And the angel nearly had a heart attack. "Boy, this is the end of
the week, all right,"
she clucked. "Do you realize you just made a Father without a lap?
How is he going to pull a child close to him without the kid falling between
his legs?"
And God smiled and said, "A mother needs a lap.
A father needs strong shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle,
and hold a sleepy head on the way home from the circus."
God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had
every seen when the angel could contain herself no longer.
"That's not fair.
Do you honestly think those large boats are going to dig out of bed early
in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birthday party
without crushing at least three of the guests?"
And God smiled and said, "They'll work. You'll see. They'll support
a small child who wants to ride a horse to Banbury Cross,
or scare off mice at the summer cabin, or display shoes that will be a
challenge to fill." God worked throughout the night, giving the Father
few words,
but a firm authoritative voice; eyes that saw everything,
but remained calm and tolerant.
Finally, almost as an afterthought, he added tears.
Then he turned to the angel and said,
"Now, are you satisfied that he can love as much as a Mother?"
The angel shutteth up.
Erma Bombeck
"Children's children are the crown
of old men, and the glory of children is their father."
(Proverbs 17:7).
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My Dad
When I was just a tiny kid,
Do you remember when,
The time you kissed my bruises,
Or cleaned my soiled chin?
You scrambled for the balls I hit,
(Short-winded more than not,)
Yet, every time we'd play a game,
You praised the "outs" I caught.
It seems like only yesterday,
You wiped away my tears,
And late at night I called your name,
To chase away my fears.
Though time has changed your handsome grip,
Your hair is snowy white,
Your gait's a little slower now,
Thick glasses help your sight.
Oh, do I thirst for years gone by,
To be that growing lad,
Re-living all of the memories,
Of growing with my dad.
by Tracee Anne Beaty
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This Beautiful Award was given to me by
WONDERFUL and CARING Lady!!! Thank-you, LadyCare!
You have touched my Heart!!
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