This is our new baby daughter Kathryn's Kid Page!!

<bgsound src="undersea-midi.mid" loop=infinite>
"Under the Sea"

Ariel, the Little Mermaid!!

I've finally arrived! After much anticipation by my older brothers
and my mom and dad, I was born on Christmas Day 1999 (Dec 25)!
I was 5 pounds at birth and 18 1/2 inches long. My daddy says I look
like him. I have dark hair and my eyes might turn dark too.
I am the first daugther in the family and have three older brothers
Brendan, Colin and Nolan. I also have three cousins,
Daniel, Diana and James! James was born just three days before me!
I think we'll have alot of fun as we grow up together!
All of us kids love Disney which is why you will see alot of them on
these kid pages.

Sebastian singin' our song!

Here is my adopt-a-dragon

Prince Eric

The great Disney background and graphics came from here:

Take a look with Ariel at our other great sites!
Home Page Berry Patch Gazette Library Page
Awards Page Brendan's Kid Page Colin's Kid Page
Nolan's Kid Page Little Angel in Heaven Cousin Daniel's Kid Page
Cousin Diana's Kid Page Cousin James' Kid Page Apply to Win Our Award!
Tom's Sci-Fi Universe!

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