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If you have met Colin and would like to be featured on this page, write to me by going to "Contact Me" and tell me about it. Be sure to tell me if you have a picture to include so that I can send you my email address.

My name's Carla and I'm 16. I got to meet Colin, Kaia, and Teck at Arden Fair Mall in Sacramento, CA on Sept. 25th, 2000. They were doing a promotion for the radio station 100.5 The Zone and doing the casting for RR/RW Season 10. Amaya was there too but she wasn't there when I was. Teck was throwing out T-shirts and I got one. They all signed it, and Colin even wrote that I was cute! He was nice enough to take a picture with me too! And if anyone wants more info., e-mail me.


Well they were doing a Real World casting thingy at the mall sometime during the fall. So I got to meet Kaia, Teck, and Colin. Colin was soooooooooooooooo cute! I mean, so extremely gorgeous. I already thought he was cute before, but this just topped it all off. He was throwing a t-shirt out to the crowd and was like, who wants this? And he kinda waited and saw who wanted it the most, and kept asking. Everyone was just kinda waving their hands and stuff, so I started jumping up and down to make him see me. I was in the back of the crowd with my sis, cousin, her boyfriend, and 2 friends. He saw me, and KEPT LOOKING AT ME! I swear on everything girl, I'm not even joking. Some girls just want it to happen, so they imagine it, lol, but for reals...he was. And I'm really not the concieded type or anything, but I was just so juiced when he looked at me! I was like, oh my gosh, so cute! And then he threw it right at me. BUT, this tall guy in front of me got it.:( All of my friends saw him looking at me, and they were like girl...he was lookin at you and he was aiming for you. I went around the corner and tried to get Colin's autograph and a picture. So while I was trying to inch my way through to him, my sis and cousin bought a disposable camera. So I got to take a picture with him! Yay! Then I took one with Kaia. She was nice, but quiet. Then Teck was the man cause he kept talking to me. He's cute too, but I always thought Colin looked better than him.:) Teck took a picture with me and signed this thing that had a picture of him on it. He is advertising a clothing line. It's called B.O.B., Baller On Budget. He gave me this number to call so I could get hooked up with a t-shirt. I am a die-hard Real World fan too. I used watch it EVERY Tuesday with my cousin, her boyfriend, and my sister. We meet at someone's house every single episode and watch it together. So that's why I was like so hyped. Anyway, Colin was so cute. He's too old though. Too bad. I would have really tried to get my mack on if he wasn't! lol, just messin.=)

Submitted by Lena, who is on the right.

Hello everyone! I met Colin last Thursday, November 16, 2000. He was at the college in my town with Rachel from San Francisco. It was the coolest thing ever!! He talked to me, held my hand , and I have TONS of pictures!! He needed a haircut though. He was at Purdue University--an hour and a half late, cuz their plane got delayed, but well worth the wait!! I actually have a funny story to go along with my "Colin encounter". At the end of his talk, we could go up to the stage and ask questions, but we weren't allowed to take individual pictures with him--huge bummer. Anyway, if you've seen the Hawaii You Never Saw video you know one of the hillarious parts when he asks--"Got rice?" So, I asked him what his deal was with the rice--remember he's standing on stage, and I'm looking up at him--and he goes "Why were you staring at my crotch when you said that?" I swear!!!!! I totally could have been, cuz I was so nervous I don't remember what I was looking at! But it embarrassed me more than you could imagine. But he answered--he was just bored that day--and then shook my hand! --Submitted by Jess

Just a side note: Jess's scanner is on the fritz, but as soon as she gets some pictures scanned, I'll try to get them up.


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