National Referees & Belt Grade test Complaints / Suggestions |
OF ASSOCIATION (As Approved by General Assembly on 3rd August 2000 at Bangalore) 1.
THE ASSOCIATION: This association shall be
called the ______________
HEADQUARTERS: The registered office of the Club shall be located in the jurisdiction of ____________district, at present located at ________________________ ________________________ 3.
JURISDICTION: The jurisdiction of the Club shall remain within ___________district. 4.
b) To affiliate itself to the District Taekwondo Association. c) An association for the development of the Art of Taekwondo, an ancient martial art. To promote Taekwondo as a way of life, a philosophy and on art of endowing with discipline and self-confidence. Taekwondo is a cultural art and sport to train the mind and body, to promote goodwill, friendship, sportsmanship and mutual understanding and closer national fraternity. d) To further the cause of Olympic Movement and do everything that may be necessary or expedient to keep the Olympic movement completely independent and entirely free from government, political, religious or communal influences. e) To be the channel of communication between the affiliated units of the Club and District Taekwondo Association. f) To control Taekwondo centers and institutions run under clubs management in the district. g) To collect funds for the club competitions; participation of teams in the District championships; training of the players; and other activities for the promotion and development of Taekwondo. h) To make rules and regulations in pursuance of the subject to this Memorandum of Association. i) To organise Club Championship once in a year; exhibition and demonstrations of the art of Taekwondo as and when possible; and such competitions as allowed by the District Taekwondo Association for making this ancient art of self-discipline and self-defense more popular. j) To maintain library for the benefit of the sportsmen / women. k) To ensure that instructors and referees impart training as per rules and regulations of the District Taekwondo Association; State Taekwondo Association; Taekwondo Federation of India (TFI) and World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). l) To grant financial assistance to players, if funds permit. m) To make, alter, maintain, and enforce the rules and regulations for the control and governance of the game and maintain discipline and spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie amongst, players, official in the club and centers working under its control. __________________TAEKWONDO
Approved by General Assembly on 3rd August’ 2000 at Bangalore) 1.
ADDRESS OF THE OFFICE: ________________________
DEFINITIONS & EXPLANATIONS: Unless otherwise indicated by the context: i) ‘Taekwondo’ means the sport of ancient Martial Art. ii)
‘Club’ means ________________TAEKWONDO CLUB. iii) ‘Member’ means sports promoting unit or body promoting/involved in the discipline of TAEKWONDO and affiliated with the Club and given membership as per the provisions of this constitution. (Member does not mean & include individuals or office bearers) iv) ‘Constituent Member’ means founder member of the Association who has paid the initial life membership fee. v) ‘Representative’ means a regular member or office bearer of the affiliated member unit who has been authorised to attend the meetings of the Club in accordance with provisions hereinafter contained. vi) ‘General Assembly’ means and includes the representatives deputed by the members in accordance with rules herein after contained. vii) ‘Constitution’
means the constitution of the __________TAEKWONDO
CLUB. viii) ‘Executive Council’ means the Executive Council of the Club constituted under the Rules and Regulations hereinafter contained to whom the management of the affairs of the Club is entrusted. ix) ‘Office Bearers’ mean the office bearers of the Club elected in accordance with the rules and regulations hereinafter contained.
MEMBERSHIP: The membership of the Club will be open to the under mentioned Sports promoting units/institutions in the district, subject to approval by the Executive Council: i) Centers promoting Taekwondo ii) Sports Institutions within the district promoting Taekwondo iii) Schools and Colleges in the district promoting Taekwondo iv) Government bodies promoting discipline of Taekwondo v) Any other institution involved in promoting and developing Taekwondo as the Executive Council deems fit Note: No individual or Office Bearer of this Association can be given or treated as Member of the Club except the Constituent Members. 5. MEMBERSHIP FEES: (Admission Fee
& Annual Renewal Fee) 5.1 Every affiliated member shall pay the following fees: i) Affiliation fee: Rs. 200 /- ii) Annual Renewal fee: Rs. 100/- 5.2 The annual membership fee of all affiliated members shall become due on 1st April every Year & shall be paid by 15th of April. Defaulting members will be debarred from attending any meetings, if they do not clear all of their pending dues by 30th June of the current year. 5.3 Failure to pay membership for one full year may result in disaffiliation of the Member after Approval by the Executive Committee. 5.4 Constituent Members to pay the initial life membership fee of Rs.100/- 6. FUNDS: The funds of the Club will be kept in a Nationalised Bank. The amounts can be withdrawn from the bank by means of cheque signed by the President along with the Secretary or the Treasurer. For amounts exceeding Rs. 10,000/- the signatures of all the three i.e. the President, Secretary & treasurer will be necessary. 7.
ASSEMBLY: It is the Supreme Governing Body of the Club having full powers. The General Assembly comprises of President and Secretary of each Member or their authorised representatives & the Constituent Members. Each Member of the Association is authorised to send only two representatives. The Office Bearers of the Club do not have a voting right in General Assembly unless they represent a Member of the Club or Constituent Member of the Club. The General Assembly is presided by the President of the Club. Only eligible Members as per provisions of this constitution are permitted to send their two representatives.
COUNCIL: The Executive Council comprises of elected Office Bearers of the Club & the Constituent Members. The Office Bearers are elected as per Article 8 of this constitution. They are elected for a term of four years in the Annual General Meeting. The President is the Chief Office Bearer of the Club. The elected office bearers have been entrusted duties as provided in the constitution. 8.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING: The Annual General meeting shall be conducted once in a year preferably during the Annual Club Taekwondo Championship. The quorum for the meeting is one half of the eligible members. 15 days prior notice shall be given to all the members. The notice shall include the agenda for the General Assembly. One copy of the notice shall be affixed at the Notice Board at the office of the Club. The normal Agenda amongst other things shall include: 1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last General Assembly meeting. 2. Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Club. 3. General Elections, if due. 4. Preparation of sports calendar 5. Considering and passing the audited statement of accounts for the previous financial year and the budget for the next year. 8.2
COUNCIL MEETING: The Executive Council shall meet at least once in a year. The quorum for the meeting shall be one half of the elected office Bearers, Executive Council Members & the Constituent Members. One-week notice shall be given to all the members of the Executive Council. 8.3 SPECIAL
GENERAL MEETING: The President at his discretion may summon Special General Meeting at any time And/or Shall be convened on a written requisition signed by Presidents and Secretaries of not less than 50% Member units within 15 days from the date of receipt by the President of the said requisition. 9.
Elections of office bearers of the Club shall be held once in four years at the Annual General Meeting of the General Assembly to elect the following office bearers: 1. President One 2. Vice-Presidents Two 3. Secretary One 4. Joint Secretaries Two 5. Treasurer One The president of the club should be a Taekwondo promoter and in no way connected with Taekwondo as his business.
VOTING: 1. The Electoral College comprises a) President & Secretary of the Members or their two ‘authorised representatives’ & Constituent Members. Each member unit is authorised to send two representatives, who shall be regular members of the Club. The member should be eligible to send representatives in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. 2. Voting, if necessary, for the elections of the Executive Council members of the Club shall by show of hands or secret ballot as decided by the assembly. 3. For election of Office-Bearers of the Association, only the ‘authorised representatives’ of the Members (two per unit) & the Constituent Members shall be eligible to participate and cast their votes. 4. The office-Bearers of the outgoing body can’t form a part of the Electoral College unless they represent a Member or they are Constituent Members. 11.
TENURE OF POSTS: The office bearers shall hold office for a term of four years from the date of elections. If, elections are not held within stipulated time, it will stand disaffiliated from the District Taekwondo Association. However, the Executive Committee is competent to extend the period for holding elections for another six months with the prior approval of District Taekwondo Association before the expiry of 4-year term. The period of six months cannot be further extended under any circumstances. 12.
HOLDING OF OFFICE: 12.1 No office-bearer of a Member shall be eligible to be the office-bearer simultaneously of any other martial arts promoting body. This restriction applies for the posts of President, Secretary & Treasurer only. 12.2.1 If an Executive Council member absents from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Council without leave of absence of the Executive Council, the concerned member would be deemed as removed from office. This provision, however, does not apply in the case of a member who absents for the three-stipulated/consecutive Executive Council meetings in case the member is deputed to attend on behalf of the Club other meetings/functions connected with the Club. 13.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY: i) To formulate and enforce the policy of the Club. ii) To carry into effect the objects of the Club. iii) To hold elections of the Office Bearers of the Executive Council every four years in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. iv) To approve the membership granted by the Executive Council v) To approve disaffiliation of members as per provisions of this constitution vi) To hold and control the funds and other properties of the club. vii) To appoint committees or sub-committees, as and when necessary. viii) To enforce all rules and regulations of the District Taekwondo Association, State Taekwondo Association and Taekwondo Federation of India. ix) To enforce and defend the exclusive right of the Club. x) To have power to frame byelaws and rules which are consistent with the constitution. xiii) To amend the constitution as per procedure laid down in the constitution. 13.2
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: i) To conduct the business of the Club and frame guide lines for the members. ii) To sanction any expenditure above Rs. 10,000/-. (Rs. ten thousands only) iii) To approve guidelines for the conduct of Taekwondo on WTF pattern. iv) To ensure that Office Bearers function within prescribed functions & duties. v) To interpret the provisions of the constitution for which the decision of the council will be final. 14.
PRESIDENT: 1. To preside over all the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Council. 2. To implement the objectives of the Club. 3. To sanction expenditure up to Rs. 10,000/-. (Rupees Ten Thousands) 4. To deal with disciplinary matters arising in the Club or in the member units. 5. To appoint staff, auditors for the Club which will be ratified by the Executive Council in its next meeting. 6. To issue guidelines to the members as per decisions of the General Assembly/Executive Council. 7. To ensure that Annual Club Championships are held every year. 8. In case of emergency requiring immediate action, he may adopt such measures as the circumstances may deem fit, in consultation with Secretary. The Executive Council shall be approved such action in the next sitting. 9. To call for meetings of the General Assembly; Special General Meeting & Executive Council at a convenient date time & place by him or through Secretary of the Club. 14.2
VICE-PRESIDENTS: 1. One of the Vice-Presidents (authorised by the President) will preside over the meetings in the absence of the President. 2. To perform such functions as authorised by the President. 3. One of the Vice-Presidents will assist the President in promotion of the game while the other Vice-President will assist in mobilisation of funds. 14.3
SECRETARY: 1. The Secretary shall be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Association as per directions of the President. 2. To organise district championship once every year. 3. To maintain the movable & immovable assets of the Association. 4. To maintain records, minutes of the meetings of the Association. 5. To ensure that each member follows the guidelines; directions; rules & regulations of the Club. 6. Convene the meetings of the General Assembly; Executive Council and prepare Agenda at the directions of the President of the Club. 7. Scrutinize and pass all the bills up to Rs. 200/- per item. 8. To maintain an imprest of Rs. 500/- for day-to-day expenditure. 9. To prepare Annual Report of the Club in consultation with the President. The Report has to be approved by the Executive Council before it is placed before the General Assembly. 10. Shall have the power to authorise expenditure up to Rs. 1000/- at a time. 14.4
JOINT-SECRETARY: 1. They will assist the Secretary in discharging his duties. In the absence of Secretary, the Joint Secretary (authorised by the President) will perform the functions of the Secretary. 2. They shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the President and /or the Secretary.
TREASURER: 1. The Treasurer shall issue regular receipts for all sums received by the Club. 2. He shall deposit all the amounts received by him within three working days in an scheduled/Nationalised bank as may be approved by the Executive Council. 3. Maintain Vouchers for Expenditure. 4. Help the Secretary in preparing periodical statements of receipts and expenditure for the approval of the Executive Council. 5. Maintain bills, registers as prescribed by the Executive Council. 6. The Treasurer is responsible for getting the annual accounts approved by the Executive Council and audited by the auditor, under the guidance of the President & Secretary. 7. He shall maintain an imprest of Rs. 200/- at any time. 15.
An amendment of the constitution can be carried out in the following manner: 1. Any proposed amendment will be submitted by the Member, desirous of such Amendments, to the President or Secretary of the Club in writing with full Justification. 2. The Secretary will place this in the next meeting of the Executive Council with the Approval of the President. 3. If approved by the Executive Council or as amended by it, the proposed amendment(s) will be circulated by the Secretary to all the Members fifteen days prior to holding the General Assembly Meeting. 4. The amendment shall be passed by at least two third members present and voting. The quorum for such meetings shall be two third of the eligible members. The presence of the observer from the HSTA will be mandatory to ensure transparency and fairness in the amendment proceedings of the constitution. Note: Above procedure is mandatory. No amendment in the constitution
of the Club without following the above procedure would be valid. Any other
procedure followed, non-conforming to the above, will be violative of the
provisions of this constitution and the amendments shall be treated as ‘null
and void’. 16.
1. Violation of the existing rules cannot be excused on grounds of ignorance of the said rules. 2. Whoever incites a member Unit to commit an infraction or aids and abets the said Unit infraction, shall be sanctioned in the same manner as the Unit, which commits the infraction. 3. All Members/Constituent Members of the Club shall undertake to supply to the Club a copy of their respective statutes, Constitution and Rules & Regulations, a list of their respective office-bearers and Members, a copy of Annual Report of their activities, duly approved by their Executive Council, within six months of the closing of the financial year, along with a calendar of sports for the ensuring year. Failure to supply this information within the stipulated period will constitute a breach of this rule and may render the defaulting Member to disciplinary action under these rules. 4.
Every member or the Office Bearer of the Club is bound to follow the
provisions of this constitution failing which; they can be disaffiliated
or removed from the post they are holding. Any such action will have to be
passed in the executive council by a majority vote of the members present and
voting. The quorum for disciplinary matters is one half of the Executive Council
members. We the following Constituent Members of the Constituent Assembly and also as the Founder Members have signed on this ______ day of ____ ____________, 200__. Name Address Signature 1. Constituent Member 2. Constituent Member 3. Constituent Member
4. Constituent Member 5. Constituent Member 6. Constituent Member 7. Constituent Member
In the General Assembly Meeting of the ____________________, held on this
__________ day of ___ _____________, 200__, the following were
unanimously elected as the Office Bearers of the Club for a period of four years
President 2.
Vice President 3.
Secretary 4.
Treasurer 5.
Joint Secretary 6.
Member 7.
Member (Secretary)
(President) |
Webmaster: webmaster@tfiindia.com Last modified: April 12, 2001 |