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Colin Mortensen is a twenty-year-old actor/writer currently living in Los Angeles, California.

After graduating from high school, Colin completed two years of study at the University of California at Berkeley at the top of his class. During his time at Berkeley, Colin not only excelled academically, but also was heavily involved with the campus television and radio stations and the theater community, honing his writing and performing skills and launching his career as an on-air personality.

While attending Berkeley, Colin auditioned for and was chosen as the host of MTV's Real World/Road Rules Casting Special, his television debut. Based on the exuberant reception of his breakout performance on the casting special, Colin was chosen as the first cast member of MTV's Real World Hawaii (MTV's highest-rated series ever) and was later voted its most popular cast member.

After completing filming for the Real World, Colin moved to Los Angeles in order to pursue his passion for acting. Once in Los Angeles, he was immediately cast as the sexy, clueless office assistant, AJ, in the critically acclaimed NBC comedy MYOB, written and created by Dan Roos. An NBC "summer hit," MYOB received exellent ratings.

Following his MTV fame and his role on MYOB, Colin hit the cover of TV Guide and was soon after chosen as one of E-Online's "Sizzlin' Sixteen," one of eight male actors predicted to be up-and-coming stars (former E-Online selections include Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Joquain Phoneix). Shortly after, in a TV Guide poll of millions of fans and viewers, Colin was voted "the sexiest Real World cast member of all time."

In December 1999, Colin became a published writer with the release of Teen Love: A Journal on Relationships. Colin's words of wisdom from the "guy's point of view" lend a fresh voice to the first journal in Kimberly Kirberger's Teen Love series.

Colin not only devotes himself to a rigorous acting and writing schedule, he also remains committed to young people about various issues that concern them and affect their lives. Colin believes that being in the "public eye" offers him a unique opportunity to present young adults with healthy, positive messages and advice. He enjoys sharing his expereiences and perspectives to packed auditoriums of supportive fans.

Colin is dedicated to the creative passions of life: writing, acting, and making a difference in the world.


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