National Referees & Belt Grade test Complaints / Suggestions |
(As amended by General Assembly on 24th January, 1999) 1
1.1 The name of the society shall be “TAEKWONDO FEDERATION OF INDIA” herein after referred to as the “FEDERATION” abbreviated as TFI. 1.2 The TFI shall function to propagate and promote the Sport known as “TAEKWONDO”. 1.3 The objective of the TFI shall be to inspire, induce and conduct the following operations: a) National and International level Taekwondo Championships b) Training courses for Instructors. c) Publication of necessary materials. d) Research cell for self-defence techniques. e) Making of Rules & Regulations f) Black Belt Examination g) Other activities for attaining the objectives envisaged above. h) To take disciplinary action against any State Association, office Bearer or athlete for misconduct / misbehaviour or any other undesirable activity bringing discredit to Country, Federation or the Sport, in general. 1.4 The National Championships shall be held every year under the auspices of TFI and organised by the host member States. 1.5 Other State Championships, such as invitational and goodwill ones, may be held by any of the member States provided that these Championships are not named “NATIONAL”. 1.6 The Black Belt Examination and the Instructors Training Courses shall be hosted and certified by the TFI only. The rules of Kukiwon (WTF) will apply. 1.7 The TFI shall be affiliated to WORLD TAEKWONDO FEDERATION (WTF), Asian Taekwondo Union (ATU), South Asian Taekwondo Federation (SATF) and Indian Olympic Association (IOA). It will follow and enforce the rules of the Sport formulated by WTF/IOA and shall strive to maintain the standards of Training in consonance with the efforts of the latter. 2
2.1 The Registered Office of the Federation shall be situated at New Delhi or at a place decided by the General Assembly.
2.2 The Official languages of the TFI shall be Hindi & English. In case, the State level Association/Federation or its representatives prefer to communicate in any language other than Hindi or English, they shall arrange to make available simultaneously its interpretation or translation in Hindi or English.
3 JURISDICTION3.1 Jurisdiction of the Federation shall extend to the entire territory of India. 4
MEMBERSHIP 4.1 Membership of the Federation shall be open to the following, subject to approval by the General Assembly. a) State/UT Taekwondo Federations / Associations b) Central Govt. organisations. 4.2 Admittance into the TFI requires the approval of the Executive Council. The right of vote shall, however, accrue to the new members after ratification of the decision of the Executive Council (E.C.) by the General Assembly. 4.3 a) The Federation shall admit only one Taekwondo Association from a State or a Union Territory or Central Govt. Organisation. b) The Federation may refuse membership to any Association / organisation provided, reasons for refusal shall be communicated to the concerned Association / organisation in writing. 4.4 Disaffiliation / De-recognition /Suspension of Member Unit. a) The TFI General Assembly on the recommendation of President TFI, either directly or through the TFI Executive Council, based on his discretion, is entitled to consider disaffiliation / de-recognition / suspension of the Member Unit on one or more of the under mentioned grounds after ensuring that a Show Cause Notice has been served and an explanation has been obtained and considered from the organisation recommended for disaffiliation / de-recognition / suspension. 1) Non-observance of directives issued by the TFI from time to time. 2) Not holding elections after the completion of the normal tenure for which the office bearers are elected. Any extension of the tenure of the office-bearers will be subject to obtaining prior written permission from the TFI. 3) Not submitting annual audited statement of accounts, annual report and list of current office-bearers within the stipulated time period. b) Whatever the decision of the TFI General Assembly, it must be supported by two-third majority votes of the Members present and voting. c) If the TFI General Assembly takes a decision to disaffiliate a Member Unit, the President TFI will have the authority to constitute an ad-hoc body, preferably from amongst the Members of the TFI General Assembly to look after the work done by the disaffiliated Member Units till such time, that the President TFI arranges for fresh elections to be held in the concerned Member Unit which would then start functioning in the normal manner. However, the students of Taekwondo shall not be affected by such a change and will be deemed to be under the new Association. 4.5 a) The TFI would have all unresolved disputes settled by the IOA. TFI voluntarily surrenders its right of seeking redress in any court of Law at the first instance. b) All affiliated Members shall commit themselves to voluntarily surrender their right of seeking redress in any court of law at the first instance. They shall appeal only to the President TFI, who shall place the matter before the next immediate Executive Counsel meeting. 4.6 A member State / Union Territory / Organisation or any of its members shall neither be affiliated to any other National Taekwondo Organisation not recognised by the WTF/TFI, nor participate in any Taekwondo events organised by such an organisation. 4.7 Any appeal by a Member complaining against the procedure adopted by the concerned Member for holding “Elections”, or nay other issue connected with this subject must be made in writing, to the TFI within 30 days of the occurrence of the incident. No complaint will be considered valid or entertained by the TFI if it is made after the expiry of the 30 days period. The complaint must be specific and contain documentary evidence to prove the issue that is disputed. 5
5.1 An Organisation / Member seeking admission to the TFI shall apply to the Executive Council with an enrolment application fee of Rs. 5000/- along with annual subscription of Rs. 1000/-. 5.2 The Membership Fee shall be paid on or before 31st October every year. Defaulters shall not be entitled to attend the meetings of the General Assembly, Executive Council, nor shall they be permitted to participate in the National Championships. Defaulters will be served a Registered Acknowledgement due notice by the TFI treasurer for payment of the annual renewal fee, along with the penalty fee of Rs. 100/- per month, of a year of default. Defaulters will be entitled for restoration of rights and privileges only on payment of the annual renewal fee along with the applicable penalty fee. 6 ORGANISATION 6.1 The TFI shall have for its organisation: a) General Assembly: It shall consist of members of the Executive Council, Members/ representatives of recognised Association and Patron. It shall consist of authorised representatives of the Members who are given membership as per art 4.1 above. Each member is authorised to send its President & General Secretary or persons authorised by them. b) Executive Council It shall consist of elected / nominated members as per provisions of this constitution. Nominated members are not authorised to caste vote, in case of voting. 7
GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7.1 At least one meeting of the General Assembly shall be convened every year at a place to be decided by the President on the advise of the Secretary General. 7.2 Extra ordinary/special meeting of the General Body may be convened by the President at his discretion And / Or Shall be convened on a written requisition signed by Presidents and Secretaries of not less than 50% Member Units within one month from the date of receipt of the said resignation by the President. If the President TFI fails to convene a requisitioned meeting within the specified time, then the requisitionists can convene a meeting under arrangements made directly by them. In the requisitioned meeting, only specified items of agenda announced will be considered for discussion. ii) To pass a resolution of no confidence, it will be a mandatory requirement that such resolution against the President, Secretary General Treasurer and other Executive Council Members be passed only by 2/3 members present and voting. A resolution of no-confidence not supported by 2/3 majority, will be deemed to have failed through and the motion will be treated as null and void. The quorum for such meeting will be ľ of the total strength of the representatives of the TFI entitled to vote. 7.3 For ordinary, meeting a notice of 30 days shall be required, Extra-ordinary meetings shall be convened, if necessary, at 15 days notice. The date, time, place and agenda of meeting shall be communicated to all concerned by letter, Telegram, Fax or any other means of communication. 7.3 Powers, Functions and duties of the General Assembly. 1) To formulate and enforce the policy of the Federation and is the supreme organ of the Federation. 2) To carry into effect the objects of the Federation. 3) To hold election of office-bearers and Executive Council every four years, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. 4) To admit to membership any organisation eligible under this Constitution. 5) To hold and control the funds and other properties of the Federation 6) To consider the Annual Report of the Secretary General, audited statement of accounts for the previous financial year, Budget Estimates of the Federation and to appoint auditors. 7) To appoint committees or sub-committees, as and when necessary. 8) To enforce all rules and regulations of the WTF/IOA 9) To be the official organisation in complete and sole charge of all Taekwondo matters in the country. 10) In co-operation with Member Units, to guard and enforce amateur rules. 11) To have full and complete jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the participation of India in International Championships / Games. 12) To act as channel of communication between Member Units and the Government of India for financial or other assistance to the Member Units. 13) To take disciplinary action against any Member Unit for misbehaviour or any other undesirable activity bringing discredit to the country. 14) To have power to frame bye-laws and rules which are consistent with the Constitution. 7.5 Each Affiliated Member shall be entitled to send two representatives to the General Assembly meetings. 7.6 Each delegate to the General Assembly shall present its credentials duly signed by the President / Secretary of the State level Association concerned. 7.7 One third of the total voting strength or 15 representatives, which ever is less, shall constitute quorum for meetings of the General Assembly, failing which, the proceedings will not be valid. 7.8 A simple majority of the members present and voting is required for passage of any item except amendment to the Constitution on the Agenda. The President shall have a deciding vote, in case of a tie, in addition to his normal vote. 7.9 ELECTIONS a) Elections shall be held once in four years to elect Executive Council members from amongst the representatives of the members present. b) Notification indicating venue date and time for elections should be issued by TFI secretariat 30 days before the expiry of 4 years term. c) Member units will forward nominations of their candidates entitled to attend meeting 20 days prior to the holding of elections to TFI. The Recommendations of “nominations” will indicate the name of the candidate and the position held by him in the concerned Associations. Change of name of the nominated candidate will not be allowed, unless, prior permission in writing is obtained from the President TFI. d) Any Vacancy (including that of the President) which occurs in the Executive Council, shall be filled by co-option from the remaining office-bearers and Members of the Executive Council and Members of the General Assembly. This shall be regularised during the very next meeting of the General Assembly. e) The right of exercising the vote shall vest in accredited representatives deputed by the Members. A representative, accredited by the Member unit, must be a member of that Association and would attend meeting in which elections are to be held on production of a certificate signed both by the President and the Secretary detailing him for attendance on their behalf. However, if a representative produces a certificate signed by the President and another representative from the same Association produces a certificate signed by the Secretary, then the certificate signed by the President will be accepted. f) Voting, if necessary, for the elections of the office bearers and executive council members, shall always be by Secret Ballot or as decided by General Assembly. g) The right of exercising the vote shall vest in accredited representative deputed by the Members. One and the same person shall, under no circumstances, be entitled to represent more than one Member Unit. h) Each affiliated Member Unit shall be entitled to two votes. Each authorised representative deputed by Member Unit shall be entitled to one vote. i) The President is authorised to nominate not exceeding 2 Associate Vice Presidents, 2 Executive Members. These members may not be members of any state Association but they will be reputed Indian citizens, who are associated with the promotion and development of Sports in the country. The nominated members shall not have any right to vote. 8
8.1 The Executive Council shall have the following members: (a) Patron 1 (nominated) (b) President 1 (c) Vice Presidents 7 (d) Secretary General 1 (e) Treasurer 1 (f) Joint Secretaries 5 (4 male & 1 female) (g) Executive Members 14 (12 male & 2 female) (h) Legal Advisor 1 (nominated) 8.2 Ordinary meetings of Executive Council shall be held once every six months at 30 days notice. Extra-ordinary meeting can be convened by the President TFI, if considered necessary, at a notice of ten days. Notification of the meeting may be sent by letter, Telegram, Fax or any other means of communication. 8.3 The term of the Executive council shall be four years but, its tenure can be extended not exceeding six months only on account of unavoidable circumstances, with the approval 2/3 majority of Executive council. An intimation to this effect should also be sent to 10A. 8.4 The Executive Council shall discharge the following functions: a) Planning and management of the Federation and its operations. b) Management of the financial affairs. c) Processing of the proposals for amendments to the Constitution, Rules and Regulations. d) Formulation and enforcement of Rules and Regulations for conduct of elections and other administrative and operative functions. e) Preparation of Agenda for General Body meetings. f) Matters referred to it by the General Body. g) Other matters relating to property of the Federation welfare activities & administration etc. h) Delegation of authority to President, or other office bearers of the Council. i) Nomination of Patron j) Suspension and / or dismissal of a member of the Executive Council. k) Appointment of sub-committees. l) Taking disciplinary action for misconduct, misbehaviour or any other offences or lapses against any affiliated association / any member of Taekwondo Authority / or athlete. m) Approval of expenditure above one lakh.
8.5 The decision of the Executive Council shall be sought to be ratified by the General Body when the latter meets. 8.6 Executive Council shall form rules and regulations for the administration of Black Belt Examination, Contest, Games, Tournaments, Referee Courses International Participation, Selection of National team etc. 8.7 During any Zonal , National or International level competition, any unsportment-like behaviour on the part of a sportsman/ Sports woman, official or coach, which includes insulting, making undersirable gestures, abusing the decision of the Judges / Referees and provoking the opponents or spectators, etc., in a word, committing any act not in keeping with the priority of sports, shall be punished as follows : a) Disqualification for the duration of that activity / event / Championship. b) Disqualification for the entire duration of the competition. c) Prohibition from participation in competitions for a fixed period of time. 9
9.1 THE
PRESIDENT The President shall perform the following functions: a) He shall be the Head of the TFI and shall preside over all meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Council. b) To implement the objectives of the Federation. c) To deal with all disciplinary matters arising in the TFI or in the Member Units as per rules on the subject. This would be subject to ratification in the next Executive Council Meeting of the Federation. d) To ensure that the financial position is sound and no unauthorised expenditure is incurred. e) To sanction expenditure up to Rs. One lakh in a financial year and Rs. 20,000/- at one time for any one item. f) To ensure that various business meetings, as required under the constitution have been duly held. g) Shall be the final authority in the matter of appointment to posts in the TFI Secretariat and Organisations. He may suspend, penalise remove or dismiss from service any employee of the TFI secretariat. 9.2 THE
VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall perform the following functions: a) in the absence of the President, the Vice President nominated by the President shall preside over the meetings of the General Assembly / Executive Council. b) In the event of the prolonged absence of the President, a vice president nominated by the President, will take over the duties and responsibilities of the President during the period of absence. 9.3 THE SECRETARY GENERAL The Secretary General shall perform following functions: a) To plan, manage Secretariat affairs, organisational activities and other general affairs,. b)
To serve as member Secretary to the General Assembly and keep a record
of all proceedings and events. c) To sign all instruments or contracts on behalf of the TFI / General Assembly, Executive Council, Secretariat. d) Shall be competent to take emergency measures in matters, which are not adequately covered by the provisions of the Constitution, Rules & Regulation. Such measures shall be subject to latter consent of the Executive council and subsequently approval by the General Assembly. e) To have the power to sanction authorised expenditure upto Rs. 50,000/- in a financial year and Rs. 15,000/- at a time. 9.4
THE TREASURER The Treasurer shall perform following functions: a) Shall have charge of the funds of the Federation and shall secure the deposit of the funds in the name of the Federation. b) Shall present at the Annual General meeting of the General Body duly audited copies account and Balance Sheet for the previous financial year together with a General report surveying the financial position of the Federation. c) Shall ensure the payment of all bills by cheque as far as possible upon certification of the amount by the Chairman of the appropriate committee and the President. d) The Treasurer and the finance Committee shall be responsible for the adoption of proper methods of accounting at the close of its year. He shall see that the books are examined and approved by the auditors appointed by the Federation. e) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all his financial transaction to the President/Secretary General, and shall act in administrative matters according to the directive of the Secretary General. f) The Treasurer shall be an Ex-officio member of the finance Committee. 9.5
THE JOINT SECRETARY The Joint Secretaries shall perform following functions; Assist the Secretary General in all administrative affairs and perform duties assigned to them by the Secretary General from time to time. 10
Executive Council shall submit proposals to the General Assembly for amendment of the Constitution, rules and Regulations. Amendments to the Constitution shall be deemed to be carried out, if, the proposal is passed in the General Assembly by a strength not less than two-third of the representatives present & voting. Amendments to rules and regulation shall require passage in General Assembly by simple majority of the representatives present & voting. All proposed amendments must be sent to every member, twenty one days before the meeting. 11
11.1 Each financial year shall commence with the first day of the April and shall end on 31st day of next March. 11.2 The TFI shall have the following sources of income a. Fee subscription b. Income from Operational activities c. Donation / grants / assistance from Union Government / State governments / Private institutions involved in promotion of sports. d. Other income, if any, from legitimate means. e. Income from advertisement - sponsorship etc. 11.3 An account shall be maintained in a Nationalised Bank in the Name of the Federation at a place to be decided by the Executive Council. The President and/or the Secretary General and Treasurer (Common) shall operate the account. However, single transaction involving Rs. One lakh and more, the President shall also sign the cheques. 11.4 The Bank account of the Federation shall be operated only under the joint signature of the Treasurer and the Secretary General and/or President respectively. The Bank shall therefore, be informed that the bank account shall be operated under the joint signatures of the two persons referred to above. 12
LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY 12.1 The Secretary General shall be responsible to under take all necessary measures, in case, any action is called for in a court of Law. 12.2 The legal cases against the Federation can be filed only at New Delhi or at a place where Registered office is located with the approval of the General Assembly. 13 DETAIL OF RECORD 13.1 All records concerning accounts and expenditure shall be kept and maintained by Treasurer. Records relating to other administrative matters shall be maintained by the Secretary General. 14 DISSOLUTION
14.1 Dissolution of the TFI shall be effective, if, the General Body adopts and passes unanimously a resolution to that effect. 14.2 Consequent to the dissolution, the assets and liabilities of the TFI shall be disposed off, according to clauses 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act. 15
15.1 This revised Constitution shall be effective from the 31st May 1982 and shall supersede the interim (Draft) Constitution in force so far. Enacted : 21st
November, 1984 Amended : 24th January, 1999
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