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Colin Speaks on the Real World

The following are excerpts from Real World Hawaii: True Confessions.

Colin on his roommates

Teck: I enjoy Teck. I enjoy his behavior. In Teck's eyes he's always been a star. He was one before he got on the show. He's light-hearted and fun. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he says. He can be sexist and sometimes I'm not party to that. He's also a BS-er in front of the camera and when it's not there he's up-front. He had an agenda and he got away with it.

Amaya: Amaya's an intelligent, funny, and sensitive woman who has the tendency to take people for granted.

Ruthie: I admire the way Ruthie approaches life. I'm all for her shooting for the best things in life, but I think she should have a back-up plan. I don't think she grew up at all in Hawaii. She's still not responsive to advice. On another note, Ruthie sleeps with her eyes open. That is f**king scary.

Matt: I enjoy Matt. I'm going to keep in touch with him. I'll probably see him a lot since we both live in Southern California. We have some similar interests. I'm not as interested in writing, but we both have goals that involve the entertainment industry.

Kaia: At the end of the show, I saw Kaia laugh and smile a lot. When she's lighthearted, she's so cute. But most of the time she's intense and deep. Toward the end of the process she was not so analytical. I'm definately on good terms with her. But I do have a negative thing to say: Kaia does not wear deoderant. She can really reek sometimes. She knows it, too.

Justin: Sometimes I felt like Justin was speaking in another language. Maybe he was speaking pig Latin. I have a real problem with basing intelligence soley on book smarts. It's ridiculous and upsetting that how smart you are is defined by what words you use. He's poor at social interaction. Doesn't that count for anything?




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