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FamilyLife"Timeless Principles for your Marriage and Family". Heartlight!Heartlight Electronic Magazine. Loads of information on Christian Marriage and Family. Don't forget to sign up for their weekly newsletter! This site is just wonderful! Covenant KeepersThis one is a gem! There are 10 publications regarding Christian marriage that can be read online or downloaded. These are great for strengthing your marriage or help for those seeking guidance. Dr. Stanley WatsonDr. Stanley 'Jack' Watson is a marriage and family therapist working from his home office in Picayune. He writes a weekly column, sponsored by the Family Support Network, for the Picayune Item. There are 61 advice columns written by Dr Watson online to read! Excellent resource for Christian marriage & family!! Marriage Encounter, United odistA "Marriage Encounter" is a weekend away from home, family and responsibilities where in a comfortable, secluded environment a couple is guided in the discovery of new techniques of communicating and sharing with one another. No one ever refused for financial hardship. All faiths welcome!
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Rejoice MinistriesMeet the Steinkamps! A story of hope for Christian Marriage from a family completely torn apart. Many many resources available here online and can be ordered directly from their ministry. Marriage Ministries InternationalA non-profit organization, ministering to marriages around the world in 73 countries and 22 languages. Our Mission is twofold...to minister life and fulfillment to marriages and to train couples to work together as a powerful team, sharing the truth of God's Word with other couples. Gary SmalleyRead monthly article by Gary Smalley. Topics discuss steps that can be taken to strengthen your relationships. MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers"MOPS is a Christian organization that believes mothers are important...mothering matters...and moms need help."Also look for a local chapter in your area! Just MomsA Christian online mother's group. They offer Bible Studies, Chat Rooms, Weekly Topics, Online Newsletter, Message Boards, Support Groups, and Much More. "It is a Great place for Christian fellowship for mothers of any age!" ![]()
![]() Lightwave Kids Club"Lots of Stuff about God and the Bible". Kid's can participate in the "let's hear it survey"! This is such a sweet site! Kid's KornerFun ways to Children to learn about God's world! The Good Stuff in Kid's CornerIncluding the awesome book of Bible facts and things to do on a rainy day. Children's ChapelFun children's site with bible stories by storyteller Ethel Barrett. Christian Children's PageA geocities neighbor, fun things for children to do. Kidz-NetA Great new Christian Kid's Place....something for all ages! Kid's QuestAdventures in the Rain Forest...Learn about the Creator by exploring His marvelous creation! Bible based Coloring PagesFrom Kid's Quest, many, many coloring pages based on bible stories! Money Matters for KidsChristian financial information for children to learn how to be good stewards of their money! Good News for KidsFrom Campus Crusade for Christ, event the small ones will enjoy this! Check it out! Church KidsChurch Kids, part of the Virtual Church! Veggie Tales Home Page The official website of VeggieTales! ![]()
![]() First U.M.C., San DiegoA truly wonderful Church! Do not miss the weekly sermons by Rev. Mark Trotter, which are available to read online. Trinity Lutheran ChurchLocated in Butler, PA., a very warm family oriented church and our newest friends on the web! Visit this wonderful church homepage! Church-Alive MinistriesThere are many resources here not to miss. Devotionals, studies, kid links, etc. Also setup to be a Christian start page. Christian Financial ConceptsLarry Burkett, founder and president of this wonderful and much needed ministry for Christian financial guidance. The Bruised ReedThrough Bible studies, Scripture readings and devotionals, The Bruised Reed seeks to provide encouragement for the Christian journey. Pastor Gary's Bible DevotionsSign up for your free weekly bible devotional delivered direct to your email box! Don't forget to look around here there is much to see! Geoff's PagePastor Clarke of New Brunswick, Canada. This is truly a wonderful and inspiring place to visit. Don't miss the top 10 lists and the "family bio". This family has warmed our hearts! We're sure yours too!! Stop by and visit!! The SeekerThe Seeker Bible Study, 10 interactive lessons to learn more about God's will for your life. Set your bookmarks here! This study is done beautifully! He InvitesWant to share and hear life-changing stories? Looking for answers in someone else's life story that seems meant just for you? Want to share your testimony for years to come? Wonder why others accept His invitation? Then this site is for you!!! - a library of how God moves in lives. Christians In RecoveryExcellent resource for Christians in Recovery. Software for Recovering PeopleBible based and for recovering people Hannah's PrayerChrstian Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, & Infant Support The Biblical Studies Foundation Great Christian Resource (lots of bible studies to download!) The Executable Outlines Series46 Bible Studies, over 500 Outlines. Study God's Word in the Bible. Also includes Topical Studies. Jerusalem Christian ReviewJerusalem's leading Christian newspaper. Reports recent discoveries in the Holy Land, including:First Century Tomb with Dedication to "Jesus, The Lord" from BEFORE the New Testament was written; The Palace of King David Discovered in Jerusalem; Inscribed Testimonies found in the Home of Peter in Galilee; The Mystery of Calvary: Scholars Find Stunning Evidence of Jesus' Crucifixion at Calvary, and much more. Christian Life CenterMany, many online resources for Christian living. Great source of Christian links also. Surf's WebsiteA comprehensive site of Christian links! Karen Shader DesignsBible Verses in Calligraphy & Watercolors. Custom Bible verses hand-lettered and hand-painted. A Christian home-based business. ![]()
![]() Insight For Living, Chuck SwindollHear daily broadcasts of Insight for Living(requires real audio)Also has information regarding latest broadcast series. Harvest Christian FellowshipPastor Greg Laurie, there are live broadcasts on the net during the Sunday Services or check out previous services in the archives!(requires real audio) FamilyLife TodayHear FamilyLife Today daily broadcasts with Dennis Rainey(requires real audio) KKLA Christian BroadcastingChristian programs online over the internet. (requires streamworks, download from the site!) KWVE Christian BroadcastingListen to Christian Programming online over the Internet. (requires real audio) ![]()
![]() Kingdom QuestKingdom Quest is dedicated to helping Christians find resources on the Internet, to strengthen the body of Christ, and to cause communication and unity to be furthered in the body of Christ. CrossSearchExcellent database of Christian Websites! Fish NetSearch Database of Websites of Interest to Christians! Pastor's PointersWonderful resource filled with Christian websites! Great site!! Not Just BiblesA guide to Christian Resources on the Internet. Need a bible online go here! Want to surf other resources, this is another good starting point. HIS-Net Christian Directory - Your source to quality Christian web sites. Surf the web safely through HIS-Net Christian Directory. And as you do, remember... it's HIS 'net, not ours. God bless you. Linking to our Search Engine Enter your keywords below to search through the files on HIS-Net Christian Directory!
![]() Free Christian ImagesFree Christian Images to use on your web pages! Very nice! ![]()
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