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The following are episode summaries for the Real World Hawaii as seen on

Episode One and Two
Aloha Babies! Welcome to Hawaii! Teck is picked up at the airport first. Ruthie is waiting by the side of the road for her ride. When Teck arrives, he greets his new roomate with a big hug. It's apparent he'll be the house's huggin' machine. Ruthie and Teck click right away--it looks as though these two will waste no time becoming partners in crime.

Matt sits waiting for his new roomate to show up. He is one guy who is looking for serious love in Hawaii. Then Amaya walks up and introduces herself. Ta-dum (?)!

Ruthie reveals to Teck that she has a girlfriend. Teck tells her that he can tell she likes guys too though, he can see it in her eyes. "The eyes never lie," he says. Or is it just wishful thinking? Teck and Ruthie arrive at the house. It's locked, so they check out the grounds. Ruthie wonders if there will be alcohol in the fridge...

Teck and Ruthie then strip down like it's going out of style and get to skinny dipping in the pool! Amaya and Matt arrive and are taken aback by their new, uninhibited roomates. It's an eye-opener all right...

Kaia arrives at the hourse (of course she gets a big hug from Teck). As he watches Ruthie swim naked, Matt says he feels like he's on Fantasy Island (Da plane! Da plane!), because Ruthie is everything he looks for in a woman. Doh! He is diappointed to learn that she has a girlfriend. Tough break, dude.

Justin arrives. Teck gets right to the point and asks Justin if he's gay. Justin tells Teck that he is, but is put off by the question. Way to out someone, Teck.

Colin, the former "reject" from the casting special, is last to arrive. The other roomates don't recognize him at first...come on guys, focus. He says that he feels like a bit of an outsider because he wasn't a finalist like everyone else. Don't worry Colin, those feelings will soon fade.

Colin has the key to the house. Everyone pours into their new island abode and selects their rooms. Ruthie, Amaya, and Matt decide to share (Matt's bunkin' with Ruthie! Ye-ha!). Teck and Kaia pair off, and Colin and Justin get "stuck" with the room with the bunk beds. Colin asks Justin if he minds if he sleeps in the nude. Justin says no problem...if Colin takes the top bunk.

Kaia tells Justin very earnestly that she can tell that he's aching to leave already. Justin says somberly that he just has something on his mind from back home. Then Kaia joins the naked brigade, peeling her shirt off for no apparent reason. Colin says that he feels like he's living on a page of National Geographic. But in a good way, right?

The next morning, Ruthie heads to school for the day like a dedicated student. When she comes home that night she begins imbibing the hooch heavily, like a dedicated drinker. The roomates tell her that she's drunk. She agrees, "I'm drunk as hell." She hops in the pool to sober up. It works...for a few minutes.

That night, the cast goes clubbing. They dance and boogie down like a carefree (yet responsible) bunch of springbreakers, while Ruthie slams back the drinks until she passes out and is carried out of the club. Everyone rushes to her aid. Amaya, Matt, and Justin decide to take her home in a cab. Teck, Colin, and Kaia stay behind at the club.

Amaya, Matt, and Justin think that if they put Ruthie in the shower she may sober up, or vomit. She is practically unconscious at this point. When she doesn't get sick, they agree to lay her on the floor. Her eyes are rolling back in her head. They're all getting pretty scared at this point, so they call an ambulance.

As the EMTs load Ruthie into the ambulance, Amaya is crying and really angry that the other roomates aren't there to help. Matt says, "I think she's going to die. I think she's going to die of alcohol poisoning." So far, day two has been very eventful. What does this bode for the rest of the season?



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