Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 02:08:24
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
03/23/00 21:38:32
Name: Dana Crow | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: PA | How did you find out site?: Just scanning |
I'm at 10 weeks right now, and just had my first pre-antal visit yesterday. They could not find a heartbeat either. Your site scared me, but I know the reality is there. I'm sorry about your loss. I too, know that my ten week old Abigail is loved no m
tter how small.
03/20/00 02:18:05
Name: Sonia | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Australia | How did you find out site?: Supporters looking for supporters | Your favorite book: Any Stephen King Novel |
Your favorite movie: Ummmm thats a toughy!!! | Did you like our site?: Yep | What did you like best?: I had an overall liking of all your pages... |
Hi, just flew in for a visit, and I would love to VE with you if you are interested. I have had 2 M/C's but my second like Colleen's, I was 14weeks in term but my little angel passed on at 11 weeks, it is not easy to live with, so I understand what you a
e both feeling.
03/14/00 14:22:43
Name: Kimberly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Maryland | How did you find out site?: Surfing | Did you like our site?: YES! |
What did you like best?: Newspaper,the spirit behind EVERYTHING, and the compassion |
The Story of your loss has touched me deeply. I am about to have my tubal reversed and the possibility of a misscarriage is greater afer this type of procedure. I have been trying to face the very real possiblility for a few months and I don't know how
could ever deal with it if it were to happen. The need for my husband and I to have a little one of our very own is SO great though any risk is worth that joy!. I hope your pain is healing, though I know it is never gone. I hope that I may be able to
raw stregnth from your site to keep me positive. Take care of yourselves. Keep that wonderful SPIRIT!!
03/13/00 03:27:10
Name: Jessica | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Christchurch, New Zealand |
How did you find out site?: though Berry patch |
may god bless you at this sad time
Jessica (seventh Day Addventist)
02/28/00 15:45:00
Name: Debbie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Michigan | How did you find out site?: Site fights | Your favorite book: Christian books many |
Your favorite movie: City of angels | Did you like our site?: Yes very much | What did you like best?: Angel baby story |
I too have had 2 miscarriages in my life and one was when I was almost 6 months along--He was a boy
It is hard when you lose a child like this or any other way for that matter, but the comfort comes in knowing that they are with the Lord, and back home with him. We will see them when we go to heaven. I just know we will know who they are.
Good luck in the site fights, and if you would like to exchange votes with me visit my home, and email me !!
01/23/00 00:27:51
Name: Karen Skinner | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Georgia | How did you find out site?: Through the Berry Patch Awards Page | Your favorite book: Liz Curtis Higgs Books |
Your favorite movie: Gone with the Wind | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: the message it gives of love |
Thank you for sharing your story
01/23/00 00:27:08
Name: Karen Skinner | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Georgia | How did you find out site?: Through the Berry Patch Awards Page | Your favorite book: Liz Curtis Higgs Books |
Your favorite movie: Gone with the Wind | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: the message it gives of love |
11/17/99 04:41:07
Name: Mary | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Roswell, GA, USA | How did you find out site?: Focus | Your favorite book: Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis |
Your favorite movie: The Sound of Music | Did you like our site?: Yes ! | What did you like best?: Its uniqueness. |
I am so sorry about Elizabeth. A good friend of mine had a miscarriage. I had no idea what she was going through. Now I know how inadequate my support was. I'll call her tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.
11/11/99 01:48:31
Name: Connie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Missouri |
How did you find out site?: Awards index |
Just out surfing and run across an awards index page....happened to click on your page....I know
what losing a child is like I lost my 15 yr old daughter...I'm sorry you lost
your Elizabeth (((hugs))) I hope you and your family are doing ok...sad we have the loss of a child in common...Wishing you well..Connie
10/20/99 04:52:19
Name: Frances Adcock | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Mississippi | How did you find out site?: FROM CIVIL WAR SITE | Did you like our site?: its the most beautifulist |
What did you like best?: the poems |
I am touched by your beautiful site- I have never seen anything this good ...yours is the first. I'll see you and your Little Angel in Heaven. I'll be the one with the tattered white robe.
10/19/99 17:37:50
Name: J. Berry | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: Ohio | How did you find out site?: looking up other Berry's |
Did you like our site?: yes |
This brought tears to my eyes. Even after 3 years and 2 more babies, I still get emotional about my miscarriage. Hope all is well with you!
10/10/99 00:03:22
Name: Robin | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Michigan | How did you find out site?: MMSeekers | Your favorite book: Forever Amber |
Your favorite movie: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | Did you like our site?: I loved it!! | What did you like best?: Angel Baby Page |
What an absolutely lovely site. 23 yrs. ago I was 1 week shy of 6 months and gave premature delivery to twin boys. Only 1 lived and only for 8 hours. I had them christened Robert & Joseph. They are my "Angel Babies" but then I had the 2 children you will
meet on my 'Stress Relief' pages. I hope you enjoy mine as much as I have enjoyed yours. Thank you!
10/09/99 13:36:21
Name: SueK | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Lodi, CA |
How did you find out site?: webring | Did you like our site?: yes |
10/08/99 02:25:21
Name: Tawnya | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Nebraska | How did you find out site?: site fights | Your favorite movie: Scent of a Woman |
Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: all of it-seriously! |
Your 'Angel Baby' Page for Elizabeth brought tears to my eyes. I lost a brother at the age of 3 days old. He was a twin, one survived, one didn't. It's very difficult. I also have a dedication page. Your whole site is beautiful and I enjoyed the visi
. Thank you for the easy navigation. Looks like you are doing great in the site fights!! Best of luck to you both, and keep up that great spirit!! *HUGS & God Bless*
![]() by to say 'hi' & visit your site!~ ![]() |
09/09/99 00:35:58
Name: Tim | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Tennessee |
How did you find out site?: Blueye's Homepage |
Just thought id drop by your site and check it out. I'm sorry to hear about the loose of your child. I cant sit here and say i know what you all went through, all i can do is imagine, and my heart goes out to you all.May GOD keep you in HIS loving arms.
specially liked the poems page. Actually liked your whole site, u have done a great job, keep up the good work. GOD BLESS YOU.
08/27/99 21:47:16
Name: Natale Williams | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: California |
You have a beautiful page! I love the graphics.
08/26/99 19:39:19
Name: Ting | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Singapore |
Did you like our site?: Yipee |
HI .... thought that I add my own greetings and condolence here... I feel so sorry for your baby Liz ... although I don't have kids of my own .. I can almost feel that pain that you must have felt ... I feel so sorry ... for you, your wife, your family an
your unborn child .. I believe that all that happen lies in the hands of fate ... I am glad that you and your family are coping in well .. ~ Yours Sincerely, tingting
08/18/99 02:39:21
Name: Finla | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: Germany |
How did you find out site?: surfing GeoCities by numbers (erm...) | Your favorite book: The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy | Your favorite movie: Interview With A Vampire |
Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: Elizabeth's page and the Gazette |
Hi, having surfed through your beautiful pages I'm sitting here with quite mixed emotions... On the one hand it is so entertaining, and somehow I feel like having a chicken salad... And on the other hand there was that moving story about Elizabeth. Losing
a baby must be one of the most horrible things... This is something you can never forget, and I can only say I feel with you. All the pages are made with so much love, and visiting your place in the web was really a pleasure. Best wishes for you and the w
ole family!
08/05/99 02:28:50
Name: Shawna | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: USA |
How did you find out site?: Search engine | Your favorite book: Message in a Bottle | Your favorite movie: Its a Wonderful Life |
Did you like our site?: Loved it!! |
You have such a great page! Keep up the good work!!
07/31/99 00:19:58
Name: Sandy/garysgirl | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: OHIO |
How did you find out site?: site fights | What did you like best?: Baby Angel Page |
I too have been through the torment of multiple msicarriages and tho I had three beautiful children it doesn't ease the loss.
07/22/99 20:53:40
Name: Katie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
How did you find out site?: Awards Index | Your favorite book: Finishing Becca, by Rinaldi | Your favorite movie: Overnight Delivery |
Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: Awards |
07/22/99 17:45:39
Name: Blueyes and JD | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Lou., KY, USA | How did you find out site?: You *S* And Thank You I enjoyed My stay!! | Did you like our site?: YES |
What did you like best?: All the love in each of your pages!!! |
Hello My Friend!!!! *S*
I was just surfing the net and thought I should come by and wish you a happy day! I hope you have an awesome day. I know I have said a hundred times already, and heck might say it a hundred more..LOL.. that I am so thankful to have you as a friend!
Take care!
07/09/99 02:31:20
Name: Jessie | Where are you from?: California |
How did you find out site?: DSiteFights DMan Dome | Your favorite book: Sabriel |
Did you like our site?: It was great! |
I just read your AngelBaby page and it really moved me. I've always tried to act tough but I want you to know that my prayers are with you.
07/06/99 17:26:16
Name: Jenn Caufman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Abilene, Tx | How did you find out site?: Garden's webring | Your favorite book: Prince of Tides |
Your favorite movie: Forrest Gump | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: Poetry |
Loving site. I can see all the love and hardwork.
07/06/99 01:28:53
Name: Spirit Speedy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Name: Blue | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Louisiana | How did you find out site?: The Site Fights | Your favorite book: Walk Two Moons |
Your favorite movie: Never Been Kissed | Did you like our site?: Yes, I loved it! | What did you like best?: Hmm all of it! |
I love this page! I felt so sad for you when I read about Colleen's miscarriage. My mom and dad tried to have another baby when I was about 4, but Mom miscarried and was unable to have any more babies ever, dooming me to the fate of forever being a 'lonel
only!' I hope it works out better for you in the future. :)
06/11/99 11:06:58
Name: Wee One Azza | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: The site fights | How did you find out site?: The site fights | Your favorite book: Lily and Me (by Moses Aaron) |
Your favorite movie: The Sound of Music | Did you like our site?: Yes, of course I did! | What did you like best?: I liked it all the best! |
Your page is excellent! You have a lot of spirit! Good luck in the fights! Keep up the good work! You will be receiving a spirit stick from me soon!
Wee One Azza
06/08/99 12:19:29
Name: Katie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Indiana | How did you find out site?: From your other site | Your favorite book: The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordan By Stephen King |
Your favorite movie: Titanic | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: The Angels |
Hi The Berry Patch,
Nice page. Your page is a tear jerker. You should tell many people about it, because it's so sweet, great job.
05/07/99 12:42:29
Name: Filly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: NJ | How did you find out site?: surfed in | Your favorite book: Charlotte's Web - No Kidding! |
Your favorite movie: Too many to list! | Did you like our site?: Loved it! | What did you like best?: Angel Baby & the Gazette |
I really enjoyed my stay here. The Gazette page was great - I've been trying to do something like this with all of my family - but they won't send in the news!! Also, AngelBaby brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart! I too, lost my own 2 angel b
bies - one at 18 weeks the other at 23 weeks! I even named my Guardian Angel on my homepage after one of my "Angel Babies"!
04/29/99 06:38:18
Name: Elizabeth Smith | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Tampa, Florida - USA | How did you find out site?: from a friend | Your favorite book: Peter Pan |
Your favorite movie: Peter Pan | Did you like our site?: sure I did! | What did you like best?: Little Angel in Heaven because it was very touching. |
I really enjoyed visiting your site. I loved the layout, navigation, color scheme, and graphics. I also felt that it was very heart warming as well. :)
04/22/99 14:20:45
Name: Linda Simmons | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Venice, FL USA | How did you find out site?: Visiting another guest book | Your favorite book: Any Stephen King book |
Did you like our site?: Loved it | What did you like best?: Layout |
Loved your webpage!! I too had a misscarrage in June of 1990, but now have THE BEST 7 year old son in the world. Mi misscarrage was the most painful, both physically and emotionally thing that has happened to me. But now I have a great son who is the l
ght of my life!! I would gladly go thru the pain of childbirth before I would go thru the physical pain of a misscarrage. May God bless your Angle Baby and the rest of your wonderful family!!
04/21/99 12:34:33
Name: Ben Gordon | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Bay Area, Ca. | How did you find out site?: On the FA awards Site | Your favorite book: hitchikers Guide to the Galaxcy |
Your favorite movie: too many | Did you like our site?: Yes site is very well done!!! |
Just a quick note to thank you for the award presented to our site Carols Critters...
04/21/99 12:33:17
Name: Ben Gordon | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Bay Area, Ca. | How did you find out site?: On the FA awards Site | Your favorite book: hitchikers Guide to the Galaxcy |
Your favorite movie: too many | Did you like our site?: Yes site is very well done!!! |
Just a quick note to thank you for the award presented to our site Carols Critters...
04/19/99 23:53:41
Name: JD and Blueyes | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: KY | How did you find out site?: Signed Guestbook | Did you like our site?: Yes Indeed! |
What did you like best?: All Of It!! |
Hi there!! First off, Thank you for the Birthday Wish! We just finished viewing your pages and we must say we like your style and design! You have showed many talents by creating your pages and we feel honored to visit them and learn about you, your famil
and/or interests! Keep up the great work and we will be back for future visits! We would like to invite you back to our pages anytime. We enjoy the company very much! Thanks for visiting!!
04/17/99 21:48:22
Name: monica | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: massachusetts |
How did you find out site?: geocities banner from my page | Your favorite book: little house on the prairie-the entire collection | Your favorite movie: the birds |
Did you like our site?: super,it took me 2 hour to look through it all | What did you like best?: the great links |
i couldn't see any of your pictures or graphics,i guess it didn't load right but wow,my mind is still absorbing all the stuff, i will have to come back and read only a little at a time. fantastic.if you ever need a pick me up you can visit my page and cli
k on the butterfly. it will bring you to my happiness page. i too miscarried,twins,5th month,back in 1986 and i still cry sometimes.i do haave a wonderfull daughter now,born in 89, can't have any more but she is my angel.i hope my happiness page will chee
you up.God bless.,i'll be back.,sicerly,monica
04/16/99 21:43:20
Name: Kirsten | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Colorado (MOW) | How did you find out site?: visited by Colleen | Your favorite book: how can I pick just one? |
Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: Star Trek/Sci Fi |
I really enjoyed my visit. You have some great pages here. I was born before Star Trek (but not much) and have always enjoyed it - as soon as I was old enough! You have a wonderful family. Thanks for a fun visit.
04/16/99 16:46:12
Name: Terri Wileman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: West Virginia | How did you find out site?: another site | Your favorite book: The Bible |
Your favorite movie: not sure | Did you like our site?: very much | What did you like best?: beautiful layout |
Great Site
04/13/99 18:39:57
Name: Jodi | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada | How did you find out site?: from my guestbook | Your favorite book: Jitterbug Perfume |
Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: The kids pages |
Thanks for the invitation to visit your beautiful site. I've really enjoyed my stay.....looking around while I enjoyed my...berry tea...hehehe. Sorry, couldn't resist that since it is my favorite tea. I'll have to come back to finish looking around, esp
cially that sci fi page. I'm a bit of a sci fi buff myself.
04/10/99 16:03:36
Name: Kim and Loren Bartling | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Arizona | How did you find out site?: You signed our guestbook | Your favorite book: Lion's Pride |
Your favorite movie: Titanic | Did you like our site?: Loved it | What did you like best?: Style - family oriented |
You signed ours - so I had to stop by and say howdy to you and yours! You did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work and our blessings are with you for Angel Baby - I have been there myself.
Take care
04/10/99 05:35:22
Name: debbie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: mi |
How did you find out site?: search engine | Did you like our site?: yes |
04/08/99 23:31:11
Name: Jorge A. Franco | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Uruguay |
How did you find out site?: The Awards Cave | Did you like our site?: Yes |
You have a fresh and friendly website. Besides your site is well designed. Congratulations.
04/07/99 00:07:58
Name: CJ Moss | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ohio | How did you find out site?: Surfing | Your favorite book: Dictionary |
What did you like best?: Graphics are nice |
Enjoyed my visit. Nice "eye candy."
04/06/99 19:57:56
Name: Marcia | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: New York | How did you find out site?: clicked on an award | Your favorite book: The Good Earth |
Your favorite movie: Funny Lady | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: the kid pages and the backgrounds |
Just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I enjoyed my visit to your've done a great job here! Nice work.
Marcia (aka flower)
04/06/99 15:38:10
Name: Jim Lutz | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Edon, Ohio | How did you find out site?: surfin | Your favorite book: Men Are from Mars |
Your favorite movie: Picnic | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: allof it |
You have a lovely site. We really enjoyed our visit. Please visit our home on the web
04/06/99 13:46:13
Name: Delores Shultz | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Indiana |
How did you find out site?: a cuz |
04/06/99 05:27:17
Name: Mis'Behavin | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: illinois |
How did you find out site?: another guestbook | Did you like our site?: yes |
great site i really like the graphics and backgrounds
04/04/99 03:47:48
Name: joan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: OHIO- USA | How did you find out site?: surfed in... really! | Your favorite book: I enjoy Stephen King |
Your favorite movie: Toy Story | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: the "newsy" info about your family... I felt like I was reading a Christmas card! You also made me tear. |
Wonderful work with your site. Beautiful graphics. Your site is a nice addition to the web.
04/03/99 00:27:23
Name: sweetB | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: nh | How did you find out site?: just surfed in | Your favorite book: romance |
Did you like our site?: yes |
04/01/99 12:57:58
Name: Axel Jacob | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Munich, Germany | How did you find out site?: Focus Associates | Your favorite book: Lord of the Rings |
Your favorite movie: Star Wars | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: Hard to tell.... |
Had a short look around, because do not have too
much time in the moment, but surely ! will return
to have a closer look . It is really easy to navigate and I like your layout and the graphics
you use. What I have seen was good and found some
interesting things. Enjoyed my visit. Invite you
to come to my site as well. HAPPY EASTER !
03/30/99 02:42:51
Name: sondra | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: new york | How did you find out site?: on another guestbook | Your favorite book: bram stokers"dracula" |
Your favorite movie: aliens | Did you like our site?: loved it | What did you like best?: the originality |
great site i still haven't checked the whole thing out but in time i will...
03/28/99 10:08:25
Name: Steve | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Louisiana | How did you find out site?: from a link on my page | Your favorite book: Star Trek the Return |
Your favorite movie: The wrath of kahn | Did you like our site?: yes |
Enjoyed the visit
spent some time looking around
Live Long and prosper
03/25/99 07:03:20
Name: Kelly Glazner | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: California | How did you find out site?: clicked your banner on someone's geoguide | Your favorite book: too many to pick one |
Did you like our site?: YES!! | What did you like best?: homey atmosphere |
Hi! You're doing a great job on your site. I enjoyed my visit! I'll come back when I am on a faster line to see more.
Keep up the good work!
03/25/99 01:26:05
Name: Sandylynn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: KY | How did you find out site?: from another guest book | Did you like our site?: very nice |
What did you like best?: visiting each page... they are all so neat.... |
wonderful site very cute.... God Bless you and keep up the good work. Visit me if you get a chance.
03/22/99 14:44:43
Name: Margie Berry | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Did you like our site?: It's great! |
I checked out your site today, Tom, and it looks great. Colleen's poem about the baby is beautiful and will no doubt help other people with miscarriages. Good Job!
03/22/99 14:44:42
Name: Margie Berry | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Did you like our site?: It's great! |
I checked out your site today, Tom, and it looks great. Colleen's poem about the baby is beautiful and will no doubt help other people with miscarriages. Good Job!
03/20/99 22:22:18
Name: Valle | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Sweden |
Did you like our site?: yes! |
Your site is great!!!
03/16/99 05:25:44
Name: Autumn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Washington State | How did you find out site?: Awards Cave | Your favorite book: 1984 |
Your favorite movie: Anything with Ben Stiller | Did you like our site?: yes :) | What did you like best?: The design |
this page is neat :) keep up the good work :D
03/12/99 18:20:45
Name: Dawn |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hi Tom, thanks for the visit..Just love your precious moments graphics..Nice site....
03/11/99 00:44:31
Name: Takota | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: nc |
How did you find out site?: surfed on | Your favorite book: bag of bones | Your favorite movie: horse whispers |
Did you like our site?: YES | What did you like best?: this is a hard question..i loved it all... |
Thanks For Visiting My Webpage. And Thank U for Signing My GuestBook....But Most Of All, Thank U For The Berry Patch Award....U Don't Know How Happy That Made Me! :) ````HUGS```` And I Will Return To Your Berry Patch.... I Really Enjoyed Your Webpage
03/06/99 12:15:09
Name: Walls Simone | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Germany | How did you find out site?: Award Cave | Your favorite book: Gone with the wind |
Your favorite movie: Flashdance | Did you like our site?: Yes a lot | What did you like best?: Colins Page |
I think your sites are great
Bye Simone
03/06/99 02:40:09
Name: Emma Jayne | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: london - england | How did you find out site?: surfed on in | Your favorite book: cant think! |
Your favorite movie: clueless | Did you like our site?: excellent | What did you like best?: the graphics |
A moving memorial page for your darling baby... the poem really moved heart goes out to u.
your site is really nice - lovely design.
come see mine soon
02/28/99 06:40:15
Name: Todd Berry | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Sutton, Nebraska | How did you find out site?: surfing | Your favorite book: Narnia Chronicles |
Your favorite movie: Star Wars | Did you like our site?: It is cool!! | What did you like best?: Gazette |
Really neat site. I enjoyed finding it.
02/27/99 15:36:25
Name: Sajar Reza Jaafar | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Malaysia | How did you find out site?: Viewing another G/Book | Your favorite book: Malaysian Writers |
Your favorite movie: Taitanic | Did you like our site?: Great & cool | What did you like best?: Graphics & backgrounds |
I enjoyed surfing thru.
Do visit mine too:-
02/24/99 21:56:06
Name: Andrew Darden | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Charlotte, NC |
How did you find out site?: Web search | Did you like our site?: Very nice for family's |
02/21/99 00:06:04
Name: Alberto Paronetto | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Argentina | How did you find out site?: Award Cave | Your favorite book: La Riqueza de las Naciones |
Your favorite movie: The Remain of the day | Did you like our site?: Yes |
Great site
02/15/99 15:44:42
Name: Jo | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: Tulsa, OK |
How did you find out site?: My guestbook | Your favorite book: The Stand by Stephen King | Your favorite movie: Probably "The Green Beret" |
Did you like our site?: Thoroughly enjoyed it! | What did you like best?: You have a wonderful Sci-fi section! |
I really really enjoyed your sci-fi section. I am an avid sci-fi fan, most particularly Star Trek and X-Files and you have both with lots of good information on all of them! Keep up the good work, I will DEFINATELY be back!
02/15/99 02:02:46
Name: Diane | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: PA | How did you find out site?: The Awards Cave | Your favorite book: N/A |
Your favorite movie: Selena | Did you like our site?: YES!!! | What did you like best?: Awards |
Great site! Keep up the GREAT work!
02/14/99 22:44:18
Name: VioletDame | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Austin, TX | How did you find out site?: Awards Cave | Your favorite book: The Shining |
Your favorite movie: The Outsiders | Did you like our site?: YES!! | What did you like best?: The Berry Patch Gazette Recipes |
COOL PAGE!!! Keep up the excellent work!
02/07/99 22:52:47
Name: Ana Grace | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Morristown, Tennessee | How did you find out site?: I was viewing another guestbook. | Your favorite movie: All of Jackie Chan's Movies |
Did you like our site?: Very much! This is such a lovely page. | What did you like best?: To tell you the truth, I like every pages. |
Hi there! I want you all to know that I had a great time during my visit. This is such a lovely and interesting site. I'm glad to find you all. Take care and God bless you all.
01/26/99 16:34:04
Name: Anette Rosén | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: Sweden |
How did you find out site?: You sent me an e-mail. | Your favorite book: The Green Mile | Your favorite movie: Have a lot of favorites |
Did you like our site?: Yes, you have a lovely site | What did you like best?: Everythin :-) |
Thanks for the mail and for giving me an award even thou I didnt apply for it. Thank you very much. I write you an e-mail to let you know when I have posted the award on my page.
01/26/99 03:11:06
Name: Samantha | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Mississippi | How did you find out site?: Surfin | Your favorite movie: Deep Impact |
Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: Links |
You're doin a wonderful job with your site. Keep up the good work!
01/23/99 08:25:47
Name: Earl Commander | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs, CO | How did you find out site?: Another guestbook | Your favorite book: The Hobbit |
Your favorite movie: Star Wars | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: didn't have a 'favorite' part...sorry! |
Hi! Just doing some surfing and thought I'd let you know I stopped by your site. Whew! I'm supposed to be working so I guess I'd better get back to that...*groan*
01/20/99 19:50:33
Name: San-d | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Indiana USA | How did you find out site?: You signed my guest book and through the WHPT Contest | Your favorite book: Gone With The Wind |
Your favorite movie: A Christmas Story | Did you like our site?: Yes very much so | What did you like best?: It being a family site and suitable for all viewing!!! |
I can see by browsing through you site that you have put a great deal of work behind your pages. Very well done. I love to browse through a site that can be viewed by all family members. You have done a GREAT job and I will be sure to vote for you in the
eace trails. I also have a family page. Other than my Doggy Page. You can come visit me there if you would like.
01/20/99 18:31:31
Name: Sheila Joslin | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Bossier City, Louisianan |
How did you find out site?: Surfed on in |
Hi! Your site is very lovely. I apprieciate your voting for me in the WHPT. I will return the favor of continuing to vote for your page as well.
01/18/99 09:48:45
Name: Little Dog JOSCHI | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Osnabrueck/Germany | How did you find out site?: I followed the fine smelling | Your favorite book: Sorry, I can't read |
Your favorite movie: Lassie | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: All |
Hi, I'm a small dog from Germany and I wanna kindly say woof, woof to all living beings all around this fine smelling planet earth.
01/18/99 02:13:48
Name: Skye | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Nebraska | How did you find out site?: From another site's awards links | Your favorite book: Anything by Stephen King |
Your favorite movie: Movies with Kevin Costner (how can I choose just one?) | Did you like our site?: Absolutely! Very nicely done! | What did you like best?: Your Berry theme. It fits your family and I love things like that. |
Thanks so much for the darling award. You have a
very nice website, and I'll look forward to visiting again!
01/15/99 09:55:51
Name: Di | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: MD, USA | How did you find out site?: Awards Cave, Another Winners Link | Your favorite book: The Bible |
Your favorite movie: The Swan Princess 1, 2 & 3 | Did you like our site?: Yes, I do | What did you like best?: It is very easy to navigate |
I hope you can leave something
in my guest book when you visit.
01/15/99 04:14:11
Name: Tim | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Chicago | How did you find out site?: Link | Your favorite book: Catcher in the Rye |
Your favorite movie: Scream | Did you like our site?: Yep | What did you like best?: Everything |
Nice site.
01/15/99 01:49:40
Name: Tracy Gaskill | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ohio | How did you find out site?: From a UFO page | Your favorite book: A light in the attic.. Shel Silverstein |
Your favorite movie: Titanic | Did you like our site?: yeah I did |
nice site you have here..... drop by and see us sometime!
01/15/99 00:26:28
Name: Kimberle | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: In. | How did you find out site?: Peace Trails | Your favorite book: anything by Danielle Steele |
Your favorite movie: Armageddon | Did you like our site?: LOVED IT! | What did you like best?: the backgrounds, graphics, everything |
Thanks for coming and having a look around my pages. I really enjoyed myself here. Good luck in the Peace Trails!
01/14/99 03:14:51
Name: Obleena | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: West Virginia | How did you find out site?: Peace Trail competition | Your favorite book: This week? Stephen King's "Desperation" |
Your favorite movie: This month? "Armageddon" | Did you like our site?: yes!! |
Hello! I enjoyed my visit in the Berry Patch this evening. You have a large (but beautiful) family! Keep up the nice work on your pages, and thanks for the wonderful graphics links! ~Obleena
01/14/99 02:15:13
Name: Celestial | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: USA | How did you find out site?: Through some Site Competition | Your favorite book: Gone with the Wind |
Your favorite movie: Monty Python and the search for the holy grail | Did you like our site?: Loved it! | What did you like best?: All of it.. |
I really enjoyed your site, you've done an excellent job! Keep up the good work!
01/13/99 00:08:37
Name: Denise | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: USA | How did you find out site?: Whitehorse | Your favorite book: thats a hard one.... |
Your favorite movie: too many to name!! | Did you like our site?: Yep!! | What did you like best?: all of it! |
You have done a wonderful job!! I found your site very interesting, and I like the format you have used!! Good luck in your contest at Whitehorse...
I am there too!!! I'm gonna vote for ya!! *smile*
01/12/99 18:33:09
Name: Jesica | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Idaho | How did you find out site?: Surfing | Did you like our site?: Fantastic site! |
What did you like best?: All of your site. |
I had a great time visiting your site. You've done an excellent job.
01/11/99 21:20:58
Name: Ann | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: UK | How did you find out site?: Followed link from somewhere! | Your favorite book: I like so many |
Your favorite movie: Kes | Did you like our site?: Very much | What did you like best?: All of it |
Great site, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
01/11/99 09:18:17
Name: Wild~Cat | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Washington State | How did you find out site?: White Horse Peace Trail | Your favorite book: C.S. Lewis |
Your favorite movie: Untamed Hearts | Did you like our site?: Yes very much | What did you like best?: that it is a family site |
I am happy to see another nice family site. You can count on my vote during your run on the peace trail. I am a memeber of the Couagr Team. Good luck!
01/10/99 20:44:43
Name: Carerra4s | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Beloved Kuwait | How did you find out site?: Link From A Guestbook | Your favorite book: Arabian Nights |
Your favorite movie: Bram Stocker's Dracula | Did you like our site?: Loved It!!! | What did you like best?: Actually...All Of It!! |
Your site is truly wonderful...i really had a marvelous time deserve each award given to you...thank you for the enjoyable time i had here...good luck....and keep up the good work :)
01/08/99 00:53:32
Name: Chris | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Florida |
How did you find out site?: web crawler | Did you like our site?: yes |
01/06/99 21:04:34
Name: Carola | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Arnemark, SWEDEN | How did you find out site?: just surfing | Your favorite book: The neverending story |
Your favorite movie: Vendetta | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: so many things |
I realy like your site!!!!
I'll com back visit you again.
01/05/99 03:37:42
Name: Gary Campbell | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: California | How did you find out site?: surfing on "Family Gazette" looking for ideas | Your favorite book: I am currently reading the Judge Dee mysteries by Robert Van Gulik |
Your favorite movie: Patton | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: Very colorful |
Your site is very colorful, with a lot of cute images.
01/03/99 17:31:02
Name: Myrana | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Toronto | How did you find out site?: I dunno | Your favorite book: Hamlet |
Your favorite movie: Anything made in the 80s | Did you like our site?: Yeppers | What did you like best?: The graphics were great |
I'll be back!
01/03/99 03:20:24
Name: Brittany Royal | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ohio | How did you find out site?: award link | Your favorite book: Little Women |
Your favorite movie: Billy Madison | Did you like our site?: Ofcourse | What did you like best?: Everything. |
I really enjoyed your page! I'll come back soon...
01/02/99 05:47:06
Name: Tammy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Nova Scotia, Canada | Your favorite book: Homecoming | Your favorite movie: The Crow |
Did you like our site?: Of Course! | What did you like best?: The Backgrounds! |
LOved your page. Keep up the good work!
12/31/98 18:21:20
Name: Katerina | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Minnesota |
How did you find out site?: another award winner | Did you like our site?: YES :) |
I love your graphics...I've always been a fan of matched border sets, and the ones you use are great!
12/31/98 05:15:54
Name: Madonna | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: West Virginia | How did you find out site?: awards cave | Your favorite book: Anne of Green gables series |
Your favorite movie: con air | Did you like our site?: very much | What did you like best?: the graphics were so cute |
I really liked your site. I bookmarked it so I can spend more time surfing it.
12/28/98 00:11:02
Name: Doris Munson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Seattle, WA | How did you find out site?: another guestbook | Your favorite book: too many to pick one!! |
Your favorite movie: Robin Hood - Prince of Theives | Did you like our site?: very much | What did you like best?: the Sci-Fi page!! |
Hi - I enjoyed my visit to your site very much. Thanks.
12/27/98 21:15:21
Name: Lisa | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Illinois | How did you find out site?: viewing another site's awards | Your favorite book: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett, Nicholas and Alexandra |
Your favorite movie: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett, Nicholas and Alexandra, The Long Long Trailer, Empire Records, Austin Powers, Billy Madison, Sleeping Beauty, The Lion King, Anastasia | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: the graphics |
Your site was very well done. If you get a chance, please stop by my site and I'd appreciate it if you'd consider me for your award.
12/24/98 18:44:47
Name: john | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: sc | How did you find out site?: awards cave | Did you like our site?: yes |
What did you like best?: graphics |
great site
12/20/98 13:34:46
Name: Maverick1321 | My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Arizona |
How did you find out site?: personal reference | Your favorite book: stephan kings skeleton crew | Your favorite movie: dont have ONE fav |
Did you like our site?: yea, its cool | What did you like best?: everything |
Nice webpage...keep up the good work!!
12/20/98 03:00:16
Name: Jackie Evans | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Virginia | How did you find out site?: A link from a previous site | Your favorite book: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Your favorite movie: An Officer and a Gentleman | Did you like our site?: Yes I loved it | What did you like best?: The Library |
You have done a good job on your site. Keep up the good work.
12/19/98 17:59:13
Name: Joan Loranger-Martin | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: California | How did you find out site?: The Awards Cave | Your favorite book: Gone With The Wind |
Your favorite movie: Somewhere In Time | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: The Library |
Adoptees deserve their ORIGINAL birth certificate!
12/18/98 22:14:41
Name: Katie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
How did you find out site?: Award Cave | Your favorite book: ST: Voy "Pathways" | Your favorite movie: Tommyknockers |
Did you like our site?: Yup | What did you like best?: Not sure |
Great Site!!!
12/17/98 21:41:26
Name: Karen Lyster | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: New Zealand | How did you find out site?: followed a link | Your favorite book: Bloodline of the Holy Grail |
Your favorite movie: Close Encounters | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: It's warmth |
Hi - really love your pages, you've done a wonderful job and making visitors feel very welcome.
12/17/98 21:01:46
Name: Misty | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Mo | How did you find out site?: visited your site quite often. | Your favorite book: Steven King |
Your favorite movie: Titanic | Did you like our site?: loved it | What did you like best?: the humor |
I have been visiting your site for quite a while and enjoy the humor and color. pluss it's kid safe which means alot to me keep up the good work. Misty
12/17/98 20:17:55
Name: Sarah |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
12/17/98 17:12:06
Name: Sten Lassen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Copenhagen, Denmark | How did you find out site?: The Awards Cave | Your favorite book: Tolkin |
Your favorite movie: ?? | Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: The layout and the "feel" of it. |
Hi Berry !
It's a very fine site you have created.
I really enjoyed my visit.
12/15/98 23:49:05
Name: phillie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Ohio |
Your favorite movie: The Princess Bride | Did you like our site?: yes =o) |
I have been to your site before and thought I should come back again to see what's new. You have done a great job!I have really enjoyed visiting. Take care and Happy Holidays.
12/13/98 13:22:26
Name: Cyndy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Fort Worth, Texas | How did you find out site?: you signed my guestbook | Your favorite book: The Merlin/King Arthur series by Mary Stewart |
Your favorite movie: Beaches | Did you like our site?: YES :) | What did you like best?: very family friendly |
Thank you so much for leaving me a link to you from my guestbook! And for the lovely words about my page. :) You have a wonderful site here. It is obvious that tons of love went into the making of y
ur cyber-home. I will be back for future visits!
12/02/98 08:23:40
Name: James and Ness | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: US and Japan | How did you find out site?: surfed | Your favorite book: Celestine Prophecy |
Your favorite movie: Titanic | Did you like our site?: Yes! | What did you like best?: Gazette |
Dear Tom and Colleen,
It is a great pleasure to visit you and know your wonderful family. Your gazette is a great idea! We had fun reading it and looking forward to more news. Here's wishing you all the bountiful blessings the Lord could give..We'll be back so let us be info
med of your updates..
Sincerely yours,
James and Ness
Please visit us and share with us your loving thoughts and wonderful blessings,. We do hope you like our pages as they are made with much love and feelings..
12/01/98 17:14:05
Name: Dennis R. Berry | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Louisiana |
How did you find out site?: looking up the Berry family name | Your favorite book: Last of the Breed by Louis L'Amour |
11/27/98 06:14:10
Name: Willow | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: The glen nearest the waterfall | How did you find out site?: Elfin Guestbook | Did you like our site?: Very Much |
What did you like best?: The hominess and graphics |
Hello Colleen~
You have a lovely site and I have enjoyed my visit to your families pages. Thank you for stopping by the MOW Mommy Elves site and saying hello. Also for the kind words *smile* There are several elves at work,
I'm sure I will not be the only one to come view the hard work you have done here! I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Many Blessings, and our gift...
11/27/98 04:57:36
Name: WhiteHorse | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: CA | How did you find out site?: surfed | Your favorite book: Man who listens to horses |
Your favorite movie: bambi | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: "Hominess" |
What a GREAT web-site!
Just surfed in & like what I see. Would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition. A FUN way to promote your web-site & help provide a "family friendly"
surfing network for others. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for January Contests.
Check it out.
11/24/98 22:49:37
Name: john feichtel | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Middle Earth | How did you find out site?: You gave it to me! | Your favorite book: In search of ancient astronauts |
Your favorite movie: Rugrats! | Did you like our site?: great | What did you like best?: this. |
My website is going to be moved soon. I am switching to Easy-pages. Will let you know when available!
11/24/98 21:44:40
Name: Kaye Morris | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Texas but stationed in Florida | How did you find out site?: You signed my guestbook | Your favorite book: Bible |
Your favorite movie: Sounds of Music | Did you like our site?: Loved it | What did you like best?: All of it |
Just wanted to come by and see your wonderful site. I am very glad to meet you and your lovely family. Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Member of MOW, FOW, ICQ, and IBIA (I believe in Angels.)
11/23/98 01:20:27
Name: Gerald D. Berry | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Woodward Ok | How did you find out site?: just surfed in | Did you like our site?: Yes |
What did you like best?: everthing |
11/23/98 01:17:39
Name: Gerald D. Berry |
My URL: Visit Me |
11/19/98 22:48:18
Name: Carla | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Georgia, USA | How did you find out site?: from you :-) | Did you like our site?: love it! |
What did you like best?: everything |
You have a wonderful site! and thank you so very very much for the great award I am truelly honored!
11/10/98 13:31:07
Name: Ruth Anne Coblent | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: newport, NC | How did you find out site?: a friend | Your favorite book: Hello From Heaven |
Your favorite movie: Gone with the Wind | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: angels |
11/08/98 06:52:54
Name: Jennifer Uyen Nhi |
My URL: Visit Me |
This is a beautiful site I really enjoyed it, thank you for visiting me and signing my guest book.
Good luck
11/07/98 05:47:04
Name: Graeme Szetu | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Sydney, Australia | How did you find out site?: Surfin' | Your favorite book: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory |
Your favorite movie: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | Did you like our site?: Yes. Hmmmm. Ok, yes. | What did you like best?: Chuck Berry |
11/06/98 13:28:58
Name: Ralph Dettwiler | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Michigan | How did you find out site?: surfed in | Your favorite book: Bible |
Did you like our site?: Very nice |
Just passing through and wanted to say hi and invite you to my pages too.
11/03/98 23:41:41
Name: Meghan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: A dream........ |
Your favorite movie: Too many | Did you like our site?: yep |
11/01/98 01:16:18
Name: Shelly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: PA | How did you find out site?: another web site link | Your favorite book: The bible |
Your favorite movie: The titanic | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: the graphics |
Hi I collect precious moments figurines. The first one I received was when I was in nursing school and then when I became chronically disabled
with the rare blood disease I started really into my obcession in collecting them. Of course my favorite ones are the medical ones. You can check out my web site for information on Porphyria since you are a nurse, i think it would be informative for you.
10/31/98 14:15:10
Name: phillie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ohio | How did you find out site?: link from another site | Your favorite movie: The Princess Bride |
Did you like our site?: absolutely! |
I saw your link on another site and thought I would stop by for a visit. You have obviously put a lot of work into your site. I am really glad I stopped by =o)
10/27/98 04:08:02
Name: Eve Switzer | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Oklahoma | How did you find out site?: Heartland select list | Your favorite book: Where the Red Fern Grows |
Your favorite movie: Lady Hawk | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: graphics |
Neat page.... You have a cute family. Great work! Eve
10/26/98 06:52:27
Name: Liv | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Singapore (other side of the planet!) | How did you find out site?: Clicked on your banner! | Your favorite book: The Stand (Stephen King) |
Your favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption | Did you like our site?: Absolutely! |
Tom and Colleen, hi! The first time ever I clicked on a banner in the GeoGuide and I find myself in a wonderful place. Your kids are beautiful. Thanks for sharing, you have a fantastic webhome and it's just kewl to be able to browse in such a friendly pla
e. I love Precious Moments too. And oh, a special "Hi, trust no one!" to Tom, I'm an x-phile too. LOL. Do drop by my place when you find the time, I have a "homemade" graphics section you might enjoy, and I just love having fellow Heartlanders over. Stay
10/17/98 04:35:48
Name: Kay Raines | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Texas | How did you find out site?: MOW webring | Your favorite book: anything by Juile Garwood |
Your favorite movie: She's having a baby | Did you like our site?: yes | What did you like best?: Graphics |
Thank you for letting me get to know your family. I hope you will come and see us soon
10/12/98 16:15:00
Name: Jim Berry | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: Flemington NJ | Did you like our site?: FANTASTIC |
Just wanted to see what was new in the Berry household
10/11/98 12:39:09
Name: Sherrie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Nova Scotia | How did you find out site?: Guestbook | Your favorite book: any thing Dr Suess |
Your favorite movie: tooo many to choose from | Did you like our site?: yep | What did you like best?: the kids pages |
You have a very cute site,i enjoyed my visit alot
10/09/98 00:13:38
Name: Harold | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Naples, Fl | How did you find out site?: another guest book | Did you like our site?: Love your site |
What did you like best?: it good family |
Now i know why you won the award,excellent and beautiful site. Good luck and keep up the good work.. Harold
10/07/98 20:04:42
Name: Weebaby | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Fairfax, VA | How did you find out site?: Proud to be Heartland Ring | Your favorite book: today it's Anne of Green Gables |
Your favorite movie: It's a Wonderful Life | Did you like our site?: yup! |
Congrats on your Award of Excellence! You aooear to be addicted to webrings as I am! PBH is my Webring of the Month, and every day I click on "Random" and sign the guestbook, and today was your day! :^)
10/06/98 02:32:34
Name: Jessica | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: MD, USA | How did you find out site?: you signed my guest book | Your favorite book: any book related to Barney |
Your favorite movie: toss up between Hercules and Little Mermaid | Did you like our site?: it is wonderful |
Thanks for stopping by my page and signing the guestbook. Brendan's site is really cool. I like your dragon.
10/04/98 15:34:57
Name: Sydney | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Georgia | How did you find out site?: another guestbook | Your favorite book: The man who loved clowns |
Your favorite movie: Ever After | Did you like our site?: yes, it's very cute | What did you like best?: all of your graphics |
Hey! Great page! I love what you've done with it! Stop by my place sometime and sign the guestbook!
Lots of Love,
10/03/98 03:09:25
Name: Stacie Cote | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: heart is in Alaska while the rest of me is stuck in Washington DC | How did you find out site?: MOW webring | Your favorite book: A Prayer for Owen Meany |
Your favorite movie: Gone With the Wind | Did you like our site?: yes....very much | What did you like best?: the kids pages |
Hi there! Just surfing the webring to say hello and meet everyone a little better. You've got a great site! I'm visiting some of the places you got graphics from next but wanted to say hello before I left! Stop by and see me soon!
10/02/98 04:52:11
Name: Billy B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Myrtle Beach, SC |
09/29/98 22:25:56
Name: Mom Berry |
My URL: Visit Me |
Did you like our site?: your site is great! |
I could only access some of it since I still don't know what I'm doing but I liked the Gazette page and your stories about all of us. You did a great job putting it together. I'll check out the kids'pages next.
09/28/98 02:12:44
Name: Jennifer | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Orlando Florida | How did you find out site?: Award of excellence page of winners | Your favorite book: reading? with toddlers? humm... Dr. Suess.. LOL |
Your favorite movie: so far TITANIC!!! | Did you like our site?: the cute backgrounds. i am into backgrounds.. | What did you like best?: haven't checked everything out yet.. LOVE IT =) so far... |
09/27/98 00:37:27
Name: Shirley | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: NY | How did you find out site?: From another site | Your favorite book: Have to many to choose just one |
Your favorite movie: Michael | Did you like our site?: Yes |
Hi, Nice site!I like Dr. Quinn too! Please stop in
and visit me!
09/25/98 22:42:39
Name: ~Grandma~ | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Heart of Wisconsin | How did you find out site?: You found me *S* | Your favorite book: The Good Earth |
Your favorite movie: Steel Magnolias | Did you like our site?: I loved your site ! | What did you like best?: Everything |
09/24/98 01:24:11
Name: MsSpyFox | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: florida |
How did you find out site?: geobanner | Did you like our site?: very much so!! |
What a great homepage you have. Its no wonder Heartland gave you the awards. I know what it takes to put together a homepage and yours is one of the best I've seen.
09/22/98 20:24:58
Name: Laura | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Graham, WA | How did you find out site?: A link in a guestbook | Your favorite book: Too many to list! I love reading! |
Your favorite movie: North and South (complete 18 hr version) | Did you like our site?: Yes, very much! It's bookmarked! | What did you like best?: Links |
Tom & Colleen-
Great site you have here! Love all the different links! You've done a wonderful job! Keep up the great work! Don't forget to smile!
09/21/98 23:31:52
Name: Blueyes and JD | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Kentucky | How did you find out site?: Blueyes Guestbook | Did you like our site?: Excellent |
What did you like best?: The creativity!!!! |
Have a great day!
Be sure to visit the Whole family! *S* Sign
ur guestbooks, too!
~JD & Blueyes~
09/21/98 21:24:26
Name: Lil Harrison | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Jacksonville, FL | How did you find out site?: your email | Your favorite movie: Forrest Gump |
Did you like our site?: Yes | What did you like best?: all of it was interesting |
I really enjoyed my visit. Thank you for the invitation. You are doing a great job.
09/20/98 04:04:45
Name: Joan Wright | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Maine | How did you find out site?: From another site | Your favorite book: Chicken Soup Books |
Did you like our site?: Yes, very much. | What did you like best?: Precious Moments |
I had a wonderful visit here but didn't get to see it all so I bookmarked it so I can come back.
09/19/98 18:44:25
Where are you from?: VA |
How did you find out site?: Surfing |
09/17/98 21:48:17
Name: Christine | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: Virginia |
How did you find out site?: an advertisement | Your favorite book: The Giver | Your favorite movie: Titanic |
Did you like our site?: I love it! | What did you like best?: the graphics |
Hi! I LOVE your homepage! You have great graphics!
09/16/98 16:21:40
Name: Sheri Burns | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Midland, Texas |
How did you find out site?: browsing for my child |
I ran upon your site while trying to find some interesting and educational sites for my 5 year old daughter. She loves Precious Moments and will be interested in this site.
09/07/98 21:30:57
Name: Gina Paradis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Griffin, Georgia | How did you find out site?: Just Surfed In | Your favorite book: The Holy Bible |
Your favorite movie: any love story | Did you like our site?: Yes! | What did you like best?: The family values it creates |
You seem like a very nice and friendly family with high standards and morals. Your children are blessed to have parents like you. God Bless You!
09/07/98 03:38:31
Name: Rosebud | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: Chisholm, Minnesota | How did you find out site?: Link |
Did you like our site?: Great! |
Enjoyed my visit to your site very much. Very nicely done and interesting. Cheers . . . Rosebud
09/02/98 21:04:14
Name: muriel starr | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Port Richey, Florida |
How did you find out site?: cyber grandma | Did you like our site?: ALL your sites was great! |
You did a wonderful job on your pages. Iwish i had one ounce of your talent.
my page is a place to let off steam about the school system.
08/31/98 17:57:09
Name: Jennifer | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: Finland |
How did you find out site?: I saw your geoguide banner | Your favorite book: Catcher in the rye | Your favorite movie: Gilbert Grabe |
Did you like our site?: Yes ! |
Hello ! Yoiu've got a very nice site here. truly enjoyed my visit. I can see you've put a lot of efferd on your pages. that's great. Come and visit my pages, too, if you wish. everybody's welcome to my pages ! Take care.
08/31/98 09:04:05
Name: Dennis Hawkins | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Virginia | How did you find out site?: Yahoo | Did you like our site?: yes |
What did you like best?: all |
I liked everything you have in your site. It is a well designed site if I had an award to give you I would.
08/29/98 04:17:39
Name: Caroline | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Connecticut | How did you find out site?: A friend | Your favorite book: Madison County |
Your favorite movie: An Affair to Remember | Did you like our site?: Absolutely | What did you like best?: Everything |
This site is a breath of fresh air in a sometimes stale world. I can see why you have so many awards, they are well deserved. I appreciate all the work and care that went into making this site.
Thank you for letting me visit!!
08/21/98 21:48:06
Name: Elizabeth | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: usa | Did you like our site?: yes |
What did you like best?: The berry kids pages:) |
Keep up the excellent work!
08/21/98 17:52:19
Name: Dionne Denton | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Port Reading, N.J. | How did you find out site?: Nicely done | Did you like our site?: Yes |
What did you like best?: The pictures and the way the pages were presented. |
Great job!
08/08/98 03:13:53
Name: MistyRain | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Arkansas |
How did you find out site?: guestworld |
Loved your webcreation! Cute theme! Adorable site! Thank you for visiting mt site and inviting me to yours *Smiles* MistyRain
08/07/98 18:04:18
Name: Sir Gallant | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Canada | How did you find out site?: contacted | Your favorite movie: Old Yeller |
Did you like our site?: YES ! | What did you like best?: Your Family Devotion |
A wonderful refreshing website.
It was a delight to browse through it
08/05/98 04:47:11
Name: Sonya/Marvelicious | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are you from?: Brandon, FL |
How did you find out site?: You invited me | Did you like our site?: It's beautiful |
Thank you for providing a link back to Sabrina's site. She needs all of the help we can all give her to get her home.
08/04/98 14:31:16
Name: Aunt Sally | My URL: Visit Me | Where are you from?: Vancouver,Washinton |
How did you find out site?: The Berry's | Your favorite book: horse whisperer | Your favorite movie: officer and gentlemen |
Did you like our site?: I love it | What did you like best?: too many to name ! |
07/30/98 23:24:33
Name: Jessica | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Ohio | How did you find out site?: Surfing | Your favorite book: To many to chose |
Your favorite movie: To many to chose | Did you like our site?: Loved it | What did you like best?: Kids pages |
Your page was great. I'm glad I found it you put a lot of work on it and it is GRRRREAT!!
Good Luck with your kids and cousins and Congratulations on the up coming arrival (new cousin)!!
07/29/98 22:05:38
Name: AngelStar* | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: heaven | How did you find out site?: the guestbook | Your favorite book: Star People and Angel People by Asger Lorensten |
Your favorite movie: Interview With the Vampire (very lovely away from the vampires) | Did you like our site?: Yes! | What did you like best?: the Love in it |
This site is so lovely :) We can't imagine our family site, something like this, cute and lovely :) I love family sites :) So much love in them :) Thanks for the invitation! And yes! Oct. 22 is indeed a special date! ;-) You're the 2nd person I know with
he same birth date as our special day :) Love and Light!
07/25/98 08:48:34
Name: Dican |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Thank's for coming to my page! You have a terrific site!
07/24/98 04:27:48
Name: jeanette | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: AZ | How did you find out site?: signing a guest book | Your favorite book: The Clan Of The Cavebear |
Your favorite movie: Grand Canyon | Did you like our site?: Yes!!! |
I enjoyed my visit to your site. How wonderful that your whole family is included. The graphics a layout are terrific.
07/23/98 20:43:44
Name: Eddie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: New Jersey | How did you find out site?: From Mom | Your favorite movie: The Power Rangers Movie |
Did you like our site?: yes |
I like your kids sites!
07/23/98 20:34:19
Name: Kris | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: New Jersey | How did you find out site?: Guestbook | Your favorite book: Death Before Dishonor |
Your favorite movie: too many to list | Did you like our site?: Love it! | What did you like best?: The whole thing |
Great site!!! I don't come across many NJ people. It was nice to have you visit. I loved your site! The graphics are great too! Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by my site. Stop back again.....Kris
07/23/98 14:00:02
Name: Debbie Malloy |
My URL: Visit Me |
Looks great guys!
07/20/98 22:09:37
Name: Brandi | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Where are you from?: Texas | How did you find out site?: Tom signed my guestbook | Your favorite book: To Kill A Mockingbird |
Your favorite movie: As Good As It Gets | Did you like our site?: yep :) | What did you like best?: The kid's pages |
Zack - 07/18/98 06:47:24
Enjoyed your Page...Nice images....Keep up the good work...!!
Aunt Barbie Storen - 07/16/98 21:51:06
Hi Gang! I am excited to see your Web site for the first time. It is really AWESOME!!I can tell that you put alot of time and effort into it!!! The graphics and colors are just beautiful! I just wish that I could learn more about that cool Aunt Barbie...
Love you! Guess Who????
Joe & Kathy Tanenbaum - 07/16/98 20:49:32
Well thought out page. Nice way to keep up with you folks. How do you find the time to do all of this?
Ronnie Wise - 07/16/98 18:00:53
I Liked your site. Thanks for letting me visit. Please visit our site.
Jim Berry - 07/16/98 17:52:33
Great graphics on your new additions.... I liked them alot. I'll copy so Mom can see, altho it'll be in b\w and not color.
Talk to you soon.
Gary - 07/15/98 21:55:53
My Email:GDoby@InfoAve.Net
Nice Page. I enjoyed my visit.
john f. - 07/15/98 21:30:24
sorry I put the wrong link in!
john f. - 07/15/98 21:27:38
nice web page!....who is the author??
check out my web but be a little might bite!!!!!
anonymous - 07/13/98 22:07:59
please check out this page (address above) forward it to everyone you know and try to help out just a little... it could make the young lady smile her heart out. Thank you!
Patty - 07/13/98 04:45:51
Hi Colleen & Tom, You have such a wonderful site here, It is so cute!!! Come on over for a visit sometime! Patty
Kevin Grady - 07/13/98 01:30:17
You sure are adding a lot. I see that you have links to Star Trek and X Files established. I would imagine Mulder and Scully would approve while Mr. Spock would consider it most logical.
Dan & Linda Franks - 07/11/98 20:44:55
Sounds like the Berry family stays pretty busy! Nice page, keep up the good work!!
Elissa, retard, scumface, moron, Godly one, Leprauchaun, Diesel Catcher - 07/11/98 19:45:25
My URL:http://huh?
My, or
Well, I finally figured this stuff out before you guys could have plastered a big "DUH!" sign on my head. Ok Ok. So i'm slow. NO NEED TO RUB IT IN. I figured it out cause manda was here. Like i always asay, it seems that two women can accomplish more tha
one man. It's true.So i have figured this out, so BE HAPPY AND CONTENT!!!! Oh, i'll tell you why i'm an All-Star. It's because I'm above all of you!
See Ya Lator ALligator!
Catcher Lator(lame joke)
I'll check ya'll in here lator i guess.
Love ALways,
Amanda (Grim) - 07/11/98 19:07:04
Pretty good, but what do I really know about computers. Right? Well its less than 4 months until the big day. I'm starting to get scared. You guys will have to come by to see my new place, Right? If you don't I'll come down there and take care of it.
Ha,Ha. Have fun and be merry. Love you, Amanda and Dan
colleenie - 07/11/98 04:37:56
I really enjoyed coming to your page and will be back to look around many times. I really love the lay out and think that the graphics are great! It feels very warm and friendly.
Diana - 07/11/98 03:14:17
My URL:/SouthBeach/Jetty/6723
Keep up the great work on your site!
Tom - 07/09/98 03:41:46
I'm adding my new banner to our guestbook and seeing how it looks!
came back to the Berry Patch again--Just killing a few minutes.. Had a good fourth of July ! weather here on the west coast rainy and cool. Love Aunt Sally
Vanessa - 07/04/98 00:12:11
Pretty Cool, guys!!
You'll have to teach me to be so creative with the computer. I feel like I am so clumsy sometimes. I find that I can't find some things that I found before. I'll send you some more messages when I get through the whole web page. Love you all, Take Care t
is Holiday weekend. Love,
Vanessa and Lloyd
Jim Berry - 07/01/98 19:34:24
Love your berries.... you found some after all. Look forward to celebrating 4th of July with you Friday.
Love Dad
aunt sally - 07/01/98 17:33:29
I'm having fun browsing--great idea-I love it!
aunt sally - 07/01/98 17:14:06
mikki - 06/29/98 02:27:07
Hi TOm and Colleen! Your page is really cute - you've gathered some wonderful graphics in making your "Berry patch". It's been a real pleasure meeting you. Please feel free to drop by my "messy home" anytime!
I finally got around to some more surfing and had the chance to sign your guestbook :o) You have a great start to your web site & I hope to see more soon! :o)
Hi! I just wanted to take a moment to say I found your site to be really sweet... :) I enjoyed my visit, and loved your graphics! -Susie
Grampa - 06/24/98 14:47:05
My Email:heber/
Tom. very good. you have done a very fun thing.
Hope you have a very good summer.
Debbie and Maddy - 06/24/98 12:53:20
My Email:cmalloy471/
We love it!
Jim Berry - 06/22/98 13:59:58
Stopped by Again Dad
Sarah - 06/21/98 22:41:51
My Email:CMalloy471
Great start *(AWESOME)*
Cloudy - 06/21/98 21:54:02
You,ve made a good start and probably soon you will be like me,, a sprawling wesite with no end in sight !!!! hehehehe :-O
brendan - 06/19/98 16:52:30
brendan - 06/19/98 16:49:52
Tom - 06/19/98 15:14:02
This is my first comment using my new guestbook sign and view images!
Duke - 06/18/98 18:56:04
Kevin Grady - 06/18/98 13:48:14
Jim Berry - 06/18/98 13:07:06
I love it!!!
colleen - 06/18/98 02:53:11
Wonderful job! We are very excited to have our own website. You are a computer genius dear.
Deb and Caity - 06/18/98 01:24:15
My Email:Cmalloy471
Great start - can't wait to see more!
Tom - 06/17/98 19:20:27
This is my first comment. I love it.