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Excerpts from Colin's Casting Application

Name: Colin
Birthdate: November 8, 1979
Siblings (Names and Ages): Ryan, 22
What is your ethnic background? Spanish, Puerto Rican, German, Danish
Education: Name of High School and year completed: Westlake High School, four years
Name of College: UC Berkley, two semesters
Where do you work? Describe your job history: I've worked at Macaroni Grill and Round Table Pizza.
What is your ultimate career goal? Sports broadcasting, whether it be play-by-play announcing or doing sports for a news station (TV or radio). I would also like to start acting in school and maybe pursue that on the side.
How would someone who really knows you describe your best traits? I can be extremely charming and really fun to be around. My sense of humor is definately one of my best traits. I'm very loyal to those that I care about as friends. The people who get close to me are those I will do anything for.
How would someone who really knows you describe your worst traits? I am very stubborn when it comes to many things. My personality, especially my sarcasm, can be overbearing. Many times I rub people the wrong way. I get annoyed easily and I annoy others easily.
Describe your most embarassing moment in life: Falling in the school rally and taking a picture of my penis with some random camera when I was drunk and having the picture get around to all my friends.
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? I wish I had a girlfriend.
How important is sex to you? Do you have it only when you're in a relationship or do you seek it out at other times? How did it come about on the last occasion? I haven't had sex outside a relationship, but I am definately not against that. Hormones pretty much dominate how I think.
Describe your fantasy date: Candlelight dinner on a small tropical island with just me and my date. A live jazz band would be there and we would spend the night on blankets on the sand near the water.
Other than a boyfriend or girlfriend, who's the most important person in your life right now? I can't distinguish between my mom, dad, brother, and Trevor. They all care for me and I for them and that is why the are important. Because they are there for me whenever.
If you had to describe your mother by dividing her pesonality into two parts, how would you describe each part? Caring and loving/intelligent and socially wise.
If you had to describe your father by dividing his personality into two parts, how would you describe each part? Loving/cares for family.
What are your thoughts on sexual orientations? I don't know exactly what this question is asking...but I like sex!
If you had Aladdin's lamp and three wishes, what would they be? To find the woman of my dreams. To get hired by a sportscaster or another TV show. Lastly, that you want me to go to Hawaii.

The Open Call: Beggars can't be choosers, so when I went to that open call I would have been happy to do Road Rules or Real World. I saw the ad for the open call in the newspaper. Trevor stayed back to go to class, but then he showed up at the last moment. We actually went to Marry-Ellis' table. Mary-Ellis said to Trevor, "Why don't you ask Sol something that will embarass her?" He asked an obscene question, which she gave a really good answer to. You only get a certain time at the table. Mary-Ellis stopped us and told us we had a really interesting dynamic. So, we went out back and this guy Glenn started asking us questions. We started f**king around with him. We thought maybe we'd get a second on the casting special as rejects. They told us if we don't get calls by Sunday, we wouldn't get in it. Of course, they didn't call. Two weeks later, they let us know we were going to be on the casting special.

True Casting Confession: Why I should Be on the Real World: Doing all the follows for the casting special has been awesome. I've met people who you wouldn't necesarily have met but you just click with. Whether or not they get picked, I'm glad I met those people. It's an awesome experience meeting people from totally different areas of society. I can see a little bit what it's like for people to live in a Real World house. You're thrown in with these peole and you learn where they're coming from and I think it definitely helps people grow. Thrown into that situation, your whole mind-set gets shaken up. I seriously think that this is probably one of the best times if not the best time of my life. I've gotten so much out of this casting process. I can't even imagine what doing the show would be like.



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