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--II Corinthians 2: 15,16
Consider with me how a particular aroma can transport our senses immediately from present reality to a specifically remembered place or event. Were you ever unexpectedly presented with a fragrance which stirred such a strong emotional response that you were compelled to stop and sort through your memory for the appropriate connection?.........Perhaps the flowers that grew along the driveway of your childhood home, a barnyard smell related to a chore which was often yours, the cologne "he" wore on a certain date, a certain food your grandma cooked when you visited, or that freshly mimeographed test paper laid before you. Any of these fragrances hold the power to arouse a desire to think and talk about a specific memory or person. It is not surprising then that Paul uses this idea of fragrance to portray the impact that our lives can have on the unsaved. This fragrance offers to seekers an attraction toward the knowledge of Christ himself. (v. 14)   What are some of the qualities that constitute this fragrance to which he is referring? What kind of persons ought we be that people will desire to know us and what we are about? I think we could not formulate a comprehensive list here. But several come to mind as I remember people I observed to be effective witnesses and my own experiences sharing in the workplace. The three that stand out are purity, compassion, and transparency. I believe Christ himself exemplified these qualities as he interacted with persons. Let's reflect on what these qualities might look like in our lives.  Perhaps we think purity is an obsolete word that conjures up negative images of piety, rigidness, or self-righteousness. And furthermore, if we attained purity, how would anyone of the world feel comfortable relating to us? Let me suggest that the purity born of a clear conscience and a single-minded seeking after God would be a strong attraction to those yearning for release from their sin. They may ponder what enables a person to be faithful in marriage or to live purposefully despite past sins. We could then answer about our God who loves to forgive and empowers us to walk in purity.  If you've ever met someone who listens well as you pour out your story of trouble, even weeping as you weep, then you have seen compassion. Not only would this person acquaint himself with your suffering, but he would offer aid regardless of the circumstances. As one talks with such a person, he begins to believe his life has more value than he had allowed. His heart may be opened to accept himself as a worthly object of God's love and forgiveness.  Transparency, the third quality mentioned, pertains to a willingness to share oneself. I've noticed that people love to be around someone who expresses his inner self freely when asked. Such a person may exude such genuineness that others around are drawn to be more honest about their own struggles. This honesty then could permit them to reach toward the God who can meet their need.  I suspect few of us fit the picture of fragrance presented here. My hope is that by thinking on these things, our desire may be heightened to attain the potential we all have to be fruitful and fragrant. 
© 1997-2000 Carolyn Esch, all rights reserved.
----Some convictions are nothing more than prejudices. ----We can stop forgiving others when Christ stops forgiving us. ![]()
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