~ Ch. KaJack's Dynamic WhirlWynd CD ~ February 10, 1982 - December 6, 1997
crispness of the early morning air. My dog at my side without a care.
He may not talk but we certainly share....
An unconditional love that will always be there!
by Jon Laughlin
Page is dedicated to the Memory of.....
KaJack's Dynamic Whirlwind, C.D."

was my first show dog.
A Std. Manchester Terrier.
What began as a hobby and to have
a 'well' trained dog, ended up being
the most WONDERFUL time of my life.

finishing under Judge Thomas Gately - Oct. 1986

doing the "Retrieve Over High Jump"
an Open Class Obedience Trial Exercise

We began with the 'typical obedience classes...then entered obedience trials. Those watching him in the Obedience Ring
thought he should be shown in the Breed Ring because of his
enthusiasm and outright showmanship.... So, I figured "Sure,
Why Not!! I was really 'getting into' this show thing!! Once in the
ring,it was clear that "Billy" was one heck of a "Showman" and
he strutted his stuff beautifully!! He could be full of himself
outside the ring but once inside, he seemed to be saying "Hey Judge!! Look at ME" and those Judges must have as "Billy"
went on to become the TRUE Champion that he was!!!
True Champion

I entered Billy in obedience trials and he did quite well. Even with his antics, which are now known among several area show
exhibitors as "Pulling a Billy". LOL!! Perhaps an explanation is in order here.. Imagine doing the 'Out of Sight Sits and Downs' and coming back
to find your dog has decided the Ring Stewards' LAPS are much warmer and cozier than that darn old rubber mat on the floor!! YES,
Billy decided a few times he didn't want to lie down on the floor and when I'd return, there he'd be on the lap of one of the Stewards with a MOST contented look on his face as if to say,
"Hey, I'm down aren't I?"
Billy did, however, earn his 3 legs for his C.D. in FIVE trials and earned 2 toward his CDX before I decided to become a mother
and those doing obedience with a Manchester KNOW how they can come up with some of the MOST UNBELIEVABLE antics in
the ring! |

KaJack's Dynamic Whirlwind,C.D." |
Judges have told me that I didn't need to be
on the other end of his show lead as THAT dog could show himself!
Billy indeed LOVED going to dogs shows...just the MENTION of the words
got him excited beyond belief!!!!

was MORE than a dog. He was my SPECIAL friend. My CONSTANT COMPANION to
He was a TRUE champion, on HIM I could depend.
But, my broken Heart will take time to mend.
by..Jon Laughlin

at 15 years of age.
(pic taken Nov. 1997)
After a lengthy fight with cancer, I asked God to take Billy across "RainBow Bridge" where he could be young again and free from
pain and he could once again enjoy being in the show rings
that he so loved...Billy crossed that beautiful bridge on : December 6th, 1997 |
In Loving Memory : Ch. KaJack's Dynamic Whirlwind, C.D. February 10, 1982 - December 6, 1997
You may be gone from this earth... but you will never leave my heart.
Poems in Tribute to "Billy"

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Rose's Garden. Page last updated - 3/21/04
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This set made especially for Billy's Tribute.
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