
Executive  Committee                                        

TFI Constitution


TFI Rules & Regulation


Club Constitution

Conditions for Club

Finance Regulations

Funds Collection and Sharing

Organisational chart

Rules of Procedure

5 year Action Plan

National Referees & Belt Grade test

National Events

International Events

News Letters

TFI Registered Blackbelts

Championship Results

Seminars / DAN tests

Junior Scholarship Scheme

Complaints / Suggestions


PERIOD 2000-2004

(As Approved by General Assembly on 3rd August’ 2000 at Bangalore)


Year End

Colour Belt Athletes

Black belt Athletes

Regional Centers

Clubs / Centres

2000 25200 2860 6 100
2001 63000 7150 12 500
2002 100800 11440 24 1000
2003 189000 21450 36 2000
2004 252000 28600 50 3000


Note:  The targets have been worked out with a view to produce athletes who can qualify for participation in 2002 Asian Games & 2004 Summer Olympics.


Regional Centers > Fully equipped Taekwondo Training centers with WTF approved Taekwondo mats


Clubs / Centers > Basic units of Taekwondo affiliated with District Taekwondo Associations and includes schools/ colleges / district organizations / clubs etc. involved in promotion of Taekwondo..



Webmaster: webmaster@tfiindia.com

Last modified: April 12, 2001