Due to technical problems and severe backlog,
our award program is temporarily closed.
We hope to re-open it by Jan 2001.
Thank you for your patience.

Apply for The Berry Patch Award of Excellence!

Purpose: This award is given to those sites showing good style
and originality, with interesting graphics and good content.
Above all, it must demonstrate good, honest effort and creativity.

If you are notified you are a winner, I will personalize the
award with the name of your site and email it to you.

Here are the rules:

1. No adult or pornographic site should apply!
2. It must have some content - links alone are not enough.
3. It should have no or minimal broken links or images.
5. Most Important - I must like it!

To apply, please email me:
1. Your name
2. Your website address (URL)
3. Your website name
4. A brief description of your site.
5. Please tell me how you heard about my awards site

Please allow me up to 2 weeks to look it over and respond.
If you're notified you're a winner, all I ask is you link the award back
to my site at http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/2207.

Note: I will only respond if you're a winner. If you haven't heard back
after a week, you can always reapply. Good Luck!

Please take a moment and sign our guestbook or email us!

Click here to see our Winner's Circle

I'm a member of the Award Sites, Award Manager, Awards Den, CH's Awards Palace,
the Awards Index, and the Award Gallery.

Award Webrings we belong to

This Awards of the Web site is owned by
Tom Berry.

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Since November 19, 1998.

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