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NEWS LETTER  : November 2000

From the President’s Desk

Dear Friends,

I am happy to place before you the 4th Issue of TFI News.  This issue highlights our growing strength & better performance.  With our planned efforts and your dedicated support, our aim of producing medal winning Indian Taekwondo athletes for the forthcoming Asian Games-2002 at Pusan (Korea) & Olympics - 2004 Athens (Greece) is bound to come true.

The General Assembly of TFI, held on 3rd August at Bangalore, took many historic decisions.  Delegation of authority to the lowest functionary unit of TFI was the main objective.  Hence forth, the Clubs affiliated with District Associations will be basic grass root functional units of TFI.  Provision has been made to give deemed affiliation with District Taekwondo Association concerned.  For details, visit our web Page or Contact President / General Secretary of the State Association.

3rd World Junior Taekwondo Championships at Killarney (Ireland), from 15th to 18th November, will be our next International event giving exposure to our Junior athletes.  The medal winners of National Junior Championships conducted at Bangalore formed the basis of our selection.  The camp is in progress at the expenses of TFI.  Federation is committed to streamline and concentrate on our Junior athletes.  They are our future hopes for the International medals.

We are trying our level best to work for the benefit of athletes and Taekwondo officials.  There is ample score for the dedicated ones to prove their merit and skills.  Those contributing towards the betterment of Taekwondo will suitably rewarded.  We are working on the principles of impartiality and justice.  For us, every Taekwondo student is like our own child.

Taekwondo is one of the disciplines in Sydney Olympics.  We are unfortunate that no efforts were made in the past to raise the level of our athletes to Olympic level.  It requires at least a decade of dedication and continuous efforts to come up to Olympic level.  It requires at least a decade of dedication and continuous efforts to come up to Olympic level.  In the past, office bearers of TFI excelled in every technique at the cost of athletes.

We have taken a pledge that the Olympics in Athens (Greece) - 2004 should have athletes from Taekwondo in the contingent by qualifying and not as a wild card entry.  I need your dedicated and unflinching support.  Olympic medal in this short period of four years cannot be promised but 2008 cannot deprive India from one.

I hope, the change in the functioning of TFI for the athletes and officials must be visible.  The sun for Taekwondo has started rising & full sunshine is not far.  Please keep extending your support.

With best wishes,

Yours  truly,


President, TFI


A.T.U.E.C. Member

Our President Shri Harish Kumar, IPS was nominated as Executive Council Member of Asian Taekwondo Union at the General Assembly held in Hong Kong, China on 12th May 2000.


National Referee Seminar was held at Bangalore from 27th to 29th July 2000.  Ninety nine members appeared for Referee Seminar while twenty four members appeared for Referee Refresher Course.  At the Referee Seminar seventy six candidates qualified as National Referees.


Karnataka Taekwondo Association successfully organised the 20th Male and 18th Female National Junior Championships at Sree Kanteerava Indoor Stadium Bangalore on  2 - 3 August 2000.  Twenty five affiliated State Associations participated in the Championship.

Shri V.V. Bhaskar, IPS Director General of Police, COD and Training, inaugurated the Championship and Shri A.J. Anandan, IPS (Retd.), Vice Chairman, Sport Authority of Karnataka, presided.  Hon'ble Justice Shri H.N.TILAHARI, High Court Judge of Karnataka, was the Chief Guest at the Closing Ceremony who distributed the Trophies, Shri M.D. Singh, IPS, Addl. Director General of Police, Law & Order, Shri K.V.R. Tagore, IPS, Commissioner for Youth Services and Sports and Shri P. Malleswaran, Secretary General, Karnataka Olympics Association were Guests of Honour.

The following were the Team Champions (JUNIOR): 

Manipur 1st Place 21 Points Manipur 1st Place 20 Points
Delhi 2nd Place 21 Points Karnataka 2nd Place 16 Points
Karnataka 3rd Place 17 Points Maharashtra 3rd Place 15 Points


Black Belt Dan Promotion Test

Black Belt Dan Promotion Tests were held at the following places:-

01 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 30th June 2000
02 Pune, Maharashtra 2nd July 2000
03 Kurukshetra, Haryana 4th June 2000
04 Bangalore, Karnataka 27th July 2000
05 Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 30th September 2000
06 Mumbai, Maharashtra 15th October 2000
07 New Delhi, Delhi 17th October 2000

Preparation for World Junior Championship:

Forty Nine Medallists reported for the preliminary Selection Trails Coaching Camp held at Bangalore from 28th August to 2nd September 2000.  Thirty players were provisionally selected for the coaching camp held at Sports Authority of India, Bangalore.  The camp started on 4th September which concludes on 10th November 2000.  The final selection trails was held on 4th October 2000, selecting only the medal prospect players for the 3rd WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP scheduled to be held at KILLARNEY, IRELAND, from 15th to 18th November 2000.

The Federation is happy to inform you that, at the INDIAN OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION Annual General Body Meeting held on 3rd November 2000, our President Shri HARISH KUMAR, IPS was elected as ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT and Secretary General Shri M.S. CHANDRASHEKHAR was elected as EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBER.

Calendar of Events for the year 2000-2001

W.T.F. Taekwondo Events Calendar


Webmaster: webmaster@tfiindia.com

Last modified: April 11, 2001