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Topic Archive - Marriage & Family
A Parent's Prayer How A Child Learns, The Poem
There's nothing more challenging in life than raising children. This is a day by day, child by child experience, and we are all continually learning. After consulting a number of resources, we have compiled a list of recommendations on raising Christian children. If you have a suggestion to add to this list please feel free to e-mail us!. In our home we strive to follow these guidelines, however, we are not perfect parents or perfect people. As with all areas of our life, we ask God for guidance. He is the ultimate resource on our precious little ones!

- Pray for your family everyday. Give thanks to God always for the family he has blessed you with!
- Begin at birth by saying bedtime prayers with your children. You will be amazed how quickly they pick them up and begin to say prayers with you! Help them to know Jesus as early
as possible.
- Read to your children bible stories from a children's bible for their age group. Family time together, sharing the bible, can be a wonderful experience.
- Have patience with your children. Our world sadly goes much faster than theirs.
- Always build confidence in your child whatever you do!
- Listen to them, don't just hear what they are saying. Give them your attention and direct eye contact when they speak to you. Your children will let you know what concerns or problems they have and what you may need to bring to the Lord in intecessory prayer for them. This is such an important way in which to show them how much you value them, and will also teach them to pray for others. (contributed by Denise, thank you!
- Do everything possible to have Mom stay at home with the
children. This is a great sacrifice for many women who
have already established themselves in a career or families who have great financial difficulty on one income. Pray to
God to find the way if this is a difficult situation for
you. God will provide, if you believe He will! There is
no greater duty on this earth than raising your children.
- Watch over your children diligently! Know where they are, who they associate with, what they are watching on T.V.,
listen to the music they are playing....get involved and
stay involved. This is not dress rehersal! You only get
a small amount of time to raise your children. Train them with good
Christian moral values.
- Give you children responsibilty early in life. Children
love to "help" at a very eary age. They may not do things
quite the way YOU would, but this is not the lesson they
are learning. Children trained in responsibility grow up
to be self reliant dependable s. Todays work ethic
is a prime example of lack of responsibility in the home. Teach them to respect
proper authority.
- Keep control over the home! Your children must know who is in control.
- Love your children unceasingly! Hug them as much as possible. Praise them always! Nothing delights a child
more than praise from his parents. Let them know just how much you love them!
- Spend time enjoying your children. Get down on their level
and see the world they see! Its marvelous to bring out the
child in Mom and Dad! Seek to have as much family time as you can.
- Have a "happy home". Laugh alot!, proper humor is good for the soul. Always look for the positive. This is a great attribute to give your children
- Study your children! Know who they are, what they love, even the bad "bents"(as they call it!)that they may have. (we ALL have them!) Bring
out the good whenever possible....and try to re-shape
any tendancy towards bad behavior. Each an every child is a masterpiece from God, individual in nature. Allow them to be be individual, never compare.
- Keep your marriage together! Children need parents who love each
other! If you grew up in a home where your parents did not get along whether divorced or not, you have probably realized later in life the devasting results in your own personal life. However, you can overcome this!! Many are living proof it can be achieved. Parents,.....your relationship is a role to your children. What kind of marriage do you wish for YOUR children! Show them how to be good partners and parents. Be the example of a good Christian marriage! Your conduct as well reflects to your children your walk with the Lord! What are you teaching your children by your example? Remember, you are raising someone else's future husband or wife, mother or father! Parents with solid Christian marriages have a spiritual, loving home that filters down to their children, which provides them security, love, the foundation for self-esteem, and the example with which to make a good decision in for themselves.
- Take your children to a good church you feel comfortable with as
early as possible. Make sure you do not neglect your own relationship with God. How can you lead your family, and children without it?
- Tell your children you are sorry when the need arises. Afterall, we parents make many mistakes. Teach your children how to forgive and be forgiven by being the example!
- Discipline Your Children When Needed! We believe the bible to say that children must be lovingly guided with patience, humility, compassion, kindness and taught right from wrong as early as possible. Parents who do not consistently and fairly deal with the "wrongs" in a child's life will most likely face many years of misery! If necessary, seek qualified professional help.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 13:24
He who spares his rod s his son, But he who loves him disciplines him prompty.
Proverbs 3:4, 24
Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Psalm 127:1
Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.

A Parent's Prayer
A Father's Beatitudes
Inspiration for Mom
Christian Grandparenting
A Tribute to Christian Mom's
How A Child Learns, The Poem
Monthly Topic Archive on Marriage & Family

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