National Referees & Belt Grade test Complaints / Suggestions |
(As Approved by General Assembly on 3rd August’ 2000 at Bangalore) OBJECTIVES Taekwondo is a sport inculcating discipline, confidence and feeling of security amongst people of all ages preferably the younger ones. This sport has to pick up as a movement amongst children of all ages preferably those starting their career from primary classes to acquire the above human values. The movement will in turn produce athletes who can represent India in International Events and bring honour for our country by winning medals and aiming for Olympic medals. A large number of senior athletes who have the capacity & experience to train and produce world class athletes but left out from the management of the Associations at District or State level and feeling isolated will join the main stream with a sense of belonging and participation in the National Taekwondo Movement. This will also stop the infighting, leg pulling, jealousy and hatred amongst them and put a check on the rat race to occupy positions in the federation than to promote and develop Taekwondo MODALITIES
This order will provide a General Sanction throughout India from TFI to establish and maintain Taekwondo clubs / centers within a District (A District means the Revenue District notified by the Government), which will stand affiliated to District Taekwondo Associations which in turn has affiliation with State Taekwondo Associations having further affiliation with TFI. Those clubs desirous of having affiliation with District Taekwondo Association will apply in writing enclosing documentary proof of the conditions laid in this order with an initial application fee of Rs. 1000/= and annual renewal fee of Rs. 500/= to be paid to the District Taekwondo Association. The District Taekwondo Association and State Taekwondo Association will share the funds so collected in the ratio of 75% & 25% respectively. TFI will not claim any share from Taekwondo Club Registration and renewal fee. It will be mandatory for the District Taekwondo Association to intimate to the State Taekwondo Association within one month of the registration of any Taekwondo Club. It will be also mandatory to furnish an Annual Statement of Registered Clubs by the District Association to State Taekwondo Association, which in turn, will submit a consolidated statement to the TFI every month. However, the State Association will have to certify that the club is having a minimum of 100 active athletes registered with TFI. (Active athlete means the one who is attending Taekwondo Classes and paying tuition fee to the club.) The club can charge only the tuition fee only from the athlete. No extra fee in the name of colour belt or Dan Promotion tests can be charged other than the one provided for in the TFI Rules & Regulations prevailing at that time. It will be mandatory for the District Taekwondo Associations to grant affiliation to these clubs if they full fill the conditions mentioned hereunder. In case, the District Taekwondo Association feels that there are sufficient reasons to reject the affiliation, it should do so within 15 days of the receipt of the written request failing which, the Club will stand automatically affiliated with District Taekwondo Association. The grounds for rejection will have to be communicated in writing within 15 days of the receipt of application. The order passed should be a speaking order. The club is permitted to file an appeal against rejection to the President of the State Association by name. The President will have to communicate his decision within 15 days. In case of rejection, the reasons of rejection have to be communicated, failing which the affiliation will be treated as granted. The President is free to call for District Taekwondo Association records including personal hearing to the delegate of the Club TFI will be the final authority to decide the issue for which the Taekwondo Club will file an appeal with TFI. The TFI will inform the General Assembly & the Executive Council of all such cases received and decisions taken on them. TFI can call for records of the State Taekwondo Association and District Taekwondo Association before taking any decision including personal hearing of the delegate of the Taekwondo Club. MANDATORY CONDITIONS TO BE FULL FILLED Every Taekwondo athlete having a valid WTF Black belt certificate and registered with TFI is authorised to form his own club in the manner provided as annexure with these guidelines and get affiliated with the respective District Taekwondo Association if he fulfills the following conditions: 1. Holding a valid WTF Dan Certificate 2. Registered with TFI 3. Participated in at least three State Championships or one National Taekwondo Championship conducted under the auspices of TFI in the past 4. Has attended Referee seminar conducted by TFI in the last 5 years and undertakes to attend refresher courses once in every three years 5. Has a minimum of 100 athletes attending classes conducted under his supervision and registered with TFI 6. Is not involved in any criminal cases of moral turpitude 7. Has documentary proof of being a resident of that area 8. Forms the Governing body of the club as per guidelines provided by TFI and undertakes an oath to run the Club in accordance with guidelines issued by TFI from time to time and 9. Has the guarantee/surety of two Gazetted Officers of Government State or Central |
Webmaster: webmaster@tfiindia.com Last modified: April 12, 2001 |