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is the GIFT of LOVE
What ARE Friends?

WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY defines a "Friend"
(1)A person one knows, likes and trusts...
(2)A favored companion; comrade...........
(3)One who supports a group or cause....
Simple definition isn't it? But a 'friend' means so MUCH more....

Have you ever TRULY wondered just WHAT a friend means to you?
I mean REALLY means to you? Is it someone you think of as being
there for you in times of sorrow, joy, and happiness? Have you ever
wondered what life would be like without them? FRIENDSHIP is a

Throughout our lives we are touched by those we call our 'friends'....
Those who touch our lives in some SPECIAL way
We share SO MANY throughout our years of growing.....
from our early childhood, through our school years and into adulthood.....
there are those chosen few who remain with us as we go on with
our lives, and there are those we meet throughout life's journey....
but...have you taken a moment to be thankful for what they mean
to you? How much a part of our lives our friends really are? How
much they bring INTO our lives and the world around us?
I have been blessed throughout my life with those I hold so dear
to my heart, but over this past year I have TRULY been blessed
in finding those who, without, my life would surely have been different.
For in these beautiful people, I've found strength, love of life,
trust in myself and others - and if not for these wonderful, caring,
and giving people, who truly mean MORE to me than the word
'friend' could EVER say.....I give my heart to you and my love
and I will be here for you as you have ALWAYS been here for me!!!!

Those of who I speak, know who they are.....and I hope
they know just how MUCH they DO mean to me and how much
they are LOVED!!! I could not have gotten through the
heartache of this past year without you.....
Thank-you for your love, your caring, your strength - your
faith in me has given me the world and in that world,
I have found YOU!!!! No longer just friends....but True and Loving "Family"

PLEASE - take a moment to tell those you hold dear in your heart
how much they mean to you and how much they truly are loved....
Remember the love you've shared together...
Remember the laughter....and....the tears.....
but MOST of all....
Remember and Treasure your friends for there is no greater gift
than the love of a friend!! Treasure them ALWAYS as they do YOU!!

From time to time, the text on this page will change.....
As my life changes, as my wonderful 'family' and I grow closer
I will place my deepest heartfelt thoughts here,
and hopefully, in some way, touch your heart!!
PLEASE come back often and send this to YOUR friends
and let then know YOU CARE!!!

PLEASE e-mail with your comments *G*
If you are
planning on leaving, please don't forget to sign my Guestbook. Thanks!
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