Colin's Place In Paradise
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Fan of the Month

Name: Adrienne D'Ulisse
Age: 14
Location: Steubenville, Ohio
Favorite Thing about Colin: His looks and his personality
Have You Ever Met Colin: Nope, I wish I did though!
About Me: I'm a freshman in high school. I like talking on the phone and the 'net, hanging out with my friends, and looking for hot guys! :) hehe I'm also a cheerleader.
Why I like Colin so much: Because he's hot and he is very funny and he has a great personality. He is also a very talented actor and a good writer.
Favorite Real World Episode: All of them!
Favorite M.Y.O.B. Episode: Once again, all of them!
What I'd like to see Colin do in the future: I would love to see Colin star in a movie!
Why I deserved to be fan of the month: I think I should be fan of the month because I'm a HUGE Colin fan. I have lots of pics of him in my room and all my friends tease me and say that I am obsessed. I watched and taped every MYOB episode and I saw almost every Real World Hawaii episode. I am always looking for Colin sites on the web, but this one is the best by far!
Anything Else: I have these instante messengers so if you have them add me to your list and we can talk because I am always bored!

Yahoo Instant Messenger: crazy_cheerleader04
AOL Instant Messenger: Cheer Gal 00 01
ICQ: 70506803
Webpage: Click
here to visit Adrienne's webpage.

This is Adrienne's favorite Colin picture.

And this is Adrienne.

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Why you should be fan of the month:

This is a part of my website for you, the visitors. If you think you have what it takes to be Colin's Place in Paradise fan of the month fill out the form and you just might be picked. Just for filling out an entry, I will send you a Colin picture to you, so what do you have to lose. Deadline for January's fan of the month is December 30, 2000.


This site is not run by anyone affiliated with Colin Mortensen. Do not send questions for Colin to the site's webmaster. The HTML and graphics are Copyright©2000 Colin's Place in Paradise.