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The Precious Moments figures are enjoyed by my whole family.
We've had the good fortune to visit the Precious Moments Chapel
located in Missouri. Here is a link to their website:
Yes, the Webmaster is a Trekkie and an X-filer!
Here is a link to the official Star Trek and X-files websites!
The Webmistress is an avid Dr.Quinn, Medicine Woman fan!
Being a nurse herself, she always wants to compare notes with the good doctor.
Here is the link to the official Dr. Quinn website:
The family enjoys broadway and there is one musical which has captured my heart
like no other show - Les Miserables.
Its playing in many cities across the country so if you
haven't seen it - nows the time!
Here is the link to the offical Les Miserables website.
A special thanks goes out to Lisa at Western Sky Graphics Ranch for creating
our new banner for us. Thanks Lisa! This is a link to her site:
The Precious Moments background and guestbook buttons came from here:
The wonderful backgrounds for the Gazette, the library,the
awards page, and the Win Award page came from The Temple of Grapholina.
The temple is a really cool place. Check it out!
Sharon below gave me special attention finding the berries!
I got great icons and animations from here:
I got a good Precious Moment kitchen graphic for the news page here:
The Spring graphics on the Gazette came from Becky's Garden of Graphics.
I got the great kids graphics here. Aren't they adorable!
The balloons on the Gazette came from:
This link is a humorous look at family life. Check it out!
Thank you for visiting my home page! You are visitor number
since April 29, 1999
You can still view my alternate guestbook:
© 1998-1999 Email Tom and Colleen