- Learn to put God first in your life! Be prepared for a Christian marriage! Read the Bible, attend a church you feel comfortable with. Study God's wisdom for marriage, husbands and wives. The Bible gives us one very important instruction in this area, and that is to be "equally yoked". (II Corinthians 6:14) Study this and understand it's true meaning!
- Know Yourself! Take the time to make any necessary changes YOU may need so that you can become a good partner to someone. You CANNOT be happy in ANY marriage without first being happy yourself!
- Know what you need! You must know what your needs are so that you can communicate them to a potential partner. These are the things you cannot compromise on! Ask your partner what his/her needs are. Find out whether the two of you can meet these needs for each other. We can't even begin to tell you how important this really is!
- Learn to accept the warning signals you feel while dating someone! The realization that someone your dating is not your "special someone" is half the battle. You could spend a lifetime trying to make a relationship work, that essentially, would never work! Everyone has good and bad qualities. Just because you may not be suited for someone does not mean that that person would not be a great partner for someone else! If it's not "right", respect yourself and that person enough to let go. Both of you deserve a happy life.
- Don't live in fear about the possibilities that you may be single in your lifetime. Fear breeds insanity while dating! Your needs won't matter at all! You can make very foolish decisions if this fear takes over. Fill your life with the things that make you happy. Give it to God and LEAVE it there!
- Excessive drinking, (practicing alcoholics, weekend binger's etc.), substance abusers and the like, are "NOT AVAILABLE" for a committed relationship. These individuals need help and the disease or diseases make them, for the moment, unable to sustain a healthy relationship. It is impossible by God's standards to worship anything above Him! God must always come first! This type of "relationship" will only prove to hurt you over and over again. Always encourage, as much as possible, that they seek the help they so deserve, so that one day they can experience the life that God has intended for them. For Christian Resources for recovery on the internet, go to Christians In Recovery
- Seek a good reputable Christian counselor, if possible, to assist you in making the right decision. Marriage is a, COMMITMENT, for LIFE. You owe it to yourself to make the best possible decision. Finding the right mate and making an lifetime commitment to that person is a wonderful gift from God!
This is our opinion!

"My Heart was so peaceful, my spirit was free, I had no doubt!"
Do you feel...PEACE....PEACE....PEACE....Peace in your heart!! None of those feelings in your gut that you know something is not right! "But just maybe things will change". Are you making excuses for someone, even when you don't agree, or it hits the core of who you are? If you need to make even one excuse to yourself for someone, you need to take a hard look at the direction your going. This is the big one folks!
Are you fighting/making up...fighting/making up? This is not a sign that the two of you are pairing up quite right. God did not intend for marriage to be a battle ground of wills. If this is happening while dating, you can be sure it will continue when married. This goes against every marriage principle we have ever known. This goes back to needs. Someone's needs are being ignored, sometimes, these needs cannot be met. Its important to know whether a potential mate can meet your needs and you to them. Knowing the difference can save you alot of potential heartache!
We assume that if you are reading this you are Christian or wanting to become a Christian, therefore, sex..should never be an issue in dating!! Here's what we mean by that. If either partner is feeling pressured by sex, this is not a Christian relationship/marriage in the making. You can be sure that this relationship is not based on Godly principle. This goes back to knowing what you need, once again. If you want and need a Christian marriage, this will tell you which direction you are heading. There are no excuses for this one! God intended sexual relations between husband and wife in the sanctity of marriage!

Remember this: It's easy to find the "wrong mate", it takes knowing oneself, steadfast prayer and patience, to find the right one! Fill your life with all the things you love, read your Bible then you will be able to follow God's will for your life.
We would love to pray for you either privately by email or by posting via the prayer page! God wants you to have a wonderful fulfilling lifetime with a special mate,....and so do we!
God Bless You!

What is Love! Lessons Learned!

The Ten Marks Of A Happy Marriage!
Christian Marriage-Preparation
Christian Marriage

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