Christian Marriage & Family Monthly Topic
Each month a specific topic is chosen regarding Christian Marriage & Family.

This Month's Topic Is:

Marriage, It's Forever!


"..For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh.
So then, they are no longer two but one flesh.
Therefore what God has joined together,
let not man separate."

Matthew 19: 5-6

This is God's plan for marriage.
So simple yet so many take for granted the very covenant
that is made with God on the wedding day.
The words are said over and over each week
as thousands upon thousands stand before God
pledging their love to one another.

These words are the words of Jesus:

"Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate"

Marriage is a lifelong commitment and partnership between a man and a woman with exclusive love and fidelity with one another. It is also known as "Troth" which means loyal or pledged faithfulness, fidelity.


Men and women who marry in Christ share a mutual trust.
They can be sure of their relationship because
it rests on God's covenantal faithfulness.
They also know that through His Word of marriage,
God brought them together and keeps them together.
James H. Olthuis


When our promise in marriage is grounded
with the commitment to Jesus Christ,
the quality of life is enhanced beyond measure,
as our relationship with God grows deeper and stronger.


The bond between man and woman who stand in front of God with hearts full of assurance that their promise is a lifelong union enjoy these qualities in their life:

Unshakeable Trust
Standing on a Strong foundation!

As the relationship moves forward and is pleasing to God, blessings abound! Now that's a promise! Even in times of trial the "troth" made between themselves and God will be a constant strong reminder that negative situations need to be resolved quickly. They know in their hearts that to allow conflict would only undermine the sanctity of the marriage vows.

God's Word clearly states that marriage is ordained by God to be a lifelong commitment. So then, why does our society expend so much energy looking for "acceptable" ways of getting out of a marriage covenant that is for life?

We need to see "marriage" in the "truth" that God established BEFORE we say the words pledging our hearts to one another!

We need to teach this to our children beginning today!

And...we need to help those that have drifted away from their promises made to God for their marriage!


We need to see marriage as the institution that God created
and not something man invented for the sake of convenience!


A Godly marriage is not created by finding a perfect, flawless person,
but is created by allowing God's perfect love and acceptance
to flow through one imperfect person
toward another imperfect person
--your mate--.
from The HomeBuilders Series, Dennis Rainey


In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he compared love in marriage to that of Jesus' love for the church! (Ephesians 5:25) He loved the church so much He gave Himself to it unselfishly and completely to make it holy and beautiful! When we serve one another in marriage we effectively mirror God's love.

And that my what marriage is all about!


Love is a look, a smile, brief as an instant,
long as eternity, a spark engendered by a
reaching out, a touch of hands, an intuition
that knows how to heal a hurt, and how to build a world.

For love's sake only, cherishing each other,
lovers move freely within a circle, that
defines their being, shapes what they become,
and thus they are fulfilled each in the other.

When love speaks in feeling,
love responds in instant recognition,
in embrace and letting go, always in the certainty of renewal.
Shared sorrows, disappointments only serve to strengthen love.

Let this be a pledge of love's safekeeping,
that in sleep, lovers dream each other's self,
and when they wake in the morning, some new insight,
some lovely memory of the other,
warms and draws and holds them closer together.

So love begins in longing,
Love is transformed into belonging.

Author Unknown

Have you broken your promise with God in your marriage? It's not too late! God stands ready and waiting to hear from you. Only He has the power to restore marriages, when the willing parties are ready to receive Christ into their lives and hearts and souls. When Christ is the center of your home, your true love, devotion and obedience to Him will seal your family bond forever. We need to take responsibility for the promises we made to God right now! If your having trouble seeing and understanding this one......see this one for your children that were created out your promise, then see this in that emptiness in your heart that you have been unable to fill! Our good friends, only God has the answer.....!

God blessings upon each of your marriages and within your families as you learn to honor your special "troth" with God and your lifetime mate!

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