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The Berry Patch

Fun Links and Credits Page

Directory Links

Home Page Berry Patch Gazette Library Page
Awards Page Brendan's Kid Page Colin's Kid Page
Nolan's Kid Page Kathryn's Kid Page Little Angel in Heaven
Cousin Daniel's Kid Page Cousin Diana's Kid Page Cousin James' Kid Page
Apply to Win our Award! Tom's Sci-Fi Universe!

Fun Links

Here are some sites we find entertaining and fun:

The Precious Moments figures are enjoyed by my whole family.
We've had the good fortune to visit the Precious Moments Chapel
located in Missouri. Here is a link to their website:

Yes, the Webmaster is a Trekkie and an X-filer!
Here is a link to the official Star Trek and X-files websites!

The Webmistress is an avid Dr.Quinn, Medicine Woman fan!
Being a nurse herself, she always wants to compare notes with the good doctor.
Here is the link to the official Dr. Quinn website:

The family enjoys broadway and there is one musical which has captured my heart
like no other show - Les Miserables.
Its playing in many cities across the country so if you
haven't seen it - nows the time!
Here is the link to the offical Les Miserables website.

Here are some great links for graphics.

Take a look at them - they're all worth a peak!

A special thanks goes out to Lisa at Western Sky Graphics Ranch for creating
our new banner for us. Thanks Lisa! This is a link to her site:

The Precious Moments background and guestbook buttons came from here:

The wonderful backgrounds for the Gazette, the library,the
awards page, and the Win Award page came from The Temple of Grapholina.
The temple is a really cool place. Check it out!

Sharon below gave me special attention finding the berries!

I got great icons and animations from here:

I got a good Precious Moment kitchen graphic for the news page here:

The Spring graphics on the Gazette came from Becky's Garden of Graphics.

I got the great kids graphics here. Aren't they adorable!

The balloons on the Gazette came from:

This link is a humorous look at family life. Check it out!

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since April 29, 1999

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