Encouragement For Christian Marriage Hope & Help for Troubled Marriage

- Keep God FIRST!
- Pray Together!
- Respect and honor each other!
- Encourage each other to grow together!
- Read the Bible together as much as possible!
- Be swift to hear & slow to speak!
- Make time to communicate with each other!
- Protect and honor your marriage vows!
- Do not let others come between your marriage!
- Have a "Mission Statement" for your Marriage & Family!
- Thank God everyday for your Mate & the Life you have together!
- Understand that "love" is a choice, not a feeling!(You must choose everyday to Love your mate)
Mark 10:9
"Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."
Genesis 2:24
For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

The Mission Statement for our Marriage
To do our very best to put God first always.
To be grateful everyday no matter what the day brings. To believe that every joy we experience is truly a gift from Him.
To care for each other the way He cares for each of us.
To choose everyday to be one in marriage, to choose everyday to love each other.

Choosing To Love
Growing Together, Take Inventory
Marriage, It's For Life!
The Truth that Binds the Family
Hope & Help for Troubled Marriages
Encouragement for Christian Marriage
Don't forget to visit Christian Resources for some excellent links to online articles and support for Christian Marriage!

The Role of the Husband in Marriage
The Role of the Wife in Marriage
The Ten Marks Of A Happy Marriage!
Covenant Keepers
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