

Mister E
This page is dedicated to all of our pets who have given us joy through the years. Our first pet was a mutt we acquired soon after we arrived in Arizona. We didn't have Rubby for very long but he was such a friendly dog. You are probably thinking to yourself "what a dumb name for a dog!" In actuality we were very smart because it would have really sounded strange if we yelled out the door "Here contraceptive or here condom!!" Damn Dog was always getting in the way so we settled for RUBBY (short for RUBBER). We have 8mm home movies of Rubby but no snapshots or his picture would appear here also.
I love pets, especially dogs. Cats crept into my life in a strange way. When I was living in Branford I hated cats. Everytime I babysat for my neighbor's children their cat would sneak around and attack me and I never owned a cat in my life for that reason until we moved to Rumford. When we settled down in Rumford I fulfilled a promise to my daughter Sue that she could have her own cat whenever we finally settled down.
She picked Puppy (See Photo) who turned out to be a really precious cat and probably the friendliest cat of all the ones ever to set foot in our house.
Then two cats from up the street (Tommy and Fancy) just kept hanging around our house all the time and finally they just moved in bag and baggage. One of them even tried to have kittens in our dining room. We just barely managed to move "FANCY" to the side porch before the blessed event. Since then I have grown quite attached to Fancy and our other daughter's cat "Spike" who we inherited when Debi went off to college.
SPIKE is on the left.
FANCY is on the right.

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