This is Brendan's Kid Page!!

<bgsound src="cantwaitking-midi.mid" loop=infinite>
"I Just Can't Wait to be King"

Brendan is the oldest of the Berry children at 12 yrs old.
He loves his two little brothers, Colin and Nolan very much.
He has a new sister Kathryn and has three cousins,
Daniel, Diana, and, just recently, James!
All of our kids love Disney which is why you will see alot of
them on these kids pages. Brendan chose all the borders for the
kids pages and picked out the adopt-a-dragons below and named
them all himself. He tries very hard to be independant, sometimes
to a fault!

Brendan is now in 6th grade and was involved in soccer
over the fall. He is currently playing basketball and will play baseball
this spring! He enjoys playing his
gameboy games and loves reading and riding bikes. His favorite
hobbies are skateboarding, basketball, trumpet, boy scouts, and baseball.
He also enjoys "Halloween", and playing football with his friends.

This past summer he went to Europe and the United Kingdom as a Student Ambassador
for People-to-People International. He had a great time!

Simba, Timmon, and Pumba

Brendan received this great gift from Kim. Thanks so much!!

Here is his adopt-a-dragon

Mufasa and Simba

Simba and Zazu

This great award was given to me by a nice girl named Heather! Thanks!

The great Disney background and graphics came from here:

Follow Simba to one of our other Berry Patch sites!

Home Page Berry Patch Gazette Library Page
Awards Page Colin's Kid Page Nolan's Kid Page
Kathryn's Kid Page Angel in Heaven Cousin Daniel's Kid Page
Cousin Diana's Kid Page Cousin James' Kid Page Apply to Win Our Award!
Tom's Sci-Fi Universe!

Simba and Nala

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since July 14, 1998

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