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Approved by General Assembly on 3rd August’ 2000 at Bangalore)
These Rules of Procedure apply to the conduct of Taekwondo Federation of
India General Assembly & Executive Committee meetings and other sessions,
hereinafter, called meetings. 1.2 The audio and visual recording of meetings and sessions of TFI bodies and committees is permitted with the permission of the President or Secretary General of TFI. 2 CALL TO MEETING
The calling of meetings must be in accordance with Art 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
& 8.2 of the constitution. The agenda must be enclosed with the invitation. 3
A General Assembly meeting has quorums as per Art. 7.2 (ii) & 7.7 of
the Constitution. Proxy voting is not permitted. 3.2
If a meeting is dissolved due to lack of a quorum, within four weeks a
new meeting is to be called. At this meeting, only the remaining agenda items
are considered. 4 CHAIRMANSHIP OF A MEETING4.1
The General Assembly and the Executive Council meetings are convened,
presided over and closed by the President TFI or the Chairperson authorised by
him in his absence. 4.2
The chairperson may take all necessary steps in order to preserve order.
If the orderly conduct of the meeting is threatened, the chairperson may rule
someone out of order, expel individual members temporarily or for the duration
of the meeting, or order a break in or termination of the meeting. 4.3
Objections, which must be raised immediately and without substantiation,
are decided upon by the meeting with a simply majority vote and without
discussion. 4.4
After the opening of a meeting, the chairperson verifies the convening of
the meeting, the - roll call, the rights to vote and announces the agenda. These
verifications may be delegated. The members at the meeting decide objections or
proposals for changes in the agenda with a simple majority vote without debate. 4.5
Objections against the agenda or motions to change something are decided
by the meeting with a simple majority. 4.6
The agenda items are discussed and voted upon in the stipulated order. 5
In principle, each participant invited to the meeting has the right to
speak. At the General Assembly, this applies to a maximum of two authorised
delegates per State Association / Member Unit and to each member of the
Executive Council of the TFI. Additional requests for permission to speak are at
the discretion of the chairperson in agreement with the meeting. 5.2
Permission to speak is
given by the chairperson. Speakers are listed in order of their requests for
permission to speak. 5.3
Members giving reports and
proposals of motions may speak at the beginning of the discussion of their
agenda item. They may also request to speak without regard to the order of the
speaker list; their request to speak is to be honoured by the chairperson. 5.4
The chairperson may speak without regard to the order of the speaker list
at all times. 6
6.1 If a participant wishes to rise to a point of order, he may do so without regard to the order of the list of speakers, after the preceding speaker has finished. 6.2
Only one proponent and one opponent may rise to a point of order. 6.3
The chairperson may rise to a point of order at any time, if necessary,
and may also interrupt speakers. 7
Persons permitted to bring forward motions at the General Assembly have
to submit well in advance. The same may be included in the agenda with the
approval of the President TFI. 7.2
As long as a deadline for the submission of motions is not given, in the
Constitution, motions must be submitted not later than one week before the date
of the meeting. 7.3
All motions are submitted in writing and with substantiation. Unsigned
motions will not be considered. 7.4
Motions, which result from the consideration of another motion and
improve upon, shorten or expand upon it, are accepted without establishment of
urgency. 8 MOTIONS OF URGENCY 8.1
Motions, which are not on the agenda, are considered motions of urgency
and are only discussed and voted upon with the consent of a two-thirds majority.
Motions of urgency must be presented to the chairperson in writing. 8.2
The urgency of a motion is voted upon immediately and without regard to
the order of the list of speakers, after the proponent of the motion has spoken.
One opposing speaker is permitted. 9 MOTIONS REGARDING THE RULES OF PROCEDURE 9.1
Motions regarding rules of procedure, for closure of the debate or
limitation of speaking time must be voted upon immediately without regard to the
order of the speaker list and after the proponent and opponent have spoken. 9.2
Speakers who have spoken on the subject already may not move for closure
of the debate or limitation of speaking time. 9.3
If the motion is adopted, upon request the chairperson will ask only the
proponent or the member giving the report to speak. 10
The order of motions to be voted upon must be announced clearly before
the vote. 10.2
Every motion has to be read once again by the chairperson before the
vote. 10.3
Voting will be by show of hands. The chairperson may, nevertheless,
require a secret ballot; the chairperson must do so if such a motion has been
adopted. 10.4
After voting has begun, speaking on the issue is no longer permitted. 10.5
In all voting, as long as the Constitution does not order otherwise, a
simple majority of votes cast determines the outcome. Abstentions and invalid
votes are not counted. 11
Elections must only be conducted if they are required according to the
Constitution, are on the agenda, and have been announced upon the calling of the
General Assembly. 11.2
In principle, elections must be conducted as prescribed in the
Constitution, if the General Assembly does not decide otherwise. 11.3
Before the elections are conducted, a Returning Officer must be appointed
by the General Assembly. 11.4
Before the elections to various posts of the Executive Council taken up,
the Returning Officer must verify whether the nominated candidates fulfil the
qualifications stipulated in the Constitution. 11.5
Absent persons may be elected if a written statement indicating their
willingness to accept the office has been submitted to the chief election
official before the election. 11.6
Before the election, candidates must be asked whether they are willing
to assume the office if they are elected. 12
Minutes must be kept of all meetings. Copies of the minutes must be
circulated to all members as early as possible. 12.2
The State Associations / Member Units must be informed about resolutions
by the Executive Council. 12.3 The minutes are considered accepted if, within four weeks after circulation, no written objections to the dispatched version is raised. 13
These Rules of Procedure are effective from 3rd
August’2000, the day of approval by the General Assembly at
Bangalore. |
Webmaster: webmaster@tfiindia.com Last modified: April 12, 2001 |