Luke's Welcome

"Doo-Dah's Luke At Me"


Luke came into my life because my now "ex"- husband decided he wanted a Boxer. At first, I was opposed to having such a tough looking breed around my kids, but after researching the breed, I found that one of their traits is their gentleness with children. After contacting several area breeders, I located Luke in a family home not far from here. Seems this wife had become afraid of him because of his size and his intimidating looks.

REAL INTIMIDATING isn't he!!! *LOL* NOT!!! *S*
She had kept him leashed to a doorknob. I saw Luke and instantly fell for him, he had been well trained in obedience and is a very loyal and loving companion as well as ONE HECK of a watch dog! He has 'put' many a person off my porch as soon as I open the door!! *LOL* In fact, one night, someone had car trouble and I let them in and before I knew it, Luke flew into the room and got up and put his front paws on this young man's shoulders and stared him right in the eyes. His tail was wagging but the poor guy FROZE. *LOL*

Luke IS wonderful with Jesse and Lacey, he is definitely THEIR Protector - if my husband or I played a bit rough with either of them, Luke would make sure we were not hurting them.
He literally pushed us away from the kids. *Smile*

As well as a wonderful companion, Luke became a "buddy" to Billy. With Luke there, Billy entered his "second puppy-hood". Those two were fast friends and spent many a day together raising almost as much "heck" as my two kids. *SMILE*

Lacey just loved to hold Luke - He was her constant companion!!

*Due to my recent divorce, Luke had to be placed with another loving family - Living in an apartment which allows no pets and my "ex" no longer wanting a dog around, made it impossible for me to keep him..I miss Luke horribly.....but I know he is being well taken care of and loved as I, Jesse, and Lacey STILL love him*

My Love of my Animals reaches deep in my Heart -as does their loss....
Your BEAUTIFUL award helps ease my sorrow..Thank-you, dear LadyCare.

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