Here you will see all the awards people have been kind enough to give us.
Please check out their sites too because they are all very cool!
As of November, I have reorganized the awards so they load faster and are
easier to navigate. Check them out!
Awards page 1 listed below.
Heartland Award Of Excellence - July 14, 1998
KMC Beary Special Award - July 24, 1998
Dican's Favorite Neighbor Award - July 25, 1998
Lolli's Kewl Page Award - July 31, 1998
MARS Beautiful Site Award - August 1, 1998
Awards page 2 listed below.
Carla's Creations Award Of Excellence - August 4, 1998
Sir Gallant Award of Excellence - August 7, 1998
Misty Rain's Award for Excellent Web Design - August 7, 1998
Sunset Angel's Award of Excellence - September 3, 1998
Crystal Fall's Electrifying Site Award - September 21, 1998
Awards page 3 listed below.
Lil's Beary Special Award - September 22, 1998
BlueEyes Award For Excellent Web Page - September 23, 1998
Grandma's Award of Excellence - September 27, 1998
Uyen Nhi's Romantic Homepage Award - November 9, 1998
Phillie's Great Site Award - November 18, 1998
Awards page 4 listed below.
Gift from Creatures of Mythology - January 15, 1999
All-Around Outstanding Achievement of Excellence Award - March 13, 1999
Angela's Award of Excellence - April 16, 1999
JOSCHI's Family Site Award - May 3, 1999
Candace's Cool Site Award - June 16, 1999
Awards page 5 listed below.
Stargazer's Awesome Website Award - June 17, 1999
Shannon's Narly Website Award - June 22, 1999
Caroline's Award for Outstanding Web Excellence - June 29, 1999
Heartland's Heart of Gold Award - June 30, 1999
Bartling Angel of Hope Award (2 of them) - July 8, 1999
Sharon Rose's Blue Rose Award of Excellence - Oct 29, 1999
Dark Blue Knight's Original Homepage Award - Jan 12, 2000
Dark Blue Knight's Timeless Beauty Original Award - Jan 12, 2000
Thanks for visiting our awards page! You are visitor number
Since July 26, 1998.
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